Monday 8 August 2016

MEN: How to Take Care of your Pregnant Wife

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In today’s society, it’s easy to forget that there any major differences between the genders. Until your wife gets pregnant. Then the difference between the sexes will yawn like a great chasm before you. While your pregnant wife spends nine months growing a baby inside of her, you will be left to watch from the outside; after you’ve made your deposit, your role in the baby-making miracle is complete.
But while your biological contribution might be over, if you’re like me, you’ll still want to be part of the pregnancy process.
Being a pregnant wife is tough. Seeing what Kate went through to bring my progeny into the world certainly gave me a greater appreciation for her and for womankind in general. As a man I wanted to be there for Kate as much as possible while she cooked the Gus bun in her oven. I wanted her to be as happy and comfortable as possible, and I wanted to do whatever I could to help our little kiddo come out kicking and screaming like a champ.
A lot of guys find the pregnancy process a little bewildering. Not knowing what to do, they end up nervously backing away instead of stepping up the support when their women need them the most. So I decided to start a series for dads-to-be to discuss the ins and outs of this very cool but nerve-racking period in your life. Today, we’ll talk about how to take care of your pregnant wife . Then we’ll talk about how to get ready for the new arrival to come home,how to deliver a baby in an emegency (you never know!), and how to be an awesome coach during the birthing process.

How to Take Care of a Pregnant Wife

Respond appropriately to the news your wife is pregnant. If you weren’t planning on the arrival of a bundle of joy, make sure you don’t respond in a way that shows you’re not excited about the news. Inappropriate responses would include: breaking down and crying tears of agony, making a face of disgust, or asking why she wasn’t using her birth control. You want your wife to feel confident and secure that you’ll be there for her during these trying nine months and that you’re willing to step up and be a great dad.

Read some books on pregnancy. The more you know about what she’s going through, the better equipped you are to empathize and know how to help. There are hundreds of pregnancy books to choose from.What to expect when you are expecting is a classic and guides you through what your wife is experiencing during each step of her pregnancy. They have a section dedicated just to dads that has a lot of useful information. It also lays out the development of your baby throughout his/her incubation. I thought it was kind of fun to check the book to see when Gus lost his vestigial tail or his eyes moved from the sides of his head to the front where they belong.

Accompany her to doctor’s appointments. This serves three purposes. First and most importantly, it shows your pregnant wife that you’re with her all the way in the pregnancy. Second, you’ll know exactly what’s going on with her pregnancy and will be better prepared to help her.  Pay close attention to what the doctor says at these visits. A woman’s memory takes a dive during pregnancy and she may be nervous and excited, so your wife might rely on you to remind her about which cheeses she’s not supposed to eat. Finally, seeing your baby’s picture, even when it looks like an indistinguishable lump, and hearing its heartbeat will help create a fetus/father bond. Even if you’re really busy at work or school, always make time for the doctor’s appointments.

Reduce her stress. Pregnancy is physically and emotionally demanding, so don’t burden your  pregnant wife with any unneeded pressure. Take on more of the household chores so your wife can rest.

Help her get some ZZZs. Sleeping will become a more and more uncomfortable as your wife gets further along in her pregnancy.  When women sleep on their back, the baby’s weight puts pressure on their spine, back muscles, intestines, and major blood vessels. All this can lead to pain, decreased circulation, and consequently trouble falling asleep. On top of that, the baby could be using your wife’s uterus as a punching bag right around bedtime. Try falling asleep when you’re getting punched and kicked from the inside. (Gus was super-active at nighttime when he was in the womb. Which didn’t make Kate very happy.)
There are a few things you can do to help your pregnant wife get some shuteye.
  • Get your wife a full body pillow. Pregnant woman are supposed to sleep on their side instead of on their back or stomach. A full body pillow makes side sleeping a bit more comfortable by helping support the back and cradling your wife’s belly.
  • Backrubs right before bed.
  • Herbal tea that relaxes the mind and body.
  • Cuddling
  • Sexy time.
Be patient. Pregnancy totally wreaks havoc on your wife’s hormones. Some days she’ll feel fantastic, some days she’ll bite your head off as soon as you open your mouth, and some days she’ll break down and cry for no reason at all. Be patient and recognize that it’s the hormones. Also, be understanding when it comes to your love life. Your wife’s sex drive will be all over the place during her pregnancy: often plummeting in the first trimester, bouncing back in the second and falling again in the third. Patience, friend, patience.

Handling frequent peeing. Pregnant women pee frequently. Very frequently. I’m talking every 30 minutes they’re making a run for the bathroom. It’s kind of funny, but put yourself in your wife’s shoes, and you’ll see just how much of an inconvenience it is. Imagine having to get up three times during a movie or several times in the middle of the night just to take a leak. Two things you can do to help your wife out in this area:
First, be understanding and accommodating. Don’t roll your eyes or grumble under your breath when your wife asks you to pull over into a gas station so she can go to the bathroom.
Second, keep her path to the bathroom clear so she doesn’t trip over anything during her night trips. Installing a night light in the hallway can be really helpful as well.

Act like you’re pregnant. No, I don’t mean you need to put on one of those ridiculous bodysuits that let men know what it feels like to be pregnant. Nor am I encouraging wild mood swings and consuming ice cream sprinkled with pickle juice. What I’m talking about here is adding or dropping the same habits your wife has to add or drop because she’s pregnant. It’s a way to show moral support and to help her follow doctor’s orders as closely as she can. So when your wife has to give up alcohol and coffee, become a teetotaler too (or at least don’t imbibe in front of her). Exercise is incredibly beneficial to mom and baby to be, so help her get in the habit by offering to go for a walk or to the gym together.

Tell her she’s beautiful and that you love her. Your wife will be undergoing some serious body transformations during pregnancy. Reassure her that you think she’s beautiful and that you love her immensely. Affirm your unwavering dedication to her each and every day.

Help her through morning sickness. Morning sickness is quite possibly the worst part of pregnancy (well, besides that whole labor thing). It strikes about 75 percent of all pregnant women. Symptoms of morning sickness include headaches, excessive sleepiness and of course feelings of nausea and sometimes vomiting. Most women will start feeling the symptoms of morning sickness about a month after conception, and it will typically last until the twelfth to fourteenth week of pregnancy. Some women will experience morning sickness their entire pregnancy.
Despite its name, morning sickness doesn’t happen only in the morning. Most women experience the symptoms of morning sickness all day long. When helping her through this rocky period, the key is to keep experimenting with different remedies. Introduce new treatments each day to see which work for her and which don’t. Be willing to make many trips, sometimes late at night, in search of something else to ease her troubles. Here are a few remedies that might do the trick:
  • Vitamin B6 supplements. Studies have shown that vitamin B6 supplements can alleviate the symptoms of morning sickness.
  • Seasickness bracelets. Seasickness bracelets are elastic bands with plastic bumps that apply pressure to points on the wrist. Supposedly this pressure can reduce the feelings of nausea.
  • Ginger ale. The fizziness of ginger ale or any other clear soda can help with nausea. And ginger has been shown to reduce the symptoms of morning sickness. So ginger ale is a winning combo. Most popular brands of ginger ale don’t have any real ginger in them; look for smaller, independent brands that still use the real McCoy.
  • Crackers. The problem with morning sickness is that your wife will not feel like eating much, but an empty stomach will only make the feelings of nausea worse. Crackers are easy on the stomach and can stave off the nausea that starts in the morning. Have her eat some before she even gets out of bed.
  • Ginger or peppermint tea. As with ginger, peppermint has been shown to help reduce the feelings of nausea associated with morning sickness.
Source: Art of Manliness

Heath Benefits of Apples

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A medium apple is equal to 1.5 cups of fruit.  Apples are one of the most popular fruits — and that’s a good thing. Apples are also a rich source of polyphenols. While nutrition labels don’t list these plant compounds, they are likely responsible for many of the health benefits.
To get the most out of apples, keep the skin on. It contains half of the fiber content and many of the polyphenols.

Below are some nutrition facts for a medium apple

  1. Apple consist of:
  •  Calories: 95.
  •  Carbs: 25 grams.
  •  Fiber: 4 grams.
  •  Vitamin C: 14% of the RDI.
  •  Potassium: 6% of the RDI.
  •  Vitamin K: 5% of the RDI.
Apples are a good source of fiber and vitamin C. They also contain polyphenols, which can have numerous health benefits.
                             Image result for apples cut t pieces

2. Apples May Be Good for Weight Loss

Apples may aid weight loss in several ways. They’re also particularly filling due to their high fiber content. Researchers think that apples are more filling because they are less energy-dense, yet still deliver fiber and volume.

3. Apples May Be Good for Your Heart

Apples promote heart health in several ways. They’re high in soluble fiber, which helps lower cholesterol. They also have polyphenols, which are linked to lower blood pressure and stroke risk

4. They’re Linked to a Lower Risk of Diabetes

Eating apples is linked to a lower risk of type 2 diabetes. This is possibly due to their polyphenol antioxidant content.

5. They Have Prebiotic Effects and Promote Good Gut Bacteria

The type of fiber in apples feeds good bacteria and may be the reason they protect against obesity, heart disease and type2 diabetes.

6. Substances in Apples Help Prevent Cancer

Apples have several naturally occurring compounds that may help fight cancer. Observational studies have linked them to a lower risk of cancer and death from cancer.

7. Apples Contain Compounds That Can Help Fight Asthma

Apples contain antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds that may help regulate immune responses and protect against asthma.

8. Apples Be Good for Bone Health

The antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds may promote bone health, and eating fruit can help preserve bone mass as you age

9. Apples Protect Against Stomach Injury From

Apples contain compounds that may help protect the stomach lining from injury due to NSAID painkillers

10. The Antioxidants in Apples May Help Protect Your Brain in Old Age

According to animal studies, apple juice may help prevent the decline of neurotransmitters that are involved in memory
Apples are incredibly good for you, and eating them is linked to a lower risk of many major diseases. For the greatest benefits, eat the whole fruit — both skin and flesh.

Compiled by Dr Christopher Weatherpot

MEN:How to Avoid Heart Attack

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Men are more likely to have heart attacks than women, and coronary artery disease is a major health issue for men. That's why it's important to know the warning signs of heart problems.

Heart attacks pose a unique threat to men's health. Simply put, men run a greater risk of suffering a heart attack, and they also have attacks earlier in life. Overall, between 70 and 89 percent of sudden cardiac events occur in men, making heart attack a serious issue for men. The risk of heart attack increases steadily for men after age 45, and the average age of a man having his first heart attack is about 66.
About 1,000,000 men are expected to suffer a heart attack in 2016. Nearly half of those younger than 65 years old who have a heart attack will die within eight years. All told, heart disease is the number one killer of men in the United States,and Europe.Africans know how to deal with this.

Heart Attack: Risk Factors for Men's Health

Heart attacks most often occur due to a blood clot that blocks one of the coronary arteries. Low blood flow starves the heart of oxygen, killing or permanently damaging heart muscle.
Blood clots tend to form because the affected coronary artery has suffered a build-up of a fatty substance called plaque along the artery walls. When that plaque ruptures, blood will clot around it. If the artery has been narrowed enough due to plaque, the clot could completely block all blood flow.
Plaque is made up of cholesterol, and high levels of total or “bad” LDL cholesterol in the bloodstream are leading risk factors for heart attack in men. Other risk factors include:
  • Smoking
  • Age
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Obesity and overweight
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Diabetes
  • Stress. Stress is another leading risk factor for heart attack. In fact, sudden and overwhelming stress has been known to trigger a heart attack in some cases. Doctors also believe that stress can cause men to develop bad habits like smoking or eating fatty, unhealthy foods.

    Heart Attack: Symptoms in Men

     Chest pain is the most widely recognized warning sign of heart attack in men. A feeling of severe pain or discomfort in the center of the chest will last for more than a few minutes, and may feel like:

    • Something squeezing or putting heavy pressure on the chest
    • A tight band wrapped around the chest
    • Something heavy sitting on the chest
    • A terrible case of indigestion
    Other signs of heart attack that often accompany chest pain may include:
  • Discomfort in other places in the upper body, including one or both arms, the back, the neck, the jaw, or the stomach. The pain may start in one place and spread to others.
  • Shortness of breath, nausea, lightheadedness, or breaking into a cold sweat
A man experiencing any of these symptoms should not hesitate to call 911. Prompt medical treatment is key to surviving a heart attack.

Heart Attack: Reducing Your Risk

Men who want to limit their risk of heart attack can do the following:
  • Quit smoking.
  • Become more physically active.
  • Eat a healthy diet rich in fiber and low in fat.
  • Lower high cholesterol.
  • Reduce high blood pressure.
  • Lose weight.
  • Head off diabetes or get diabetes under tight control.
  • Manage the stress in your life.
  • Get plenty of sleep.
Taking a daily aspirin may also be in your best interest, although you will want to clear this with your doctor first. Other medications may also be useful, depending on your circumstances, including statin drugs like Lipitor(atorvastatin) or Crestor(rosuvastatin). Other medical advances like drugs that dissolve blood clots and stents to keep arteries open also have helped make heart attacks much more survivable.
Still, prevention reigns supreme. Take steps today to lower your risk of heart disease.

  Written by Jennifer Acosta Scott

 Jennifer Acosta Scott:Jennifer Acosta Scott is a writer for Healthday. She resides in the Dallas-Fort Worth area with her husband, Mark, and two sons, Patrick and Hayden. A native of the Mobile, Ala. area, she attended the University of Alabama's College of Communications and Information Sciences in Tuscaloosa, graduating with a major in journalism and a minor in history. Her career began in newspapers, and she has previously worked as a news reporter for the Tuscaloosa News, the Phenix (Ala.) Citizen and the Weatherford (TX) Democrat, covering health, environment and local government. Acosta Scott's work has also been published in outlets like Health, Bankrate, Society Life, The Dallas Morning News and the Fort Worth Star-Telegram. She is also the publisher of a popular Dallas-Fort Worth area blog, Fort Worth on the Cheap, and a running blog, Little Blue Sneakers. 

7 apps every modern gentleman should have on his phone

                                   Image result for 7 apps every modern gentleman should have on his phone
Maybe you dont know and no one have told you, Your phone is your life — you use it for everything from your calendar to your Rolodex to your primary email outlet.
But it could also be so much more than that, if only you have the proper tools in your utility belt.
We've put together a list of all the most useful apps every modern gentleman should have on his phone.
From how to cook to how to survive in the event of a deadly snakebite, these apps will make any man's life easier.

Distiller:Distiller, once the perfect app to tell you what whiskey to drink, has now expanded to rum, brandy, tequila, and mezcal.No matter what your taste, Distilled offers personalized recommendations based on your situation and offers expert tasting notes so you can impress your friends. Distiller is available on iOS and Android for free.

Hotel Tonight:You never know when you're going to need a place to stay — like, right now. With Hotel Tonight on your phone, it's as easy as opening the app and choosing one of the heavily discounted unsold rooms at your disposal.Hotel Tonight is also available on iOS and Android for free.

Weber's Grill:With Weber's Grill, you don't need to actually be a grill master, but everyone will think you're one. It tells you how to cook things, how long to cook things, and is chock full of grilling tips you never knew.Weber's Grill is available for free on iOS and Android for free.

Duolingo:A modern gentleman is always learning, and that includes new languages.A quick and easy way to do that is with Duolingo, which provides easy-to-follow lessons that anyone can complete in a spare minute or two. Fluency in one of Duolingo's 10 languages is only a few taps away.Duolingo is available for free on iOS and Android..

Sworkiti:You don't need a personal trainer — there's an app for that.Just enter in your goals and what kind of workout you'd like to do, and a personalized plan will be created just for you. Then watch the videos of trainers doing the exercises, which are easy to repeat.Sworkit is available for free on iOS and Android..

Flightawar:If you're a frequent flier, Flightaware is a lifesaver. It tells you everything about where your flight is, if it's delayed and why, gate numbers, where it's coming from, and more. After all, when flying, knowledge is power.Flightaware is available for free on iOS and Android..

How to Cook Everything:When How to Cook Everything promises that it will teach you how to cook everything, it really means it. Required for a man who is clueless in the kitchen but desires to not be.How to Cook Everything is available for $10 on iOS .

Written by Dennis Green

Dennis is a reporter at Business Insider, primarily covering men's lifestyle. He previously interned at Mashable, where he wrote about web culture and cats.