Sunday 15 November 2015

5 Things You Must Tell Your Parents Before They Die

Image result for 5 mistakes your parents made that you must not make 
We all had a very different childhood experience.  For some it was incredible. Their parents were consistent, loving, and honest. For others, it was the opposite, they were absent, abusive, and broken. Wherever your story lands, we cannot deny that our parents, are still our parents. Our Mothers birthed us. Our Fathers (in most cases) supported us. They changed our diapers, listened to us cry, fed us, worried about us, and ultimately raised us.If you’re reading this post, there is a chance your parents are still alive. Now, I’m not sure if this list should be shared together, individually, or over some period of time. But as a man who studies the relationships between people, there is not a closer bond than the child parent relationship. It calls for a level of respect and honor that others don’t.
  1. The Truth:  Let your parents know how you really feel. The good, the bad, and the ugly. Tell them where they succeeded, where they failed, what you loved about them and even what you didn’t. It’s a tough conversation. But we only have so much time… and in my experience, people regret it if they don’t.
  2. That You Understand: Let them know you recognize their humanness. Take the opportunity to step back, look at each other eye to eye, adult to adult, human to human, and say, “I understand”. We all go through struggles. Divorce, abuse, failure, and pain. Your parents, just like us, were not immune to this. They too had broken parents, a rough past and likely a cause for the things they brought into your life. Let them know you “get it”. You may not approve of it. But you understand.
  3. That You Appreciate Them: Let your parents know you’re thankful. At the bare minimum, we must admit that without them, you would not be here. Thank them for keeping you alive. There are many countries with many parents who cannot even provide life to their children. Tell them you’re grateful for the good memories and their ability to continue to love you even when you weren’t very lovable.
  4. That You’re Sorry: We tend to view apologies as a sign of weak character. But in fact, they require great strength. We’ve all been harsh. We’ve all been mean. At the end of the day, let your parents know you’re sorry. A genuine apology offered and accepted is one of the most profound interactions of civilized people. This will be hard, but you will not regret it.
  5. That You Forgive Them: One of my favorite quotes of all time is, “Forgive them even if they’re not sorry.” We must remember they, like us, were doing the best they could at the time. Holding on to pain does nothing on your journey to creating a purposeful and happy life. To clarify, the act of forgiveness is by no means giving them permission to hurt you again. It’s quite the contrary. It’s giving you permission to let go and release both the pain and the anger – and hopefully, restore a relationship in the process.
Add something to the list? What would you want to share with your parents before they die?


4 Things You Need to Quit Today

When it comes to quitting and Africa especially Nigerians, there are many slogans, sayings and motivational messages that encourage people not to quit.I wholeheartedly agree with those encouragements, especially because I love raising up people to live as overcomers. In fact, I spend a lot of my invested time helping people not to give up But there are some things that we should quit.I want to share four things you need to quit doing as soon as you can.

 1. Quit Beating Yourself Up.
If I was to walk into the minds of young people these days, I would have to call family and young peoples services to come and arrest them, because most people’s thoughts about themselves are not kind. Most of their self-talk is actually abusive. Filled with guilt, shame and regret, we listen to these thoughts and pound at ourselves in hate, contempt and rejection. Many people are so familiar with this toxic world of thought that they don’t know otherwise.God did not design us to bear under these kinds of thoughts. He made our bodies to live in thoughts based on love, especially patience and kindness. Thoughts that are unloving towards ourselves become very deadly. They kill our health and destroy our sanity. Yet millions of people listen to thoughts that are so harsh and try to do things out of those unloving impulses.Today, quit listening to any thought that is not kind and empowering towards yourself.

 Quit Investing in People Who Don’t Want to Be Helped.
The energy of so many is being wasted as they invest countless hours into someone who is not interested in changing, but remaining a victim. Many good intentioned people get sucked into the vortex of victim community, helping people who are so used to their dysfunctional life they wont hear about entering into a new life by their own choices. They choose by their decisions to remain in their junk. Those who live as victims look to prey off loved ones and friends to affirm their victim state and continue to pour into that mindset.This means we have to let go of performance, striving and people pleasing. We have to let go of trying to change other people when they are not doing their part at all. We cannot take the sins of others into our own bodies.

 Quit Investing So Much Time in Something You Are Not Called To.
When you’re off your gift and calling, it is extremely taxing and frustrating. This doesn’t mean that living in your calling and gift mix does not have trouble. There is a ton of resistance that will come against you breaking into your divine destiny. The problem is I watch so many people investing in something they are not clearly called to.
The Bible says that your gift makes of a man makes room for him,it brings him before kings,not rogues. The most challenging conversations I have is with people who are clearly not in their calling. The biggest sign of someone who says they are called to something, but it is not evident, is really simple: They are not doing NOW what they say they are called to do. For example, they say they are musical artists entertaining the youths all over the world, but they don’t go to where they will entertain the young person right next to them. They claim they are going to blow to nations, but wont help out in their many people in your environment know that you are artistic?.The problem is that we don’t value who we are and who we are made to be. So we often chase something for the feeling and esteem we think that position will bring. We end up chasing something that is not us.

 Quit Waiting for Life to Just Fall on You and Bless You.
The classic mistake among many involves one of the biggest Christian excuses of all time–“I am just waiting on the Lord.” The meaning of this phrase has lots its meaning with so many, becoming a colloquialism to cover up the fact that we are really doing nothing.
Waiting on God is not passive, but very active. We spend a lot of time growing in who we are, preparing the grid of our lives for where we see Him calling us and investing in the soil we are in now. Most live in a world of passivity; waiting for the call, waiting for the money to come in and waiting for a open door.

How to succeed as a Single Parent

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Read this story carefully and get something from it.Jill is a single mom of a nine-year-old daughter, whom she’s been raising by herself since Haley was an infant. “The hardest part about being a single parent is having no one else there when Haley acts up. It’s all me. She doesn’t listen to me, and then I just don’t know what to do. I’m really getting anxious about her teenage years. I’m not sure if I can keep her on track by myself, she’s so willful.”
If you are a single parent,never live in the past and learn to forgive yourself irrespective of what happened in the past.
Jill is far from being alone. Single parenting is one of the toughest jobs on the planet, yet more than 80 percent of households in Africa,Europe and America are headed by just one mother or father. 
Here are six ways that can help single parents reading this article:
1. Remember that two is a family. One single parent with one child, that’s a family. In society, just about everything is blamed on single parents and broken homes, and it’s really sad because it’s just not true. The most important thing is not the number of parents in the home, but the parenting.

2. Give up your guilt. What you believe, your kids will pick up on. If a single parent feels guilty about the dissolution of the marriage, their ability to provide financially, or any other reason, kids will work that. But if a parent says “This is the way it is for us, we’ll make the best of it, we’re going to do just fine,” the child picks up on that confidence, security and commitment instead. If the single parent feels guilty and thinks they have to “make something up” to their children, the kids can start to feel either deprived or entitled.

3. Let your kids know they’re needed in the family. One of the biggest problems with children today is that they’re not “needed” in the family. They’re not given enough responsibilities and are not expected to meet the ones they have. But a single parent can truthfully say, “We’re a team, we can share the responsibility.” Give your kids opportunities to feel needed and valued. Give them real responsibilities in the home such as helping with laundry or dinner (depending upon the child’s age.) Single parents can look at this as an opportunity, and say, “Wow, I really do need my kids.”

4. Solve problems together.
 The more you get them involved in “What’s the problem and what’s the solution?” the more they’ll feel motivated to follow those rules. I think problems come up when parents start to dictate the rules, and single parents may feel they need to be more punitive to keep control. We’re so afraid that if we don’t add punishment, we’re letting the child get away with something. I believe in allowing children to experience the consequences of their choices. Don’t “ball them out and then bail them out.” If your child is careless, leaves his bike in the driveway and it gets run over, a parent might punish him by saying, “OK, I’m not buying you a new bike and you can’t ride your bike anymore this summer.” But they’ve already experienced the consequence: they’ve experienced loss or sadness by losing the bike. Instead, if you focus on solutions with your children, you can help them be more responsible.

5. What happens at the ex’s house stays at the ex’s house.
When another parent or an ex-spouse is involved, things can get complicated, especially if the rules of the other household your child spends time in are different. Often children will try to negotiate with you based on what goes on at your ex’s place. When your kids don’t want to follow your family’s rules, say, “This is how we do things in our home.” Don’t let yourself be blackmailed or controlled by the ex and the rules (or lack thereof) in the ex’s home.

6. Have regular family meetings with kids. This is important for all families, but is particularly helpful for single parents as it serves to provide structure. Sit down once a week and focus on what’s happening in the family. I advise parents to start the meeting with compliments, verbalize those, and then focus on solutions to problems that are cropping up together. 
Written by Dr. Jane Nelsen
Dr. Jane Nelsen is an Educational Psychologist from the University of San Francisco and is a licensed Marriage, Family and Child Therapist.She has appeared on Oprah and the Sally Jessy Raphael Show. Most importantly, Dr. Nelsen’s methods have been tested in her own home—she is the mother of seven children and the grandmother of twenty.

Suya meat! why you should stop eating it

Image result for suya meatImage result for suya meat

What is Suya?
If you are reading this, you probably know what Suya is. But by way of definition, Suya is a spicy skewered meat which is a popular food item in various parts of Nigeria and is enjoyed as a delicacy in many parts of West Africa. It is traditionally prepared by the Hausa people of northern Nigeria, Cameroon, Niger, and some parts of Sudan.
Health and Safety Issues Associated With Suya Consumption
Forget the dirty environment and poor or zero hygiene conditions in which Suya is made and handled in many places in Nigeria, there are other dangers that are inherent in the consumption of Suya – those that many would never know unless they are Food professional or have come across an article like this that explains it.

1. Suya and Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs)
You know when they say Cigarette kills? It is majorly due to the PAHs they contain. Many Suya sellers make their Suya by burning all sort of woods and charcoal to make their fire. Some even throw in such things as plastics to make their ember burn brighter in order to cook the Suya meat. Many of these materials burning under the meat contain these Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons — and do you know what these PAHs do in the body after enough consumption or exposure?

 Some PAHs are chemical carcinogens (cancer-causing compounds) while seven PAH compounds have also been classified as probable human carcinogens.
Some PAH compounds are mutagens. Mutagen is a physical or chemical agent that changes the genetic material (DNA).
According to a finding, reported in an article on, high prenatal exposure to PAH is associated with lower IQ and childhood asthma.
2. Potential of contacting zoonotic diseases
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A zoonotic disease is a disease that can be passed between animals and humans. Since Suya meats are generally undercooked and in rare occasions carrying some blood on them, there is a chance that one could contact zoonotic diseases from Suya.

Take for example, during the Ebola Virus Disease outbreak, we were warned to stay away from Monkey and Bat meats. There was also a stern warning to always cook our meats very well before we eat them. Cooking meat very well cannot really be said of Suya.

Other type of diseases that can be passed from animals to humans include, LEPTOSPIROSIS, BRUCELLOSIS, BUBONIC PLAGUE, SALMONELLOSIS, etc.

3. Beef Tapeworm (Taenia saginata)
 Image result for beef tapeworm
This is commonly known as the beef tapeworm – a zoonotic tapeworm. Like it was mentioned above, humans majorly get infected by consuming undercooked beef. The infection is may come without any noticeable symptoms but heavy infection can also occur with attendant symptoms. Heavy infection often results in weight loss, dizziness, abdominal pain, diarrhea, headaches, nausea, constipation, chronic indigestion, and loss of appetite. Heavy infections may cause intestinal obstruction in humans — this can be alleviated by surgery.

Suya can be very delicious and make a good delicacy if well cooked and appropriate types of woods are used for smoking.

For example, it is advised to cook/heat the Suya meat to a safe internal temperature around 80 degrees Celcius or more. Avoid adding plastics or fuels such as kerosene to the fire to make it burn better.

Ugliest Man In Africa Welcomes His Eighth Baby

No matter how ugly you think you are,God will always provide a better half for you.
 A 47-year-old father of seven, who has been dubbed Uganda’s ugliest man, has become a father for the eighth time in Kyazanga, Lwengo district.
Scroll down for photos and video!
Godfrey Baguma has become a proud father of eight children after his wife Kate Namanda, 30, delivered a healthy baby girl. The couple now have six children together, while two others are kids from Baguma’s first unsuccessful marriage.

Sebabi, 47, got married to Kate Namanda, 30, in 2013 and she has given birth to his eighth child
The man, who suffers from an extremely rare, unknown disease, won his title of the ugliest country’s man after he took part in the contest to make money for his family. “In 2002, I was mending shoes, when some people approached me and said they had an event at which they wanted me to be a chief guest.  

They took my pictures and a few days later, I saw my picture in the newspapers where I had declared myself the ugliest man alive. I was shocked and angry at the same time because I had not said so. They also told me that as a cobbler, I could not make enough money to sustain my family.
 The man won his title of the ugliest country’s man in 2002.They asked me to participate in a contest, saying I would make more money since I would be a tourist attraction. I agreed, and indeed I won. That is how I got the nickname, Ssebabi, which means the ugliest of them all. Today, I feel good, about it because it is an honour.”

Godfrey and Kate live in a small house, bringing up all eight children and trying to make both ends meet, but they did not complain. Kate said: “Once you find a man you think is right for you, do not listen to what other people say. Follow your heart. Money and physical appearance should not be an issue.”

How to write a CV when you lack direct work experience


Applying for a job can be a daunting task and when you have no work experience it can feel even worse. If you find yourself in this position, don’t worry, you are not the only one. There are some useful ways on how to write a CV to highlight your strengths and qualifications which will make you the ideal candidate for the position you are applying for.Don't let lack of experience discourage you from applying for the job you want! If you are a student, recent graduate or entry-level applicant, it is understandable that your experience might be a bit thin.

  Identify what qualifies you for the role

It isn't only paid experience that counts. Voluntary or community involvement, work placements, coursework, personal projects and extracurricular activities can all be highlighted to show your suitability. Think from the employer's perspective – decide on the most interesting factors, where you have used relevant skills, and then make these prominent on your CV.
For instance, this graduate CV highlights education and training, including achievements and endorsements, while this CV demonstrates how to emphasize project work above less relevant work experience. Breaking down each project into target, result and learned competencies shows relevant skills and achievements in context.

Make yourself irresistible to an employer

One of the hardest things to do convincingly on a CV is to convey desirable personality traits. Just writing that you are enthusiastic or motivated without giving supporting details isn't enough. Instead, demonstrate through examples.
Starting something from scratch and overcoming hurdles can show resourcefulness and determination. For instance: "Launched a local skills-swapping service to slash household expenditure. Found free advertising channels, and enabled residents to make combined estimated savings of more than £10,000 in first year." You can use examples like this to illustrate other characteristics such as an ability to get on with others, or organisational and communication skills.
Holding down a job to help family finances or pay your way through college can reveal humility and a strong work ethic: "Consistent work record: held variety of part-time roles since the age of 16 to contribute to educational costs." Learning about a role or sector through online communities, upskilling through tutorials or conducting your own projects all show enthusiasm – it could fit into the education, training or skills section of your CV.
Graduate employers like applicants who can demonstrate these personality traits, as well as attributes such as numeracy and commercial awareness, which you could show through retail, marketing or sales work.
Quantify achievements where possible (how much money saved, percentage of time reduced, etc) and mention instances where you were promoted, rehired, or given greater responsibility.

Speak the same language

This is especially the case for career changers, but all applicants should aim to use language that an employer would expect to see from an ideal candidate. Include keywords throughout your CV, in job titles, skills, and in how you describe your work experience. In this example, the course modules (international finance, risk management, etc) are keywords in their own right, and are included in the skills section, titled "specialize knowledge".

Experiment with layout

You don't need to always use a strict chronological work history format or have the same section order. Put the most important information first – relevant project work can come before less relevant employment, while voluntary projects bridging your move into a new career could come before current, paid work.
You can be flexible with layout and include additional sections for work that is less relevant, or earlier in your career. You can also put your education before your work experience, or extract relevant course work and place that prominently.
Don't be tempted to flesh out a CV with long, rambling paragraphs and irrelevant details to compensate for a lack of work experience. Instead, write leanly and concisely, and focus on making it easy for your reader to find key information.
Consider putting a summary of stand-out points at the beginning of your CV. Put your name and contact details at the top of the page, then use the job title itself as a heading. Under this, summarize key details such as years' experience in a particular skill, project experience or summer placements at that company, or a short branding statement highlighting your strengths and attributes. A couple of lines in note or bullet-point format (rather than entire sentences) can work well. Include a brief cover letter explaining your reasons for applying, and interest in the company.

Written by Anderson cage

An illiterate Father(Akpos) with his Educated son

An illiterate Father(akpos) with his Educated son went on a camping trip. They set up their tent and fell asleep.
Some hours later, Akpos wakes his Son up and asks ” Look up to the sky and tell me what you see?” son: “I see millions of stars.”
Akpos: “What does that tell you son?
Son: “Astronomically, it tells me that there are millions of Galaxies & Planets.”
Akpos slaps Son hard and says, “You idiot! Pesin don thief our Tent(meaning,Someone has stolen our tent)

The Husband and Father's Role

When a man enters into a covenant relationship with his bride, he commits to the responsibilities of loving, honoring and cherishing her. As a husband, the strength you need in order to carry out these responsibilities ultimately flows out of your relationship with God. It requires a moment-by-moment dependence on God's Spirit. It takes time and discipline to maintain, especially with the many obstacles that cross your path – in your case, raising a child with special needs.
The vows you shared included "for better or worse, in sickness and in health." There was never a thought about the possibility of having a special needs child, nor any discussion of how much stress and strain such a situation would put on your marriage. And in the midst of life's challenges is another: being the husband and father God calls us to be.
We can't let the obstacles of life get in the way of building a strong marriage. When we fail to sacrificially love our wife as Christ loved the Church (Ephesians 5:25), we begin to compromise this most cherished relationship. As a husband, and as the father of a special needs adult child, it's a daily challenge to stay focused when the challenges of caregiving collide with the needs of my wife and other children.
Raising a child with special needs, while at the same time nurturing my relationship with my wife, requires that I make time to communicate with my wife every day. What I need to communicate most is my love. In our situation, I went off to work while my wife stayed home and cared for our children. When one or more of children have special needs, you can be certain that a wife's daily responsibilities have been full and challenging. Recognizing that fact was the first step toward realizing that no matter what kind of day I had, my wife "had a day," too!
When our children were small, it was great when she gave me a bit of time to regroup from my day. We had dinner together as a family, and then I would give her a break from the children. I'd take the kids for walks in nice weather or play in the backyard. As the kids grew, my time with them might include helping with homework, playing video games or just talking. Cindi appreciated this time alone without worrying about the needs of the children; time alone to think without the noise and commotion that she'd endured all day long; time for an evening out with friends to simply "get away." Taking care of the kids was a way for me to serve my wife, letting her know that I was committed to her and cherished her. As a result, we were able to demonstrate God's unconditional love and grace to each other and to the children, and become an example to those around us.
In addition to my role as a husband, one of my greatest titles is "Dad." Fathers are to sacrificially love our children. We demonstrate to our children that we care for them by making them a priority. Cultivating relationships with each child requires time, discipline and intentionality. When so much time is spent caring for the child(ren) with special needs, it's easy to lose track of our other children's needs. It is a challenge to spend both quality and quantity time with the other children. Each one needs to know with absolute certainty that we love them. Spending time with them goes a long way toward making them feel protected and loved.
I was intentional about "dating" my two girls. Our regular dates included restaurants, local events and festivals, the zoo, walks, jogs, movies, ice cream and other fun things. Our dates were also opportunities to talk, ask questions, and sometimes just to listen to them. These are some of my fondest memories of their childhoods, and we continue to enjoy our special times together (even with one daughter married and the other in college).
We invested time in teaching all of our children God's Word. We'd discuss current topics of interest to each and used these opportunities to guide them. These teaching moments may not have connected with Joey in the same way they did for the girls, but we included him as much as we could. Without question, Joey required a different kind of time and attention.
As a dad, I once dreamed of playing sports with a son – maybe even coaching – but because that wasn't to be, I found other ways to "connect" with Joey. He spent a lot of time doing repetitive therapies in his early years, but as he grew older, he and I began to connect playing video games. We have learned to play sports together … through video! He excels at baseball and my forte' is football, but we still connect and have fun together!
Yes, it takes time. But if we want to pass on our faith and impact future generations for Christ, we must spend quality and quantity time with each of our children. When we leave a godly legacy, we can look back with great satisfaction.
It's been my observation that many men are overwhelmed by the responsibility of being the husbands and fathers God has called them to be. Yet we have this assurance: that "nothing is impossible with God" (Luke 1:37). As we ask God to empower us as men, we can give our children not just an inheritance, but a heritage. And we can give our wife what she needs most – to be loved, honored and cherished.

Written by Joe Ferini


A store that sells husbands has just opened in Zimbabwe , where a woman may go to choose a husband. Among the instructions at the entrance is a description of how the store operates. You may visit the store ONLY ONCE!
There are six floors and the attributes of the men increase as the shopper ascends the flights. There is, however, a catch .. You may choose any man from a particular floor, or you may choose to go up a floor, but you cannot go back down except to exit the building! So, a woman goes to the Husband Store to find a husband .
On the first floor the sign on the door reads:
Floor 1 - These men have jobs and love the Lord.
The second floor sign reads:
Floor 2 - These men have jobs, love the Lord, and love kids.
The third floor sign reads:
Floor 3 - These men have jobs, love the Lord, love kids, and are extremely good looking.
"Wow," she thinks, but feels compelled to keep going.
She goes to the fourth floor and sign reads:
Floor 4 These men have jobs, love the Lord, love kids, are good looking and help with the housework.
"Oh, mercy me!" she exclaims, "I can hardly stand it!" Still, she goes to the fifth floor and sign reads:
Floor 5 These men have jobs, love the Lord, love kids, are gorgeous, help with the housework, and have a strong romantic streak.
She is so tempted to stay, but she goes to the sixth floor and the sign reads:
Floor 6: You are visitor number 4,363,012 to this floor. There are no men on this floor. This floor exists solely as proof that women are impossible to please.
Thank you for shopping at the Husband Store. Watch your step as you exit the building, and have a nice week.

 Adewunmi Daniel Abiodun
0809 748 6198

The green lantern film preview

The green lantern is an American superhero film based on DC COMICS.The Film stars Ryan Reynolds,Blake lively,Peter Sarsgaard,Mark Strong,Angella Bassett and Tim Robbins,with Martin campbell directing a script by Greg Berlanti and comic book writer- Michael Green, which was subsequently rewritten by Michael Goldenburg.Green Lantern tells the story of Hal Jordan, a test pilot who is selected to become the first human member of the Green Lantern corps. Hal is given a ring that grants him superpowers and must confront the evil parralax who threatens to upset the balance of power in the universe.
The beautiful thing about the movie is that Hal Jordan was living in fear of moving forward because he is afraid of making the mistake his father made.In life,you have been chosen for a specific assignment and you have to discover your assignment.Destiny came and he joined the Green Lantern to face what he feared most(Parallax:the demon of fear).go and get this film and be inspired.It is from the inside of you that you realize what you carry and will have defeat what you fear most.go and buy this movie and watch inspired.


Nigeria’s most Popular Comedian,Akpororo went to the Altar with his Beautiful Wife Ijeoma on saturday, November 14 2015. Notable personalities including Yaw, Elvina Ibru, Alibaba and Wife are in attendance..
 ak-1ak-2Akpororo 2Akpororo 3



Anchor scripture: 1 Samuel 17: 41-47
1.    Every wicked weapon fashioned against my life, backfire against the enemy, in the name of Jesus.
2.    Every witchcraft coven deliberating on my case, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
3.    I loose the spirits of confusion and forgetfulness upon the satanic agents planning evil against me, in the name of Jesus.
4.    I bind and render impotent the strongman in charge of my problems, in the name of Jesus.
5.    I hide behind the cross of Calvary and fire back evil arrows, in the name of Jesus.
6.    Every power making it difficult for me to obtain favor, vanish, in the name of Jesus.
7.    O God, my Father, re-organize my presence and do not pass me by, in the name of Jesus.
8.    In the presence of those asking where is my God, arise, O God, and manifest Your power, in the name of Jesus.
9.    Every demon working in the mind of my helpers to oppose me, be roasted by fire, in the name of Jesus.
10.  I refuse to fish in a desert sea, in the name of Jesus.
11.  Every chain limiting my life, break, in the name of Jesus.
12.  Lord, brood over me by Your Spirit, in the name of Jesus.
13.  Lord, raise the altar of prosperity in my life, in the name of Jesus.
14.  My breakthroughs, come out of every satanic holding, in the name of Jesus.
15.  Every stubborn diviner, working against my life, receive madness, in the name of Jesus.
16.  I break every curse of Cain, in the name of Jesus.
17.  O Lord, release Your warrior angels to scatter the camp of the enemy, in the name of Jesus.
18.  Let my life be released from every padlock, in the name of Jesus.
19.  Every wall of Satan against my life, be broken, in the name of Jesus.
20.  O God, arise and let my head be lifted up, in the name of Jesus.
21.  The labor of my life shall prosper, in the name of Jesus.
22.  I reject every involvement of the flesh and Satan in my prayers, in the name of Jesus.
23.  O God, arise and let every evil presence around me scatter, in the name of Jesus.
24.  Every power blocking me from the will of God, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.
25.  I pull down every stubborn stronghold protecting my enemies, in the name of Jesus.
26.  I arrest every spirit of confusion by fire, in the name of Jesus.
27.  I bring the blood of Jesus between me and the powers of darkness, in the name of Jesus.
28.  Every problem (name it), harassing my life, I break your backbone by fire, in the name of Jesus.
29.  I release myself from every evil spirit behind the problem, in the name of Jesus.
30.  Let the backbone of the strongman in charge of each problem be broken, in the name of Jesus.
31.  Every evil influence, influencing my problems, be disgraced by the blood of Jesus.
32.  I command every evil monitoring spirit to leave me now, in the name of Jesus.
33.  I renounce Satan and his hosts and declare them to be my enemies, in the name of Jesus.
34.  I exercise my authority over stubborn witchcraft and I pull down their structures, in the name of Jesus.
35.  Listen to me Satan, because of the blood of Jesus, you have no more power over me, no more place in me, in the name of Jesus.
36.  I place the blood of Jesus upon myself and my family, in the name of Jesus.
37.  I draw the bloodline of the Lord Jesus Christ around all my possessions and properties, in the name of Jesus.
38.  Any power assigned to drink my blood and eat my flesh, be drunken with your own blood and eat your own flesh, in the name of Jesus.
39.  I bind and render impotent the rulers in charge of my problems, in the name of Jesus.
40.  O thou that troubleth the Israel of Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, the God of Elijah shall trouble you today.
41.  Every enemy of the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, scatter, in the name of Jesus.
42.  O God, arise and uproot anything You did not plant inside the Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, in the name of Jesus.
43.  Mountains Boasting aginst me, SCATTER!!! in the name of Jesus.
 44. Any power that must die for my breakthroughs to manifest, Die!!! in the name of Jesus
45.  Let the fire of revival fall upon Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries, in the name of Jesus.

Culled from