Saturday 26 September 2015


Apostle Soji John
A young man in his mid thirties walked up to me because I have known him  for over 35yrs ago. When he was younger, at his teens he was very intelligent. He did well in his primary and secondary school.
Unfortunately, close to to when was almost rounding off his secondary education, he joined himself to dubious dropouts in school who refused to attend classes when school was in session.
In few months, he started to depreciate in knowledge, and when he stepped into my office, looking at him, you wouldn’t want to associate with him because from his head to his feet, he looked sick. He has so much emaciated that you could see his skeletal frame.
Listen dear reader, just like this young man, you think you will always have the time? No sir. You think the seasons of life you are in now will continue like that forever? No
This young man was dying of tuberculosis and my heart cried for him.He had wasted his time, the opportunities he got, the resources made at his disposal both by God and man. He became a waste, living a wasted life that nobody wanted to identify with.
Dear reader,I am writing this with a sense of urgency, don’t waste your time .for those of us that are getting older by the day, we can do something about our lives, This is the time you can work. Understand that time waits for no man.
What you do with your time determines the good success or failure you will have.”That you mayest have good success and make thy way prosperous” Joshua 1 ;8.”That thou” means someone who will dare use his time maximally will have good success and make his or her way prosperous
A minute gone into history cannot be recalled back, that is why you must be smart with time.Dont associate with time wasters. If you marry a time waster, pray for him or her until she repents or he or she will distract you from becoming an achiever in life.
Time wasters must carefully be watched out for.The actions of time wasters is illustrated as an ant at work that slowly eats away and carries off all its may take long while, but surely completes the task of depleting the stock, so time wasters must not be tolerated as their actions will eventually lead to regrets.
Look, God doesn’t invest in time wasters, neither does God multiply or increase time wasters.
What do you do with your time?
If you joke with your morning, you joke with your future. Those who joke with their morning mourn at night.
If you play in the morning, you will pay at night. It is better you pay now so that you can enjoy your future.
Anyone you have in your life or around you, who does not observe or have respect for time, you must separate from them because such people don’t work with time, neither do they respect your time , as they do not know the significance of time nor what time represents. If you want to be successful, make good use of time because time works with opportunities and opportunities work with time.
Successful people understand this because they do not joke with time that is why it is time that them successful.

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