Friday 15 July 2016

8 Signs You’re in the Wrong Relationship

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Studies have shown that being in a relationship can be beneficial to your overall health, but being in the wrong relationship can have the opposite effect. With this in mind, it’s important to be able to recognize the eight red flags that are clear indicators of relationships-gone-wrong. That way, you can know when it’s time to wave the white flag and move on.
1. You’re not yourself. When you’re in the wrong relationship, you may find yourself hiding your real interests, background, true feelings or any other aspect that makes you, well, you. Are you too embarrassed to share your passion for poetry? Are you dumbing down when it comes to politics? In many cases, you’ll do or say certain things because you believe it’s what your partner wants from you, even if it means not being your 100% authentic self. Since there are no Academy Awards for relationship acting, it’s time to take a bow and bow out of this wrong relationship.
2. You’re overly criticized. While there’s such a thing as constructive criticism, too much criticism can be destructive to a relationship.
You don’t have to put up with a partner who is constantly putting you down. Crude insults, snide comments and disparaging remarks have no place in a happy and healthy relationship. If you’re feeling that your worth isn’t appreciated, it’s definitely worth cutting the cord and moving on.

3. You’re doing all of the giving. A one-sided relationship isn’t a relationship, and if you’re always the one giving and never taking, it’s time to take off. There’s nothing wrong with pampering your partner, buying him or her presents and doing him or her favors from time to time, but selfless acts have to go both ways. You’re not your partner’s parent,housekeeper or personal assistant. A happy and healthy relationship is a two-way street, and doing all of the giving while receiving zero in return is a bad investment in every sense.
4. You’re distrusting of your mate. Trust is the foundation of every happy and healthy relationship, and if you and your partner can’t take each other at your word, the next word on your mind should be “breakup.” Feelings of distrust, suspicion and jealousy are strong enough to sink any smooth-sailing relationship. So instead of living with these negative emotions day after day, trust in yourself that you’ll find someone else who is worthy of your trust. 
5. You’re constantly fighting. While some conflicts is natural and healthy in a relationship, if you’re always angry, upset and mad at your partner, it’s time to put an end to fight mode and go into flight mode. Pointing fingers at each other and constantly arguing and disagreeing on every point is no way to live your life—there’s no point in that. Agree to disagree (if you can even do that) and look for a new and more agreeable partner in every respect.
6. You’re unhappy. It may seem straightforward, but if you’re feeling sad,depressed or hopeless in your relationship, you’re in the wrong one. Even if you’re intimidated or scared about the prospect of moving on, starting over, being alone or an unknown future, there’s no excuse for putting your desire for happiness on the backburner. Breaking up can be difficult, but being miserable in a relationship is actually more difficult. What would Pharrell do?
7. You’re longing for someone else. Is your heart pining for a person who’s not your partner? Are your thoughts constantly about another person? If you’re wishing that you were with someone else, whether this is an actual person or simply the idea of the kind of person you’d like to see yourself with, you’re in the wrong relationship. It’s not that you theoretically could or should even be with the person you’re longing for, but when you’re in the right relationship, your thoughts will rightly be about the person you’re actually with.
8. You’re falling for the “sunk cost fallacy.” For many people, even if they’re not feeling confident, excited or passionate about their relationship, they stay with their partner because they believe it’s too late to turn back. Maybe you feel that you’ve already invested so much time and energy into your relationship that you might as well keep sticking it out even if you’re not having fun, know your mate is wrong for you or wish you were with someone else. In economics, this concept is known as the "sunk cost fallacy." That’s when you continue investing in something just because you’ve already put a lot into it—even if you know it’s a bad decision. And if this is your reasoning to stay in an unfulfilling relationship, it’s time to cut your losses and move on. It’s never too late to find happiness.

Written by Stacey Laura Lloyd

5 Signs You Need to Marry Your Girlfriend

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If you are dating with marriage in mind, it is important to look for qualities that would make a woman a good wife. You want to look for certain characteristics that will benefit your relationship in the long term. You should search past the physical attributes you find very attractive to and your undeniable chemistry. Not every woman would make a good spouse, much less a good mother of your children.

Here are five signs that your girlfriend will also make a great wife

1. She is independent
An independent woman is a good choice because you know that she will not rely on you to keep her happy, occupied, and taken care of. An independent woman wants you rather than needs you; she doesn't freak out if she doesn't hear from you for a day, and won't be clingy or demanding of your time. This kind of woman will make a better wife than one who requires constant attention and reassurance. An independent woman is strong, confident, and not afraid to be alone.
Understand that interdependency is healthy. The kind of independence your wife should have concerns her ability to fully function on her own. But, she also knows how to reach for you when she does need you and can depend on you emotionally.
2. She is level-headed
A woman who is level-headed is much more appealing than one who is frustrated by every minor issue. You want a woman who will remain reasonably calm in stressful situations. This does not mean she will be perfect and never get upset, but she will not lose her cool at everything that goes wrong. She knows how to handle her emotions and thinks before she speaks.
You should also feel that she is a good resource for times when you might be under stress.  You can count on her abilities, intelligence and thoughts when you can’t.
3. She's low-maintenance
Just because a woman is low-maintenance doesn't mean she doesn't care about herself at all, but she won't spend hours getting ready for a date. A low-maintenance woman doesn't pile on the makeup, spend too much money on shoes and clothes, or need constant reminders that you love the way she looks. She takes pride in the way she looks without going overboard.
A high maintenance woman may not be with you through thick and thin. What happens when you can’t maintain her lifestyle?  You should not worry that this person will leave you or look elsewhere to keep her expensive habits going.
4. She supports your goals
A woman who supports your personal and career goals will make a good wife. This type of woman understands that not everything will be about her or you as a couple. While you both will have individual goals, she will be by your side cheering you in your efforts. She won't feel threatened by the time and energy you put into achieving your goals because she will have her own.
Your goals should also mesh nicely. They should not be so divergent as to cause a rift between you both. Knowing your spouse supports will help you meet those goals as well.
5. She stands up for herself
Whether she is standing up to you, a family member, or a friend, you want a woman who will not let people treat her badly. You do not want a woman who will accept your bad behavior toward her or in general. You will likely loose respect for her. A woman who stands up for herself has confidence in herself and will not let anyone abuse her, talk down to her, or act as though her opinions don't matter.
If you want to get married,it's important to look for qualities that show the woman you are dating is a capable of being alone, strong, and responsible.Getting married is nothing to take lightly and you want to make the best decision for your life.

Written by Marni Feuerman
 Marni Feuerman is a marriage expert who enjoys writing about marriage, love and relationships as well as working as a professional marriage therapist. She believes there is a lot of exciting information around this subject. It is an honor and a responsibility for her to be the "messenger" that brings this material to the public. She has worked in various settings over the years, helping those with severe medical problems, mental health issues as well as significant social issues. Her clinical experience was quite broad, but as she started her private practice, she gravitated towards working with couples. She then pursued advanced clinical training for working with couples and relationship dynamics. Marni currently maintains a private practice in Boca Raton, Florida. 

10 steps to heal yourself from heart break

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The searing pain of a failed relationship is the greatest suffering many of us will ever experience. Using this unique 10 step method, you can remove emotional pain and feel free to enjoy life fully again - in days.

Accept that you will have to go through some pain. It is an unavoidable truth that if you loved enough to be heartbroken, you have to experience some suffering.
When you lose something that mattered to you, it is natural and important to feel sad about it: that feeling is an essential part of the healing process.
The problem with broken-hearted people is that they seem to be reliving their misery over and over again. If you cannot seem to break the cycle of painful memories, the chances are that you are locked into repeating dysfunctional patterns of behaviour. Your pain has become a mental habit. This habit can, and must, be broken.
This is not to belittle the strength of your feelings or the importance of the habits you've built up during your relationship. Without habit, none of us would function. But there comes a time when the pain becomes unhealthy.
When you enter your bedroom at night, you switch on the light without thinking. If you obsess about your ex, and feel unhappy all the time, it's likely that your unconscious mind is 'switching on' your emotions in exactly the same way.
Without realising it, you have programmed yourself to feel a pang of grief every time you hear that tune you danced to, or see your ex's empty chair across the kitchen table.

Now you have to break those connections. Turn off the music that reminds you of your ex. Make your home look and feel different from when your loved one was around. Move the furniture.
Take up a new activity. And keep moving: exercise is the single most effective therapy for depression.
The point of these changes is to break up the old associations and give yourself a new environment for your new life. The changes you make don't have to be permanent. Even if it is just using a different shampoo and deleting your ex's number from the memory of your mobile, change something. Now.

The next step is to do the same thing on the inside - transform your habits of thought. In a relationship, we build up a huge array of such habits. When the love affair ends, these patterns can still be running.
To change your thinking habits, you need to understand a little more about them.
Have you ever witnessed the same event as someone else, and later found out their account of it was completely different from yours? Each of you saw the event through a 'frame', made up of your personal beliefs, feelings and internal habits.
If you are finding it devastatingly difficult to handle the end of your relationship, you may need to change this 'frame'. You will need to reframe your heartbreak. Stop seeing it as the end of your happiness. Instead, turn it into a challenge; view it as an opportunity.
Being heartbroken can make you feel worthless and hopeless - but that is because the frame you are using is too narrow. Learning to see your situation with a different frame is a wonderful liberation.

The following exercise will help you look at your circumstances from different points of view, so you gain helpful insights.
1. Think about the break-up of your relationship. What are the judgments or generalisations you have made about yourself and your ex?
2. Now think of someone you admire - a character from history or a real friend. Imagine they are watching a movie of this part of your life, and step into their shoes to watch it instead. Imagine what their comments would be.
3. Now imagine that a neutral observer is watching the movie of your life. Step into their shoes and watch it from there.
4. Notice the differences that you see from each point of view. Which ones are helpful? Which ones make you feel better? Use these perspectives to view your relationship in a new light.
People who get over difficulties well rarely see what has happened to them as a disaster. They frame it as a challenge. It is a matter of a point of view. It is not what happens to us, but how we interpret it that determines the outcome for us.

The next stage is to focus on your mental picture of your lost love. By changing how you represent your ex in your mind, you can greatly reduce or even eliminate your distress.
You must learn to control your 'visualisation'. Every single one of us makes pictures in our imagination - and we can all learn how to change the pictures. It is important to learn to do this, because our bodies react to what we imagine in the same way that they react to what is actually happening to us. Memory and imagination affect our feelings in the same way as reality does.
We are constantly altering our state by the pictures we make in our imagination and the way we talk to ourselves. So it is vital to control those pictures and not let them run away with our feelings.

1. Answer the following question. Which side of your front door is the lock on? To answer, you have had to make a mental picture of the door. You have made a visualisation.
2. Now try to imagine what your front door would look like if it was bright orange or had yellow stripes down it. Make it bigger. Move it away so that it is smaller. Move it further away and down a bit so you are looking down on it. Make it open. Change it in different ways.
3. Think about your ex now. As soon as you remember what someone looks like, you are using visualisation. What is the expression on his or her face? Observe what your ex is wearing and what he or she is doing. Where do you see the picture of them? In front of you, or to the left or the right? Is it lifesize or smaller? Is it a movie or a still image? Is it solid or transparent? Now, as you keep that image in your mind's eye, notice the feelings that arise. Make a note of those feelings.
4. Now you could remember or imagine them differently. You can imagine you are a great film director. You can reshoot the scenes of your memory and imagination in any way you want. You can change the action, soundtrack, lighting, camera angles, framing, focus and speed. Change how you are visualising your ex and notice how it affects your feelings.
5. Bring to mind the picture you had of your ex.
6. Notice where it appears and how big it is.
7. Now drain the colour out until it looks like an old black and white picture.
8. Move the image further away until it is one-tenth of its original size.
9. Shrink it even further, right down to a little black dot.
10. Notice how your feelings have changed and compare how you feel now to the note you made earlier.
You will notice that some changes have a bigger effect than others. Images that are closer, bigger, brighter and more colourful have greater emotional intensity than those that are duller, smaller and further away.
Standing outside your memories and watching as if they were a movie helps you distance yourself from them.

Now you are ready to tackle the central problem using the visualisation technique. Part of being heartbroken is the fact that you still feel in love. It hurts because part of you is still attached to your ex. This exercise helps that piece of you release itself.
1. List five occasions when you felt very in love with your ex. List them so you can easily call them to mind.
2. Start with the first of those memories. Play with it. Move the image away from you so that you can see yourself in the picture. Make it small.
3. Drain out the colour so it is black and white, then make it transparent. When you look at your memory like this, it will seem as if the event is happening to someone else, and the emotional intensity will be reduced still further. You are starting to re-code your memory.
4. When you have finished re-coding the first memory, do the same for the next one. Work through them until you have done all five.
5. Remember in detail five negative experiences with your expartner, where you felt very definitely put off by him or her. List the five experiences.
6. Take the least appealing memory and fully return to that moment. Try to relive it.
7. Now turn up the colour and the clarity. Make the memory as bright and clear as you can, and experience the feelings more and more strongly.
8. Go through each of the other four negative memories of your ex-partner, and relive them. Carry on until even thinking about them puts you off.
When you think about the bad experiences again and again, the negative memories begin to join up so that there is no space between them for the feelings of love, yearning and regret.
Concentrate on the exercise and do it methodically. Some people have found that doing this just once makes them feel different. To make sure the effect sticks, do it every day for two weeks.

The next stage is to learn to understand your emotional reactions better. Your feelings of heartbreak are unlikely to disappear unless you cope with what they are trying to tell you.
An emotion is a bit like someone knocking on your door to deliver a message. If you don't answer, it keeps knocking until you do open up.
Opening the door to your feelings means learning to understand them. This can be hard, because heartbreak is complicated by other feelings: anger, fear and shame.

You could fall into the trap of remaining convinced that your ex is the only person you could ever love. This is unlikely to be true on a planet with six billion people.
So why do you believe it? Can it be because you are desperately trying to avoid accepting that the relationship is over? Or are you afraid that the bad feelings associated with heartbreak will never go away?
That fear makes you anxious, and keeps you feeling bad for longer. The burden of your heartbreak has grown heavier, and a vicious circle has been established.

A good way of giving yourself a boost - and coping with complicated feelings - is to imagine a bright future.
1. Imagine the future as a corridor in front of you. Imagine walking down it, away from the present, towards a door.
2. Open the door, and see beyond it a world in which you have recovered from your heartbreaking relationship.
3. See what you look like, what you are wearing, where you are going, whom you are seeing.
4. Now step into this new world and into the new happy you. Imagine the whole experience from the inside, seeing what you would see, hearing what you would hear, and feeling how good and happy things are now.
It is not a matter of believing the image is real: just imagine it as vividly as possible.
In heartbreak, there is often a backlog of emotional learning to get through. Do one bit at a time. Your unconscious mind will protect you, and give you a rest so that you can deal with the next bit. You will learn to step out of the memories, leave them behind, and start a new life.

Written by Dr Anthony Page

LADIES:4 reasons you are still single,even at 35

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More and more I am surrounded by women over 35 years of age who want to get married, but cannot find a suitable partner. They have heard the best places to go for singles over 35, have been set up on numerous blind dates, have joined online dating, and still don’t have a ring on their finger. These women are educated, have a great job, great homes, gorgeous, and would make the perfect wife. What’s wrong? When I talk with these women, many think the problem may rest with the guys. Guys in their age range want younger, less established women, or cougars who are self-made and don’t need the guy’s financial backing, or his ability to procreate in order to share a life together. But if I take a bit longer and talk more in depth with these women, then I begin to see that it may not be the men at all. It may in fact be the way these women are feeling toward themselves or what they are projecting outward that is limiting their ability to find a suitable partner for marriage.
Many of us don’t understand that how we feel inside really does project on the outside. If you feel cynical, judgmental or unhappy, no matter how much your latest haircut, manicurist, trainer, or diet fad costs, your looks will reflect how you feel. If you have been let down by men beginning with your dad when you were six, or by your boyfriend who got stolen from you when you were 17 years old, and you never resolved it, then you will attract a man who gets stolen from you or abandons you time after time. When a man becomes interested in you, they take a look at you and already know their destiny. There are things you have to look at within yourself whenever you are seeking something or someone. These thoughts/tapes are often the reason most women over 35 who want to get married are not.

1. Life has taught you to be critical. Men are emotional beings just as women are. They enjoy sex, but they want to build a life with women who are kind and loving. There is a saying that “every man loves a bitch.” This is misinterpreted by many women. Men like a confident woman who is capable of loving herself and others. Men do not like mean women. If a man is drawn to a mean woman, it says more about his family of origin than it does about the woman. Be careful…do you want to be with a man who likes mean women? Really?
2. Your standard of measurement is askew. Often, women who want to marry but aren’t married are still looking for someone cute. Sexual attraction is important, but in regards to a husband, what are most important are honesty and character. One study referenced in my blog reported that the healthiest marriages were those where the woman was the looker, not the guy. If you have a particular “cute level” they must achieve, you need to look in the mirror again with your makeup washed off, because this is the way your husband will see you each morning.
3. Being honest with yourself is not valued. The majority of single women over 35 who want to be married are in relationships with people that they don’t really love or see a future with. They lie to these guys and tell them such things as, “Yeah, its okay if we don’t get married.” They move in with him and begin a life, many times committing years of their lives to a man who is never going to commit to them because they are afraid if they tell him the truth he will leave. If you want to get married, make it known, be authentic up front, and don’t settle for someone who is still trying to flirt with everything he sees.
4. You don’t like yourself. Women who are single and over a certain age become very self-focused. They begin to see all of their flaws (especially with looks); the world becomes totally centered on them. The more this happens, the more they repel others. Soon, they find themselves alone and begin to think they don’t deserve anyone. When a man is looking for a wife, any vibes of self hate come through loud and clear. Somehow they get it, that you cannot possibly love them any more than you can love yourself. If you disgust you, how can you possibly love them?

The only reason to get married is because you have decided that this person brings out the very best in you and you in them. The thought of not sharing your life with them is worse than the thought of losing everything else in your life. It takes that kind of commitment from both of you. Marriage is a lifestyle; the vows are sacred. Prepare yourself to be a good partner instead of focusing on how messed up single guys/women are over 35 years of age.

Written by Mary Jo Rapini
 Mary Jo Rapini, MEd, LPC,is a counselor,contributing expert for Cosmopolitan magazine, People magazine, Women’s Health, First, New York Daily News, Seventeen, Redbook, People, and Self Magazine's “Love and Relationship” section. Mary Jo is a “City Bright” writer for the Houston Chronicle, and is a contributing columnist to goal is to help women gain the freedom to be all they can be, by empowering them and the men who love them.  Women need a strong support system that provides her with reinforcement, and encourages her to be brave enough to make individual strides and be her own person.

The Blind Seer

......And i met a man whose garment was rot of rags;
Cuddling lies in old sack,
Fondling old lyrics like rolling fumes.
He said:
"son, this brethren of yours
Soon shall kiss the tomb,
So bring things to appease the biggest foe,
For this wahala isn't a doctor's case,
'cause little ghosts had bundled him."
I watched, drained in awe,
Casting a wild glance,
While he fondled his bitter hymn,
Thus sapping me of borrowed joy,
As his cemented lies sprawls like soys.
Rattling. Raving. Chanting.
The unknown songs,
He said:
"Your brethren's plagues is but sevenfold,
The reason he's not bold,
Deadly stroke first of 'em all, followed by malignant boils and sores,
The others can be counted in scores,
For the adversary can inflict the pores. "
Around the fire, he gamboled,
And danced and said :
" he has to be canopied under my roof,
For their grand-master dread my root,
This shrine of mine, is the shelter of the sunny god;
Who i served from a youthful age. "
He said:
" Bring seven fattened calves,
And yam in a whiteman's rolling house,
Branded gins in their thousand tons,
I shall commune with their master one on one,
Feeding its Progenitors and hungry ghosts."
I sagged down my mountainous head,
Cachinating amidst his tell-tales,
For my anger can kill a million tricks,
Though to him, i was an imbecile of distorted limbs.
Beautiful and lenient lies,
Adorned and decorated with empty words,
Soaked like the linen of a perspiring pant,
Worn by a man of slanted age.
Rusted coins.
Double-bladed leaves.
Broken pot of thunderous form,
Memory of cemented tricks,
Performed by a man of squalid lane.

Written by Isaac Archibongpoet (the street writer)