Sunday 7 February 2016


                Image result for THE RISK BEHIND TATTOO AND BODY ARTImage result for THE RISK BEHIND TATTOO AND BODY ART
A tattoo is a permanent mark or design made on your skin with pigments inserted through pricks into the skin's top layer. Typically, the tattoo artist uses a hand-held machine that acts much like a sewing machine, with one or more needles piercing the skin repeatedly. With every puncture, the needles insert tiny ink droplets.
The process — which is done without anesthetics — causes a small amount of bleeding and slight to potentially significant pain.
Tattoos might be more common than ever, but don't take the risks lightly. Understand basic safety precautions and aftercare.
A gruesome list of illnesses and health problems contracted by people who have had tattoos or piercings which went wrong was released by the European commission yesterday in an effort to raise awareness about the dangers of body art.
Up to half of all body piercings lead to acute infections which require medical treatment, and there have been two piercing-related deaths in Europe this year, the commission said.
It added that precious little was known about the chemical structure and toxicity of many of the dyes used in tattooing and warned that many people were effectively injecting car paint into their skins.

When health standards are disregarded -and it said they often were - people anxious to decorate and personalize their body with dye or metal had paid dearly for bad practices. "These practices can bring about viral infections such as hepatitis, HIV, bacterial and fungal infections, allergic reactions such as skin irritation, and malignant lesions such as melanoma, leprosy and other devastating diseases."
Other problems associated with body art were toxic shock syndrome, tetanus, venereal ulcers, tuberculosis and a host of skin diseases, it added.

Tattoos breach the skin, which means that skin infections and other complications are possible, including:

  • Allergic reactions. Tattoo dyes — especially red, green, yellow and blue dyes — can cause allergic skin reactions, such as an itchy rash at the tattoo site. This can occur even years after you get the tattoo.
  • Skin infections. A skin infection is possible after tattooing.
  • Other skin problems. Sometimes bumps called granulomas form around tattoo ink. Tattooing also can lead to keloids — raised areas caused by an overgrowth of scar tissue.
  • Bloodborne diseases. If the equipment used to create your tattoo is contaminated with infected blood, you can contract various bloodborne diseases — including tetanus, hepatitis B and hepatitis C.
  • MRI complications. Rarely, tattoos or permanent makeup might cause swelling or burning in the affected areas during magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) exams. In some cases, tattoo pigments can interfere with the quality of the image.
Medication or other treatment might be needed if you experience an allergic reaction to the tattoo ink or you develop an infection or other skin problem near a tattoo.


                                                       Written by Pastor Chris-Oyakhilome

But grow in grace, and in the knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. To Him be glory both now and for ever: Amen (2 Peter 3:18). Grace is the outward reflection of the inner workings of the power of God in your life. It's of the beauty and influence of the Holy Spirit, and the Word of God in you, producing acceptability, advantage, favour, joy, liberality, gift and pleasure. Every Christian has received grace in abundance (Roman 5:17); but the measure or degree to which it's seen and reflected through you is dependent on you.
You have the responsibility to see to it that the grace of God upon your life increases in greater measure. 2 Peter 1:2 shows you how the grace of God can be multiplied in your life; it's through the knowledge of God and the Lord Jesus: "Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God and of our Lord Jesus Christ." As the knowledge of God and His Word increases in your life, you'll walk in increased grace. Your testimony then becomes like that of the Apostles in the early Church: "And with great power gave the Apostles witness of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus: and great grace was upon them all" (Acts 4:33).
The greek word translated "grow" in our opening verse is "auxano" and it means to give increase to, or enlarge. Notice that the Bible didn't say for you to pray to God for increase grace , rather it shows you how to "enlarge" or "give increase" to the grace that's already been available to you in Christ. You do this through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord.
The Greek word for knowledge in 2Peter 1:2 is "epignosis." It means full knowledge that transcends, mere awareness; an esoteric knowledge-a discernment or full understanding of God and of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. Recognize, perceive, and become fully acquainted with God and His living Word- Jesus Christ-and you'll walk in ever-increasing grace. That way, the grace of God that brings acceptability, advantage, beauty and excellence will function in you in ever-increasing measure in Jesus name, Amen!!!
Shout "Amen" and "Share this article". God bless you!

6 Signs You are in a dead Church

Recently, an online magazine sent me an article on "5 signs you're part of an unhealthy church," I eagerly opened it. This subject is dear to my heart.
I am passionate about strong, healthy churches but now,im deciding to write on the signs to know whether you are in a dead church.
The writer's 5 signs were good, as far as they went. No argument with her. I did not leave a comment one way or the other in response.
What I felt, however, is that my experience seems to be of another nature from hers because she was talking from the physical aspect..
 Here are 6 signs (evidences, indications) that the church to which you belong is dead.

1. Prayer, if offered at all, is a formality, an afterthought, a burden.
Recently, while spending a long weekend with a group of pastors and their wives at a retreat in Italy, I was struck by something strange. By the time I got up to speak, the service--by then a half-hour long--had experienced at least five prayers. The worship leader had followed a couple of songs with prayer, the presiding leader had prayed, and at least two more people with roles in the service had prayed. Each prayer had been spontaneous, heartfelt, and a joy. I knew then we were in for a rich time of Christian fellowship.
On the other hand, it pains me to remember the Sunday morning worship services where I was the guest preacher and noticed that by the time I stood to preach, not a single prayer--not one!--had been offered.
There is no more accurate indicator of a Christian's spirituality or a church's health than the vitality of our prayer life.

2. Giving stems from duty and is never a joy.
"God loves a hilarious giver," we're told in II Corinthians 9:7.
When David was receiving the offering to build the original temple, he was so impressed by the joyful spirit of the givers. Scripture says, "Then the people rejoiced for they had offered willingly, because with a loyal heart they had offered willingly to the Lord, and King David also rejoiced greatly" (I Chronicles 29:9).
....not grudgingly or of necessity, for God loves a cheerful giver. (II Cor. 9:7)

3. Laughter is rare, and when present at all, forced and quickly stifled.
Someone asked a friend of mine, "Do you think Jesus ever laughed? The Bible doesn't say He did." My buddy's answer is as good as it gets: "I don't know whether he laughed or not. But He sure fixed me up so I could!"
We are "fixed up to laugh," Christian. Joy is the very atmosphere of the Throne room of Heaven (Psalm 16:11) and laughter is nothing but audible joy.
The preacher who thinks he has to tell jokes to elicit laughter from his people is missing the point. The difference in that kind of provoked joy and the natural joy that arises from the hearts of happy worshipers is the difference in night and day.

4. When church ends, everyone scatters.
I said to a pastor where I had just preached, "Close your eyes and listen. That's the sound of fellowship." By then, the service had been over a full half-hour, but his people had hung around, visiting with one another.
There are fewer greater compliments to give to a church than that: the members love each other and cannot wait to get together. "By this all men will know you are my disciples," our Lord said, "that you love one another" (John 13:34-35).

5. No one hears about salvation, no one gets saved, the baptistry is dry.
Growing up on our Alabama farm, we had a pear orchard in the back yard. Across on the next ridge, my grandfather had a large apple orchard. Scattered throughout were peach trees. They all had one big thing in common: healthy trees were always producing delicious and abundant fruit. Healthy fruit.
If the tree was barren or the fruit diseased, it was a dead giveaway that the tree was in trouble.
This is not to say that all churches taking in large numbers of new members and baptizing many hundreds are automatically proven healthy. Unfortunately, one can use gimmicks to get people to join a church and manipulate them to be baptized. I say to our shame that many churches resort to this rather than trod the hard road of building a healthy church.
I chose and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain.... (John 15:16).

 6. Neither the members nor the leaders are willing to pay the price to make the church healthy.
Going from death-bed to health requires sacrifice, commitment, work, and often pain. It will require the patient to make wholesale changes, to submit to the oversight of medical professionals who know more than the diseased patient and know what to prescribe. It will require a willingness to die to self.
That's why a truly sick-unto-death church would rather die than live. In order to be healthy, they would have to stop their self-destructive ways, retire some unhealthy leaders, and become a kind of church they have not been in years, if ever.
Right at this moment, I can take you to a half-dozen churches that are dying and which have rejected the good counsel of friends who told them what it would take to be well. It was for good reason our Lord asked the man at the pool of Bethesda, "Do you want to be well?" (John 5:6). Not everyone does

Written by Joe McKeever
Joe McKeever has written dozens of books, 1,000+ articles on various subjects (prayers,leadership, church,pastors) that can be found on his website -- -- and which are reprinted by online publications everywhere. His articles appear in a number of textbooks and other collections. Over a 42 year period, McKeever pastored 6 churches Followed by 5 years as Director of Missions for the 135 SBC churches of metro New Orleans, during which hurricane katrina devastated the city and destroyed many churches. Joe is married to Margaret, the father of three adults, and the proud grandfather of eight terrific young people. He holds degrees from Birmingham-Southern College (History, 1962), and New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary (Masters in Church History, 1967, and Doctorate of Ministry in Evangelism, 1973)

Major reason why Artistic talents leave the church

What is a talent?

Talent means the skill that someone has quite naturally to do something that is hard. Someone who has talent is able to do something without trying hard. It is an ability that someone is born with. It is a high degree of ability or of aptitudes. People may have talent for music,dancing acting or other skills. Someone who has talent is talented and If someone has talent they still have to work very hard if they want to be very good at something. Some people become quite good at something even if they do not have much talent, but if they are willing to work very hard at the skill. Some people “waste their talent” (they have talent but do not work hard at it, they do not use their talent.
 It's becoming increasingly popular for artists and creative artists to leave the church in search of deeper fulfillment. But why? What is it about the local church that is failing to capture the attention of this generation? Why are so many leaving the church? Why is serving the local church not capturing the imagination of our young musicians, writers, dancers, painters, and videographers?It's not about the money. We already know that creatives aren't just looking for the biggest paycheck. They crave, more than anything else, to do work that matters - to have freedom to create.
 The church is made up of all kinds of people–businessmen and women, farmers, industrial workers, theologians, teachers, blue collar, white collar, entrepreneurs, servants, and leaders–but there’s one group of people that the church is in danger of losing: her creative talents.
Dbanj,Banky W, Terry G, P-Square, Wande Coal, Dare Art Alade, KC Presh started from the church but they ended in the circular world because of one major reason.
That reason is that church culture has made it difficult for artistic people to express their creativity so they go into the world because the world accepts them better,so why are artistic people leaving your church?
I’m not trying to condemn the church, but I do know that the Reformation, which was a great movement by the way, was also partly responsible for throwing out church art to fight against the worship and veneration of images. However, in reaction, the church started to embrace a more austere and plain worship style–one where the arts and artists where no longer valued, and to some degree, kicked out with the icons. It was right to put a stop to the worship of images, but as a backlash, I think we’ve been fighting an anti-creative current for generations as a result.
The bottom line: the church at large needs to learn, once again, how to embrace and empower its creatives.
We need a creative revolution.
Not a revolution that makes creativity king, but a revolution that seeks to embrace artists. A revolution that restores value to their Kingdom contribution in deeper ways or creativity.

The Transformation of character

                                                    Written by Rev Sam Adeyemi

 According to him, there was so much unfairness in the country. Wealth is distributed unfairly, so he decided to take it out on the rich by forming an armed robbery gang.

That is the state of our nation, a country with all its natural and human resources sits on the brink of destruction. Not that it lacks wealth but just that it has lost its moral compass. In the last decade we have seen the destruction and erosion of values that have guarded us as a nation and that could make our success possible. We must address corruption from its roots. I do not see a corrupt political system solving the problem of corruption anywhere. The only institution that is capable of solving the corruption in our country is the Church. It is all about the heart of man. A good man from his heart brings good things; an evil man from his heart brings evil things. I do not see an educational system being able to bring forth such corrections to our hearts. Jeremiah 17:9 describes the capacity of human spirit to create and invent destruction and evil, it says “the heart of man is deceitful above all is desperately wicked who can know it”.
Man's heart has the capacity to create beauty and ultimate glory, also, man's heart has the capacity to invent evil of all kinds and dimensions.
Man loses his capacity for glory when he takes God from the place that belongs to Him in the human heart. Sometimes man does not enjoy the control that God brings unto his life. When he gives God his place, God exercises lordship over his life and he does not like that, so he takes God out and replaces himself. Initially, men believed that the earth was at the centre of the universe, everything revolved around it until it was proven otherwise that sun is at the centre of the universe and gives light to other bodies that revolves around it. The Sun represents God.
When man chooses not to revolve around God, or not to take life from him, he is lost and that is the state of mankind. When God is taken out of man, he malfunctions like a faulty computer.
The depth of emotional fulfillment that God has provided for man is amazing. When they are all lost, then we must find a way to satisfy those needs or the needs for those emotions is what leads man to all do all kind of evil.
Apostle Paul said “they had to satisfy the cravings of their bodies and began to lust against one another”. Any society that takes God out of His place will give in to sexual immorality because sex is one of the strongest emotions known to man. So sex is glamorized like drugs or any of those things that give artificial fulfillment. If we do not give God his own place, we have to invent those things that will keep us happy.
When we cannot get the kind of fulfillment that God provides, we overvalue material things and this leads to covetousness. We desire more cars, houses and money in our bank account. The more we desire material things is proof that we are spiritually sick. There is no amount of sex or material possession that will fill the gap when you take God out. There is need for change and it has to be now.
Until we change inside, we cannot change outside see Matthew 23:25 for the words of Jesus on this.
When it comes to change of heart, no human being can do it. What slows us down on our path of transformation is our denial, we are hypocritical and pretentious. The church is not left out. Though we are born again; the capacity of the human spirit to fumble is still there. We refuse to tell ourselves the truth about our areas of weakness and ask God for help. Even in the law court when an accused person quickly admits his/her wrong and pleads for leniency, the judge tends to be merciful. We need to learn to be genuinely remorseful, these are not the way things should go, we are not meeting God's standard and need to ask God for the change to start with us.
With God, obedience is better than sacrifice, when we ask God for help he will definitely lend a hand. It is my prayer that this environment will not corrupt you or your destiny. Your testimony will be Rom 6:14; sin shall not have dominion over you. The fear of the Lord is to depart from evil; we need to restore the fear of God.
What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul? Mark 8:35.

How WW3 will Begin from Syria

“For 3,000 years a secret code in The Bible has remained hidden. Now it has been unlocked by computer – and it may reveal our future. The code was broken by a distinguished mathematician, and later corroborated by world-famous academics. It foretells events that happened thousands of years after it was incorporated in The Old Testament – from World War 2 to the Gulf War.

The Bible code’s statement that the final battle, Armageddon, could begin in the Middle East with an act of nuclear terrorism seemed all too real.
The word ‘Armageddon’ comes from the last Book of The New Testament, in a verse that seems fanciful: ‘The spirits of devils, working miracles, go forth unto the kings of the Earth and of the whole world, to gather them to the Battle of that Great Day of God Almighty.”
And he gathered them together into a place called in the Hebrew tongue Armageddon.’
But Armageddon is a real place. It is the Greek name for an ancient city in Israel, Megiddo.In Hebrew, ‘Mount Megiddo’ is ‘Harmegiddo’.
 Armageddon’ is encoded in The Bible with the name of Syria’s leader, Hafez Asad. In fact, the name of the actual site of the long-prophesied Final Battle appears with his name in a single skip sequence: Armageddon, Asad holocaust.’ ‘Syria’ is encoded with ‘world war’. It is the country that stands out, because it is not expected*. ‘Russia’ and ‘China’ and ‘USA’ also appear with ‘world war’ but they are the three superpowers most likely to be involved. Syria is the surprise.
 If Armageddon is real, it may begin the way it is prophesied in the plain text of The Bible (in Revelation 9:13 And the sixth angel sounded, and I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God,
9:14 Saying to the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels
[Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran] which are bound in the great River Euphrates.
9:15 And the four angels were loosed, which were prepared for The Hour, and The Day, (the month, and the year) for to slay the third part of men.
9:16 And the number of the army of the horsemen [were] two hundred thousand thousand (200,000,000): and I HEARD the number of them.

The last Book of the New Testament predicts a final war of unprecedented fury: ‘Satan shall be loosed out of his prison, and shall go out to deceive the nations in the four quarters of the Earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together to battle.’
No one knows where the ancient ‘Gog and Magog’ were located (please speak for yourself Mr. Drosnin. They are Mesech [Moscow] and Tubal [Tobolsk] – JAH). But the original prophecy of the final Battle, told in Ezekiel, is that Israel will be invaded from the North. The only modern enemy north of Israel is Syria (and then Russia – Revelation*).
* Rev. 16:12 And the sixth angel poured out his vial upon the great River Euphrates; and the “water” thereof was dried up, that the way of the kings of the East (eastern block) might be prepared.
‘Syria’ is encoded in Ezekiel, starting in the verse that predicts the invasion. Syria’s allies are named: ‘Persia’ and ‘Phut’ – countries that are now called Iran and Libya.
The plain text of Ezekiel predicts a terrible battle between Israel and the surrounding Arab nations. According to The Bible code, that is how World War 3 might begin – with an atomic attack on Jerusalem, followed by an invasion of Israel...”

Written by Athaliah  Berahuchia

Athaliah Berahuchia is an Isrealie history student living in the United States.She is a counsellor and a historian.


                                                         DR D.K OLUKOYA

When you miss the person you are supposed to meet in life anything can happen to you as the enemy is moving about like a roaring Lion looking for whom to devour. Some of the reasons for this article are as follows because they have missed the person they were supposed to meet in life.
 Psalm 37: 23 says, "The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord, and He delighteth in his way".

There are two kinds of person you should meet in your life.
The first person you must not miss is God. You cannot meet Him and your life will remain the same. Until you meet Him you have met nobody. He is the One that created you and knows you more than any person. Many people even Christians have not really met Him, because when you encounter Him, people around you will instantly notice a change in you. Many great men of God in the Bible like Jacob, Moses and Paul were completely and instantly changed after meeting with Him. People who saw you before the encounter will now say what happened to you. I pray that God will arrest you, put you in a corner where you cannot escape. I pray that you will encounter God. There are two things that are important in the life of a shepherd, the rod and his shoes The rod to put sheep back into line and to lead by the way they should go. He needs a shoe because of the terrain to protect the feet.

The second person you must not miss in life is human being. In life you meet four kinds of people. They are as follows:
  1. Those who add to your life
  2. Those who subtract from your life. There are some women whose life would have been better off had they not met their husbands who became a deficit and burden to their lives
  3. Those who leave you the way they find you. Never add or deduct from your life.
  4. Those who waste your life. They are called wasters.
The people you meet and the people you did not meet in life chart the course of your life. When I was to travel abroad for my post graduate studies I met a clerk who changed the course of my life. I got to know about the scholarship for my doctorate degree two months after the closing date for submission of completed application from I completed my application form, prayed as we were taught to pray some serious prayers. I took it to the respective office for submission. I was told the closing date was two months ago. Whilst the discussion about late submission was going on, a clerk in the same office came by, decided to try if there is anything he could do by speaking to their boss. He went to see their boss with my application form for scholarship, came back to inform me it has been accepted.

The day I met that clerk my life changed forever. In the journey of life destiny allows some people to cross your path to catapult you to a prepared ordained place but if you miss that person, you crawl unknown to your own grave. In addition there are blocker spirits who can block you from meeting your ordained helpers. The enemy can arrange for you to marry the wrong person and have the wrong spouse. That is why when we counsel people who want to marry to seek the face of the Lord for their divine ordained husband or wife.

What some people call friends are their enemies. They are eating and revealing their secrets to their enemies. An angel might come to you in rags and you chase him away. That is why the Bible said, some people entertain angels unawares. Like wise you can insult an angel. The enemy can manipulate somebody into someone's life in order to waste that life. The day you meet some people could be your day of blessing or your day of woe. Also the day you meet some people could be a day of eternal joy. There are situations where people that are antagonising you, could be a divine arrangement to lead you to your path of break-through in your life. In the story of Joseph, his encounter with Potiphar's wife (read Genesis chapter 39) eventually gave him the chance to interpret Pharaoh's dream which made him to become the Prime Minister in the land of Egypt.

In the Book of Luke chapter 22 verses 10-11 say, "And He said unto them. Behold when ye are entered into the city, there shall a man meet you, bearing a pitcher of water: follow him into the house he entereth in. And ye shall say unto the good man of the house. The Master saith unto thee, where is the guest chamber, where I shall eat the Passover with my disciples?
The highlight of the above scripture is the man with a pitcher or jar of water. The disciples were on a mission and the man with a pitcher was their divine pointer to their mission accomplish. The man with the pitcher never knew that he was a sign leading them to their desired location. What would have happened if the disciples have missed the man with the pitcher? My dear reader, this is the situation many people find themselves in at the present moment. Many people have lost their divine sign post in life and as a result are roaming around aimlessly in life. Imagine what would have happened if the disciples have argued with the man with the jar. Please, pray this prayer before you continue your reading:
My Father, if I have missed the person with my divine jar, O Lord bring him back, in Jesus name.

The question you have to ask yourself is, have I missed the person with my divine jar? Whether you answer yes or no, you need to pray.

Prayer is the only solution.

God is so merciful and full of compassion that when you call on Him He is more than able to bring back to you the person with your divine jar. It is guaranteed and sealed that when you call on God, He would answer you, because He said, I wish above all things that thou may prosper here on earth in anything you do or any project you embark on and be in good health.

My family and I need good health and I suppose every body. But before you can be a partaker in God's assured promise, you need to surrender your life to Jesus Christ. In the journey of life you cannot make it without JESUS. The Bible tells us that He is the way, the truth and the life. When you have Him on your side you have everything. There is no time to waste, you have nothing to loose. On the branches page, you will find the nearest branch of Mountain of Fire and Miracles Ministries to you or any Bible believing spirit filled Church. You can give us a call and someone will be able to help you. Surrender your life to Jesus and then the prayer below will profit you more. God bless you as you obey the voice of Holy Spirit urging you to surrender.
Pray this prayer:
 Every man or woman ordained to promote my life manifest in the name of Jesus.

Tunisia Builds Anti-Terror Barrier

Tunisia’s Defence Minister, Farhat Horchani, announced on Saturday that the second phase of the project would involve installing electronic equipment with the help of Germany and the US.
According to Tunisian Security Forces, the defences designed to make the border impassable by vehicles, had already helped to reduce smuggling.
The construction of the barrier was announced last summer after 38 people were killed on a beach by a gunman said to have trained in Libya.

Nigerian Invents Electricity Generator Powered By Water

A Nigerian,Emeka Nelson by name creates an electricity generator that is powered by water. He also invented what he calls the "MGBANWE C12", a machine that turns non-biodegradable wastes like plastics, waterproof nylon, etc into petrol, kerosene, diesel and some other heavy oils and interlocking stones. In the pictures:The Hydroelectric Generator .

Creative and inventive minds in Africa should be identified, supported and celebrated. Instead of marrying a 3rd wife or building a 4th house you would hardly ever sleep in, invest that money in people like Emeka Nelson. African "angel investors" must arise!. Emeka runs his private company, Creative E Machines, based in Awka Ibom, Nigeria.
You may not have money to invest. But you can share this post. You can spread the message in different ways. You can petition your elected officials to do more in ensuring the growth of the Science & Technology sector of the economy. Always remember, a country that does not produce man-made goods and services will always lag behind. Choose prosperity today! And WORK for it!