Monday 17 August 2015



When we look at the story of the valley of dry bones
in Ezekiel 37,we will see a lot of mysteries
uncovered.the scripture said "and behold,they were
many and they were dry"
God asked Ezekiel"CAN THESE BONES LIVE?" and what
Ezekiel could say to God was "only you that knows"
which means he was telling God" i don't know" because
it was a state of hopelessness.

God told Ezekiel to speak his word over them and
of course,there was a shaking and suddenly,the bones
came together and we know the rest of the story.i
will interpret the meanings of story for us and
then,i pray that God will heal every part of us that
is wounded by his mercy and grace.

Friends,are you trying every way you know to put your
life together?
Do you long to get back on your feet?its very
simple.Breathe and immense yourself in the word of
God told Ezekiel again "speak to the wind(the spirit
of God) come,breathe upon these slain that they may
 Beloved,they were wounded and slain dead.No therapy
did it because they were too was the power of
God that brought them back to life
God's life giving spirit if for those who have been
slain by circumstances or situation.some,its their
past that has given them wounds and so,they are dead in
isolation and loneliness,dead in their emotions,dead
in their wonder so many of our brothers
and sisters, and friends out there and some of our fathers and mothers live in isolation and hurt of past experience.
Many of them out there need our prayers because they
are wounded badly.when a wound is not treated,it
attracts flies and it starts to smell.thats what is
happening now.
You have to reach a point where you say"I am not going
to live in the past again.either in anger,in
bitterness or in hurt.i will not live in self hatred
and self guilt.i am going to move forward because God
is giving me the strength to do so in jesus name"

Nobody will help you heal that your is you
that will cry to God to heal that part of yours that is
wounded and dead.
God is telling so many of us" to them that are wounded
and dead in whatever aspect of your lives,cry unto me
and i will move on your behalf.i will heal your
wounds" because the bible says "by his stripes(That is
the stripes of Jesus) we was healed"

                 I remain yours

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