Sunday 29 November 2015


Written by Rev Sunday Adelaja
Apart from these seven people groups that have been mentioned above, too many other people groups in their hundreds are struggling and clamoring on a daily basis for an independent nation even as we speak. If a detailed list were made, such people groups might run into a thousand. Can you imagine a thousand new countries emerging in our world today? It’s just not possible, they will not be recognized. It is going to create chaos and confusion.
Let’s have a quick look at some people groups that are agitating for their recognition or independence in our world today.
  1. In Ukraine where I live, the eastern part of the country is agitating for independence with countless thousands of casualties already.
  1. In Russia, the Chechen people, have been involved in two wars, yet they can’t get away.
  1. In Afghanistan, the Taliban wants to build their own caliphate of Islamic state.
  1. In Armenia, the Nagorno-karabakh people want their own recognition.
  1. In Cameroon, the English speaking people have been struggling for years to have the same equal rights as the French speaking people. Some of them have been forced into exile, yet it has not been possible.
  1. In Kenya, tribes have fought and spilled blood, yet no country has sided with any one of them to become independent.
  1. In Great Britain, Northern Ireland has waged guerrilla war for years and still they could not get their full independence.
  1. In Congo, part of the nation wanted to control their mineral resources, other foreign governments have only exploited them.
  1. In Cyprus, the northern part of the country has been struggling for years, still they are not recognized as an independent nation.
  1. In France, Guadeloupe and Basque have been fighting for years to be free and yet it is not easy to get their full independence.
  1. In the Philippines, the Filipino guerillas have been living in the jungle for ages and they have not been able to build either their Marxist or Muslim nation.
  1. In Sri Lanka, the Tamil Tigers have dreamt about independence but it has not been easy coming.
  1. In Turkey, the Kurdish people have dreamt of building Kurdistan. They have fought for it, yet to no avail.
  1. In Spain, the Basque nation has fought for their independence for years, still it is not coming.
  1. In Mauritania, the minorities have been complaining of oppression, but no help and understanding has come from the bigger nations of the world.
What more can I say? A word is enough for the wise…

Pep Guardiola picks his next destination

Speculation over the former Barcelona man's future has been fierce in recent weeks, and Pep himself is apparently keen to try his hand at Old Trafford.
 Pep Guardiola has been linked with several major managerial jobs, but his first priority would be the Manchester United post, according to the Daily Telegraph.

Guardiola's contract at Bayern Munich expires at the end of the 2015-16 season and there is no indication yet that the Catalan coach is set to continue in the job.

Bayern are planning to sign a new contract with Pep over the winter break, but according to the Telegraph the club recognises that he would love the chance to manage at Old Trafford once Van Gaal leaves.

9 Things Every Father Should Teach His Son

Being a father means more than providing all of the physical needs in life, it also means having the responsibility to teach his son the most important lessons in life that will help him become a better man.
So, in order to prepare your son for manhood and give him the knowledge that will help him through many common situations in life, consider these top 10 things that every father should teach his son:

Self-discipline. Whether it is for education, work, or fitness discipline is one of the most important lessons to teach your son. Knowing how to work hard, motivate himself regardless of the situation and having the willpower to push through tough situations will greatly help him become strong.

Confidence. A solid handshake and confident personality is one of the very definitions of manhood. Having confidence is simply a way to show yourself and others that you are a strong and capable person who can handle most problem or task that may come your way.

Responsibility. One of the great lessons in manhood is taking responsibility for yourself and your actions. This will not only reinforce your self-respect but also gain respect from others. Being responsible for every choice and action builds character and builds an image of trustworthiness for others.

Independence. One of the markers for reaching manhood is being able to do things on your own. Teaching your son early what it is like to be independent will help him become a resourceful man. Learning through experience and trying things on his own will build his character. It will also provide him with real world knowledge that can help him in every avenue of life.

Humility. Just as confidence is important in manhood, so is humility. A good balance between the two creates a strong leader who can succeed in many ways in life. Confidence alone will not build good relationships with people but by combining humility, people will naturally gravitate to you.
Respect. Reaching manhood means earning respect from others for having the qualities that deserve it. Respect is honoring someone for the good qualities they have and showing them their importance in life. Teaching your son to respect others while also demanding respect from their actions and manly qualities is a way to help them grow up to be well-rounded individuals.

Sensitivity. Although some may think sensitivity is a weakness for men, it's a quality that every man should have. It is a way of showing compassion and taking a softer approach to situations that require it. It is a quality that all greatly loved leaders have, which is why so many respect and follow them.

Honesty. An honest person is one who is comfortable with themselves and has confidence in their actions. An honest man has an honorable manhood, which is something that every man should consider to succeed in life.

Finesse. One of the top qualities that all men should have is finesse. It involves having the proper skills to handle difficult situations in a careful and calculated way. A successful man will always have some level of finesse to help him through the times in life that may seem difficult.
While not all of these skills are easily taught, the best way is to teach by example and reinforce actions with important lessons. With these ten important lessons, your sons will be prepared for manhood and the experiences that come along with it.

  Written by Jason Bettinger

7 lies you must stop telling yourself

1. My past defines me.
The past only has the power to dictate the future if we let it. Just because you were in an unloving marriage doesn’t mean you aren’t worthy of being loved. Just because you got a fancy engineering degree from M.I.T. doesn’t mean you have to be an engineer, despite the fact you hate engineering.

2. Work is supposed to suck, that’s why it’s called work.
I have no issue with hard work and in fact, I advocate it. But working for the sake of working doesn’t make sense. Sure you have to pay your bills, but so do all the small business owners, online entrepreneurs, and people who are happily pursuing their dreams.

 3. I don’t deserve to be happy.

Unfortunately this is a deeply ingrained lie that can cause you to spend your life living just above average. From early childhood, you are led to believe certain things about yourself and many times, it’s negative.
Many of you falsely believe you are not good enough to be/do/have what you want in this life. And I’ll tell you with absolute certainty–it’s complete bullshit.

4. I can’t change.
Of course you can. It’s very challenging to change, especially permanently, but it needs to happen if you are going to improve your life. Doing the same things and making the same decisions every day and thinking something new will happen is madness.
Being unhappy can caused by a number of things, but chances are, it’s your negative, self-defeating habits that are the culprit.

5. This is just how life is.
This is ridiculous. Life is exactly how you make it and is a direct result of all the decisions you’ve made up until this moment. Life doesn’t just happen, you create it. Do not accept your fate and believe that life can’t or won’t get any better. Believe me, it can!

6. Things will get better.
Again, wrong. They won’t get better until YOU get better. The world doesn’t owe you anything nor will it just hand things to you. You have to work hard to get what you want. Hell, you’re already working hard now, you just may be directing your energy in the wrong places.
Start by taking small steps towards your goals. And if you have no goals, set some. Don’t try to go from miserable cubicle worker to lifestyle design magnate overnight, that will never work and will only serve to demotivate you. Instead, take it slowly and be realistic about what you can accomplish each day.

7. I have responsibilities.
And while this may be true (I don’t know any adults who don’t have them), they shouldn’t be limiting your happiness.
People tend to let their boring jobs not only define them, but dictate how they live their lives. I’ve heard it a million times, “I can’t quit, I have responsibilities.” They believe they can’t quit because that would be selfish, lazy, and irresponsible.

Written by Steve Roy

5 Things You Must Tell Your Parents Before They Die

  We all had a very different childhood experience.  For some it was incredible. Their parents were consistent, loving, and honest. For others, it was the opposite, they were absent, abusive, and broken. Wherever your story lands, we cannot deny that our parents, are still our parents. Our Mothers birthed us. Our Fathers (in most cases) supported us. They changed our diapers, listened to us cry, fed us, worried about us, and ultimately raised us.If you’re reading this post, there is a chance your parents are still alive. Now, I’m not sure if this list should be shared together, individually, or over some period of time. But as a man who studies the relationships between people, there is not a closer bond than the child parent relationship. It calls for a level of respect and honor that others don’t.
  1. The Truth:  Let your parents know how you really feel. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Tell them where they succeeded, where they failed, what you loved about them and even what you didn’t. It’s a tough conversation. But we only have so much time… and in my experience, people regret it if they don’t.
  2. That You Understand: Let them know you recognize their humanness. Take the opportunity to step back, look at each other eye to eye, adult to adult, human to human, and say, “I understand”. We all go through struggles. Divorce, abuse, failure, and pain. Your parents, just like us, were not immune to this. They too had broken parents, a rough past and likely a cause for the things they brought into your life. Let them know you “get it”. You may not approve of it. But you understand.
  3. That You Appreciate Them: Let your parents know you’re thankful. At the bare minimum, we must admit that without them, you would not be here. Thank them for keeping you alive. There are many countries with many parents who cannot even provide life to their children. Tell them you’re grateful for the good memories and their ability to continue to love you even when you weren’t very lovable.
  4. That You’re Sorry: We tend to view apologies as a sign of weak character. But in fact, they require great strength. We’ve all been harsh. We’ve all been mean. At the end of the day, let your parents know you’re sorry. A genuine apology offered and accepted is one of the most profound interactions of civilized people. This will be hard, but you will not regret it.
  5. That You Forgive Them: One of my favorite quotes of all time is, “Forgive them even if they’re not sorry.” We must remember they, like us, were doing the best they could at the time. Holding on to pain does nothing on your journey to creating a purposeful and happy life. To clarify, the act of forgiveness is by no means giving them permission to hurt you again. It’s quite the contrary. It’s giving you permission to let go and release both the pain and the anger – and hopefully, restore a relationship in the process.
Add something to the list? What would you want to share with your parents before they die?


Destiny facts about sex

Whether you believe it or not,sex is spiritual and most importantly,it is a covenant.Whatever the world,the society,motivational speakers,the devil and friends must have said to you about sex, know one thing today that there is a blood covenant that is shared during sex,and most people are not aware of it. You can share this article with your friends on social media if you feel that this article has helped you.There are two muscles in the body of man that has destroyed men and women beyond comparison.there are two muscles in the body of man that has turned eagles into chickens,these muscles have made beautiful ladies and abled body men who are elephants to become lizards.muscle number one is your tongue,muscle number two is your dick/vagina.More than any other organ in d body,this second muscle have disgraced many young ladies and placed many guys into a state of confusion and regrets.if you know God has called you into your various fields to change your world positively,deal with your internal demons,discipline your body and talk to yourself,and disassociate yourself from anyone that is sexually provoking you because sex is spiritual.

Reuben in the bible(Gen 49)lost his destiny because of sex,he was meant to get double inheritance but because he slept with his father's wife,he got curses.His penis put him into trouble.
Dear readers,it is not a sin to have an erection but it becomes a sin to follow the direction of your erection outside marriage.
David followed the direction of his erection by sleeping with someone who is not his wife when he was meant to be in the battle front and killed her husband and because of that singular act up till to date,blood and war have not stopped in Isreal. 
Samson died with his enemies because he was unable to control his dick.
thisa our generation is a corrupt generation,and it is a pity that only few young people are pure.Why is nigeria confused,corrupt and stagnant?its because our leaders have slept with bewitched people.
Beautiful babes and ladies,there is a gate you should guard very jealously with teeth and weapons.that gate is your womb.The person that disvirgins you is important in your life because disvirginity is a covenant. 
Women and ladies of destinies are never loose wit their vagina,they are women and ladies of visions and plans who are ready to wait after marriage and are loyal to their husbands,they don't put down their skirts anyhow.
A lady or married woman who is sexually loose outside marriage is a failure.don't waste your destiny at the altar of sex because the result is few years later.
 Guard yourself and watch yourself.this information has nothing to do with religion, it is a simple fact. Sex is not as safe as it used to be and Trust me a lot of people are involved in spiritual things they are ignorant about. Don't be fooled by looks and appearance because some people are not as innocent as they look.

I remain yours
Dipo Olatade

Be grateful

Gratitude is a feeling of ongoing thankfulness for what you have and an expression of your dependence upon the contributions and conditions that make those blessings possible.
We have so much to be thankful for, but often take it all for granted. In many ways, we’re hardwired for thanklessness. We focus our mental energy on what we lack, not what we have. We value scarcity, so everyday miracles go unappreciated. We’re driven by our emotions, seesawing as expectations and conditions change. We take for granted things we knew before we could appreciate their implications. We compare ourselves to others, and get no joy from shared blessings. These hardwired biases mask the reality of our condition and make lasting gratitude difficult.
What do you have to be grateful for? You exist; most possible things never will. You exist now; most things that existed no longer do. You are a person, a spectacular manifestation of life, capable of thought, awareness, emotion, language, music, laughter, love, and a thousand other amazing things. You are fortunate beyond comprehension. Be grateful for the abundance all around you. Be grateful for good things that have happened and will happen, and bad things that haven’t happened and won’t happen. Be grateful for every day, every meal, every breath.
Be grateful because it’s justified, but also because it’s a powerful enabler of happiness and meaning. Gratitude fosters the good: joy, savoring, resilience, self-esteem, life satisfaction. It also pushes away the bad: greed, envy, bitterness, stress, depression. And its benefits extend beyond the self; it encourages friendliness, forgiveness, and compassion, fostering a deeper caring about others and a desire to act on that caring. In a hundred ways it reduces suffering and increases happiness and meaning for you and those around you.
Gratitude is a skill that requires practice to master. Fortunately, it’s very highly learnable, but takes effort, so be compassionate toward yourself if it doesn’t come naturally. Bring awareness to your blessings. Cultivate a sense of deep appreciation of how privileged you are. Notice what you take for granted, and stop. Welcome new blessings into your life; know that you deserve them. Feel gratitude, not just intellectually, but also emotionally. Expand what you consider worthy of gratitude: not just gifts other people generously gave you, but everything positive in your life, regardless of its source.
Feeling gratitude is the first step; the second is expressing it. Make gratitude an external process, not an internal state. Let your appreciation for ongoing blessings color your interactions with the world. Thank others for being a part of what’s good in your life. Let your gratitude motivate you to improve their lives, not out of a sense of obligation or debt but because your gifts are too valuable to be wasted

Written by Tom Murcko


OLAMIDE, SEYI SHAY, DEDE MABIAKU, DAREY ART ALADE, PASUMA and others to headline the BASELINE ENTERTAINMENT “BLACKTIE” CHRISTMAS CONCERT Exploring diverse genre of music, Baseline Entertainment & Friends presents the most exclusive holiday concert this season tagged“ The Baseline Black Tie Christmas Concert”. The exclusive event is scheduled to hold on the 13thof December, 2015 at the well-known Lagoon Restaurant in Victoria Island Lagos. The Black-Tie Christmas concert promises to be absolutely entertaining as guests will be thrilled by performing acts such as ‘Olamide’, ‘Seyi Shay’, ‘Darey-Art Alade’, ‘Dede Mabiaku’, ‘Pasuma’, ‘Skales’, ‘Lil Kesh’, ‘Dekunle Gold’, ‘Skales’, ‘Aramide’ and many more. Music will be provided by renowned DJ’s - DJ Jimmy Jatt and DJ Fresh Waves and Comedian ‘Seyi Law’ will host the event. The Baseline & Friends Christmas Concert is an innovative event that aims at celebrating Nigeria’s finest entertainers while creating a unique touch to the Yuletide season. It will be a night of fun, celebration and networking. “At Baseline Entertainment, we are all about celebrating Nigerian talents as we have no doubt that the Nigerian Entertainment industry has been experiencing a massive growth and international recognition; hence, it would be only fair to say that this generation of Artistes have truly raised the standard of music in the entertainment Industry”. – Baseline This event provides Table Services Only at N1,000,000.00 (One Million Naira) and tables are limited. Tables can be purchased by calling the +2348055556525

Tyson Fury beats Klitschko to become new world heavyweight champion

Britain’s Tyson Fury was crowned the new world heavyweight champion on Saturday after a unanimous points win over Wladimir Klitschko, who suffered his first defeat in eleven years.
The 27-year-old Fury was awarded the fight in Duesseldorf 115-112, 115-112 and 116-111 by the judges to take Klitschko’s WBA, IBF, IBO and WBO belts as the Ukrainian suffered his first defeat since 2004.
The new champion celebrate his victory by signing Aerosmith’s “Don’t Want to Miss a Thing” in the ring.
“I want to thank my lord and saviour Jesus Christ for giving me this victory,” said a tearful Fury who has now won all 25 of his professional fights.
“I have worked hard everyday for this moment — it’s a dream come true.”