Sunday 20 March 2016

Paris attacks: Salah Abdeslam 'to sue French prosecutor'

Paris attacks suspect Salah Abdeslam's lawyer says he plans to take legal action against a French prosecutor for breach of confidentiality.
The Paris prosecutor told reporters that Abdeslam had admitted he wanted to blow himself up during the attacks on 13 November but then changed his mind.
The bombings and shootings, claimed by the so-called Islamic State (IS), left 130 people dead and dozens injured.
Abdeslam was arrested in Belgium last week after four months on the run.
The Belgian authorities have charged him with terrorism offences. He has decided to fight extradition to Ftance, which could take up to three months.
Abdeslam's Belgian lawyer, Sven Mary, says his client is co-operating with the authorities.

Taxi drivers snub offer from Portugese Govt

Portuguese taxi drivers have said that the €17 million the government has announced for the sector is a “bargaining chip” to open the door to the regulation of Uber, but the country’s environment minister has denied this. A meeting to discuss the modernisation of the sector was deemed inconclusive by ministers as they claim drivers only wanted to talk about the situation regarding Uber in the country.

How to break free masturbation addiction

Masturbation starts with a Sexual addictions – from porn, to adultery and prostitution – leave you trapped in sin and shame and brings it to the extreme. No matter what you’ve done or how long you’ve been struggling, Jesus will give you the power to change your life if you turn to Him. The freedom Jesus offers you is so powerful that the short-lived pleasure of sex can’t compare to it.Here’s how you can fully break free from masturbation:

* Come out of isolation.
 Ask God to give you the courage to admit your weaknesses and faults to others who can help you. Confess your struggles to God and pray for His help to overcome shame, pride, and the fear of rejection so you can open up with some other men. Remember that you’re not alone; many other Christians struggle with sexual addictions, and plenty of people will understand the issues you’re facing. Know that it’s impossible for you to overcome your challenges unless you have the support and encouragement of others. Expect that if you don’t expose your addiction, God will orchestrate circumstances that will eventually expose it anyway, since He loves you too much to let you continue to harm yourself and others. Start meeting with either an accountability partner or a support group every week. If you need help locating a support group in your area, visit for information. Whenever temptations hit you, call your accountability partner or a member of your support group to talk and pray. If you’re married, don’t hide your struggles from your wife; realize that you need to be accountable to her. But don’t burden her with the responsibilities that should belong just to your support group or accountability partner, and make sure your wife has the support she needs to pursue healing herself from the ways your addiction has hurt her.

 * Make the necessary sacrifices. Be willing to sacrifice whatever it takes to keep lust from controlling you. Realize that it’s worth it to give up whatever you need to give up to build healthy relationships with God and your wife. If you have stored pornographic magazines, burn the whole stash. If you have CDs of porn, throw them out. If you’ve downloaded porn from the Internet, clean your hard drive by formatting it. Install porn blocking software, don’t use your computer unless your wife is home and awake, and give her your access passwords. If you’re seduced by images on TV, shut off your cable service and remove the antenna. If you’ve engaged in phone sex, block access to 900 numbers from your home. If any of your mail tempts you (such as a lingerie catalog your wife receives), call to get your address removed from the mailing lists. When you’re on a business trip, don’t turn on the TV in your hotel room and, every night, call a man who’s supporting you in your healing journey. If you still stumble, travel less or get another job that doesn’t involve travel. If you’ve been having an affair, cut off all contact with the person, delete all e-mail, burn letters, and throw away anything she has given you. If she lives nearby and the temptation is too much for you, move to another region. If you’ve been visiting adult bookstores or bars, avoid those areas when you’re driving. Be sure to cut off everything that makes you stumble, but don’t worry about areas that aren’t a problem for you. Cut off your temptations now; don’t procrastinate.

* Don’t settle for just sobriety; go for purity. Understand that, while physical abstinence from your masturbation is a noble goal, it’s not enough, because you can still fall back into your addiction after a temporary break. Pursue purity, which give you the power you need to say “no” to every temptation or lustful thought. Know that, to be sexually pure, you need a new heart, and only God can give you that. Ask God to create a clean heart within you. Stop depending on your own limited abilities and decide to rely on God’s unlimited power working through you. Realize that you’ll find purity not through counseling, reading the Bible, or any other endeavor you can do, but through the simple yet profound act of trusting God moment-by-moment in your life. Accept the reality of your brokenness and let it cause you to depend more on God and less on yourself.

* Turn and connect. Whenever you encounter a temptation, turn away from the thought and connect with God by focusing your mind on Him and praying for His help and power. Understand that, ultimately, lust is an attempt to fill emptiness inside you with another person. Acknowledge Jesus as the source of your life and turn to Him – instead of a broken person – for love and comfort. Rather than soaking your mind in sexual images, think about Jesus in all His glory. Ponder His awesome holiness, and as you do expect yourself to want to know Him more and spend more time thinking about Him than about sex. Make sure that no unresolved sin is blocking the process of you connecting to God; regularly confess and repent of your sins to Him, and keep short accounts with your spouse and other people. Don’t become complacent when you start to make progress fighting your addiction. Remember that it’s crucial for you to take every thought captive and stay closely connected to God every day. Read the Bible frequently to saturate your mind in God’s truths. Ask the Holy Spirit to renew your mind daily as you spend time praying. As often as possible, spend some time praying in solitude and silence to get away from distractions. Know that the closer you grow to God, the more natural it will become for you to turn to Him instead of sex to fulfill your needs and desires.

 * Move beyond yourself to others. Realize that God designed sex as a way of connecting to another person, and that He intends it to always be used to strengthen a relationship with a spouse. Focus your sexual desires outward toward your wife instead of inward toward yourself as happens with masturbation. Understand that, contrary to the popular belief that masturbation doesn’t hurt anyone, it actually harms you tremendously by making you selfish and leading you to expect instant gratification in other situations. Know that masturbation also harms your marriage because it robs you and your wife of the intimacy God wants you both to enjoy together. Don’t let your sexual urges rule over you; ask God to give you the power to master them. Use healthier means of releasing physical tension, such as vigorous exercise at least several times a week.

 * Heal from sexual abuse. If you’ve been sexually abused, seek God’s help to go through the forgiveness process so you can get the poison of bitterness out of your heart. Acknowledge the reality of what you went through, and process your thoughts and feelings about it in safe relationships with the people who are supporting you as you break free of addiction, plus a professional counselor or pastor if you’d like. Express your sorrow and pain fully; don’t be afraid to cry or yell or journal your feelings. Realize that God can transform even the worst suffering into something good.

* Accept God’s love. Recognize that God’s love for you is completely unconditional. Stop the futile effort of trying to earn it and embrace the fact that you are already worthy of it because God says you are. Understand that it’s impossible to sin too much for God to love you. Stop trying to pass a test and simply accept the gift of His deep love for you, no matter what.

* Accept God’s grace. Welcome God’s grace to help you move from brokenness to wholeness. Realize that God gives His very best, and that His grace outshines even your worst sin. Know that God’s love cannot be earned or deserved, and that your sin doesn’t stop God from loving you. Understand that God’s grace doesn’t nullify His holiness or remove the consequences of sin, but He patiently meets you where you are, even if you’re trapped deep in sin. Trust that God will gently restore the broken pieces of your life, and shower His love on you. Expect God to continue to seek you. Choose to see God as He truly is – a kind and loving God who is willing to give you undeserved favor if you turn to Him. Know that you can approach God, no matter what you’ve done or how ashamed you feel. Make pursuing God your top priority in life.

Written by Whitney Hopler

Stop Spoiling Your Kids

Over-indulgence is one of the most insidious forms of child abuse.Did you see that? Here is a perspective that might help you stop:
  • Your primary job as a parent is to prepare your child for how the world really works. In the real world, you don't always get what you want. You will be better able to deal with that as an adult if you've experienced it as a child.

  • If your parent/child relationship is based on material goods, your child won't have the chance to experience unconditional love.

  • Be a good role model. "We're not the only influence in our kids' lives, so we better be the best influence," says Dr. Phil.

  • Redefine what taking care of your children means. Are you providing for them emotionally and spiritually? You need not buy them material goods in order to create a bond. Instead of tangible gifts, how about spending some time together? Be careful that you aren't teaching them that emotions can be healed by a trip to the mall.

  • Don't let your guilt get in the way of your parenting.Your job as a parent is not to make yourself feel good by giving the child everything that makes you feel good when you give it. Your job as a parent is to prepare your child to succeed in school and when they get out into the world.Kids have to be socialized in a way that they understand you work hard for what you get.You don't want to teach your child that they will get everything through manipulation, pouting, crying, door slamming and guilt induction.

  • Make sure your children aren't defining their happiness and their status in the world as a function of what they wear or drive. Sit down with them and have a one-on-one conversation about what really defines their worth — their intelligence, their creativity, their caring, their giving, their work ethic, etc. If you spent equal time sitting down and talking to them about what really mattered as you do shopping, you might be able counterbalance the countless images they see telling them otherwise.

  • Understand "intrinsic" versus "extrinsic" motivation. Intrinsic motivation is when people do things because they feel proud of themselves when they do it. They feel a sense of accomplishment and achievement. Extrinsic motivation is when someone does something because of external motivation. For example, they will receive money, a toy or privilege if they do the task. If you are always rewarding your child with material things, he/she will never learn how to motivate themselves with internal rewards like pride. They also will never learn to value things because there are so many things and nothing is special.

  • Make sure your child understands the value of hard work. For example,I always told our boys, 'If you make Cs, you're going to have a C standard of living. If you make Bs, you're going to have a B standard of living. If you make As, you're going to have an A standard of living.

  • I remind one young guest who aspires to be wealthy that it's not a bad goal, but it takes a lot of hard work to get there. The difference between winners and losers is winners do things losers don't want to do. And that's work hard to get ready to be a star.

  • If your child idolizes a celebrity, ask him/her why. I spoke to one young guest who looks up to rich girls like Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie. "What have either of them ever done, except spend money that they got from somebody else? What is it you're looking up to?"

  • Your child does not have to love you every minute of every day. He'll get over the disappointment of having been told "no." But he won't get over the effects of being spoiled.

  • Help your child set goals. Teach him/her that striving to own nice things is fine if he/she understands how much hard work it takes to afford that, and then doesn't base his/her self-worth around what she buys.

  • Written by Dr Phil McGraw

    5 ways you are destroying your husband and killing your marriage

    • When I got married, I was amazed at the instant, overwhelming sense of responsibility I felt to love and care for my husband. Suddenly, a huge part of someone else's well-being and happiness was largely affected by my choices and actions.
      Women, we need to be careful about how we are caring for our husbands and marriages. Don't let the small stuff ruin the things that will bring you the greatest happiness in life.
      Here are just a few ways you might be unknowingly destroying your husband and killing your marriage (as a caveat, please understand that although this article is directed toward women, it applies to men as well):
    • 1. Living outside of what you can afford

      A wise old woman from my church congregation once advised: "The best thing you can do as a wife is to live within your husband's means."
      Wives, show sincere appreciation and respect to your husband by carefully following a budget and making the most of what you have. Be wise about your finances.
      Constantly complaining about not having enough to fulfill your lavish desires or racking up astronomical amounts of debt on your credit card is a poor way of saying "thank you" to a faithful spouse who works hard every day to provide for the family.
      Yes, you may not have enough to buy that Kate Spade bag you've had your eyes on for months, but your husband will love and appreciate the fact that you honor him and are grateful for what he provides.
    • 2. Constant negativity

      You hate your hair, the messes around the house, the neighbor across the street, your dumb co-worker, the old dishwasher, and everything in between. As soon as your husband walks through the door, you launch into action and dump every negative and angry thought that's crossed your mind throughout the day.
      Can you imagine having to carry that burden? Negativity is draining. Men like to fix things, and constantly being hounded with complaints makes it difficult for him to help solve your pains.
      If there is one thing I've learned from marriage is that a good man wants you to be happy, and if he can't help you do that, it makes him unhappy. It's okay to have a bad day once in a while, that's totally understandable, but don't make it a way of life.
    • 3. Putting everything else first

      When your children, mom, best friends, talents, or career in front of your husband, you send a clear message to him that he is unimportant. Imagine having that message sent to you every day for many years. What would that do to your self esteem?
      Put your husband first.
      Although it sometimes seems counter-intuitive and counterproductive, I think you'd be amazed to find that it's often the key to the greatest happiness in marriage. So many couples get divorced these days, because they neglect to care and love one another and put each other first.
      If you choose to put each other first, you will find a lot of joy.
      • 4. Withholding physical affection

        Men crave and need physical affection with their wives. When you constantly decline intimacy, it wears on them.
        Sex should not be used as a tool to control your spouse; it should be viewed as a sacred tool to draw you closer to one another and to God.
        It is a great blessing to be wanted and needed by a loving, romantic husband who wants to share something so beautiful and important with you -- and you only. Even though you might not always be in the mood, it's worth it to give in (when you can) and spend that time bonding.
      • 5. Not speaking his language

        Women love to drop hints. (I think it's part of our DNA.) But men just don't get them. (I think that is a part of their DNA.)
        Don't waste your time giving subtle hints that he won't understand: Speak plainly to him. Be honest about your feelings, and don't bottle things up until you burst. If he asks you what's wrong, don't respond with "nothing" and then expect him to read your mind and emotions. Be open about how you really feel.

        Written by Katelyn Carmen
        Katelyn Carmen is the International Content Director for the FamilyShare Network. She is a firm advocate for faith and family. Follow her on Twitter: @katelyncarmen.

    10 important questions to answer before marriage

    From a psychological perspective, love is mental well-being associated with affective, sexual and spiritual satisfaction.
    The history of irrational love, the passion and craze of desire has already been illustrated by great writers like William Shakespeare in Romeo and Juliet. Dramas, soap operas, movies and fairy tales detail how problems disappear once the two lovers are finally together. We know, however, "happily ever after" is only the beginning. The media teaches that the power of love is so strong that by just being together is all you need to experience a long lasting marriage.

     Here are some questions that must be answered in the positive BEFORE marriag
    • 1. Do you know yourself?It is important to find the right person. But do you consider yourself to be the right person? This includes knowing what you do and do not like, being psychologically healthy, trustworthy, empathetic, altruistic and able to share and care for another person. The qualities you search for apply to you, too. The more you know yourself, the more you’ll know what to look for in another person and the consequences of what you did not expect will be felt less. If you do not know yourself, no relationship will complete you.

    • 2. Do you accept each other for who you really are?This means you realize no one is perfect. Everyone has faults, limits and certain attributes that may be detestable to you. Marital problems begin as one party tries to change the other. Change is difficult, and no one can force another to change. You are responsible only for the changes made in yourself.

    • 3. While dating and engaged, has your life been tranquil?This includes getting along with others, knowing how to solve problems, conversing civilly and applying empathy, tolerance and good will. Arguing is normal within any intimate relationship, but you need to be sure that the arguments are constructive, resolve problems and provide solutions to questions. If conflicts are ugly and disrespectful, do not expect it to get better after marriage.

    • 4. Do you like yourself or the feeling that comes when you are with your significant other?It is imperative that you know, and can be, yourself. There is harmony when you and the one you love connect through similar interests, attitudes and values. Be sure that you feel comfortable in each other’s presence. Similarities strengthen the relationship.

    • 5. Do you feel spiritually comfortable around Him/her?You do not need to be religious to know that how your spouse feels and acts about the divine will influence your relationship. Someone with an open heart; who is generous, charitable, humble and cultures faith and hope daily is better company than someone who repels correction, believes repentance and forgiveness to be "things of the believers" or mocks other religions.

      • 6. Do you share compatible interests, attitudes and values?This is fundamental. If both focus on building a life and family together, with similar objectives, the power to overcome marital problems is strengthened. This includes self-esteem levels, physical appearance, education levels, family situations and other abilities used to build a successful relationship.

      • 7. What do you expect from your spouse after marriage?Today, male and female roles are ill-defined. It is essential, however, that you know exactly what you expect from each other. In a marriage, we are partners, parents, and companions responsible for sustaining a family as lovers, friends and confidants. We help each other, play, clean and collaborate.

      • 8.Are you interested in making him happy?This means letting him go after his dreams, supporting him and admiring his potential. While a successful marriage includes your happiness, you will still need to do your part, and not always putting yourself first.

        9. Are you willing to accept the responsibility of making the marriage work?This means you will not give up when problems arise. Personality attributes such as narcissism can pick away at a loving relationship and destroy the family. Ask her to do the same.

        10. Are your hygiene and habits compatible?Normally, people do not think of these as requirements for a good marriage, but it is essential to know how to take care of and present yourself, and how to contribute to the cleanliness of places you will live together. This improves the health of the couple and the children to come.

        Written by Christina Ayres


                                                          Written by Chris Oyakhilome

    And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God (Romans 12:2).

    After you’ve given your life to Christ, you’ve got a responsibility. The Bible tells us not to be like the rest of the world. Don’t conform to the world’s standards and ways of doing things. Be different. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind. That means, change your way of thinking; have a new mindset. If you want to see increased manifestation of the glory of God in your life, you must keep renewing your mind with the Word.
    Before you became a Christian, you heard, and spoke words from the world; words that you learnt from your friends, from school, your environment, the members of your family, etc. Sometimes they were bitter words, angry words, and harsh words. Some other times, they were nice words. However, God gives us words that are more than “nice”; words of the Kingdom, with which to transform our lives from glory to glory.
    As you study and yield yourself to the ministry of the Word, your spirit is inundated with divine truths; your mind is elevated to think Kingdom thoughts. This is why learning and meditating on the Word is so important. God’s Word gives you a new way of thinking. Whereas you used to think failure, fear, lack, and want, the Word gives you the mindset of success, excellence, victory, dominion, and abundance.
    Now that you’re in Christ, refuse to be conformed to this world; rather, be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Renew your thinking with the Word. By hearing the Word of God, and digesting it into you, you develop new thoughts.
    One of the major reasons many are defeated in life is their thinking. When they don’t think right, they can’t act right, and their minds are held in bondage. Nevertheless, with the transforming power of God’s Word, the limits are broken. So, set your mind on the Word and let it transform your life.

    As I meditate on the Word today, I’m transformed, transfigured, and catapulted into the image that I see in the Word! The glory of God in my spirit, and upon me, increases, influencing my attitude, character, mindset and faith. My life is improved and upgraded by the power of God’s Word today, in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

    Ephesians 4:22-24 That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts; 23 And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; 24 And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.

    Philippians 4:8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things arehonest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.

    Joshua 1:8 This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.

    Luke 1:1-25, Deuteronomy 3-4
    Acts 27:32-44, Psalm 78

    Puerto Rico authorities report 249 confirmed Zika cases

    Puerto Rico's health authorities are reporting that the Zika virus continues its spread across the U.S. commonwealth with an additional 48 cases confirmed this week.
    Health Secretary Ana Rius said Friday three of the new cases are pregnant women and six people are hospitalized after contracting the virus. One patient is recovering from a paralyzing condition that has been linked to Zika known as Guillain-Barre syndrome. The island now has 249 confirmed Zika cases involving 24 pregnant women on the island.
    Rius said the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention identified the insecticide Deltametrina as the most effective against the Aedes aegypti mosquito that spreads the virus and called on the public to eliminate breeding grounds in their communities. The CDC has requested at least $225 million in federal funds to fight Zika in Puerto Rico.