Thursday 17 September 2015


Blessed are the pure in heart; for they shall see God Matt. 5:8,

We live in a decaying world - a world full of corruptions and impurities. Almost everything around us encourages and promotes unrighteousness, so much that it’s becoming increasingly challenging for Christians to stay pure in thoughts and in acts. Not withstanding the rotten state of this world, the foundation of our God stands sure; His commandment to us is that we must be pure in heart if we must see him or make it to heaven at the end of our journey here on earth.

Christ told us that the only condition to see God and have relationship with him is that our hearts must be pure. The emphasis is on our heart because it is with the heart we connect God. What goes on in our heart therefore is of great importance. If our hearts are polluted and filled with impurities, there’s no way we can maintain a perfect relationship with God, and freedom from sin will be impossible. It is a pure heart that produces a holy life, but, no one can maintain a pure heart unless he or she feeds his or her heart with pure things.

To live pure in this rotten world, we must ensure that our hearts are maintained in pure state at all times. How do we achieve this? Philippians 4:8 provides us with the answer: “Finally, brethren, whatsoever are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good reports: if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things”.
Anything that does not fulfill any of the conditions above has no business filtering into our hearts let alone forming part of our thoughts. What do you think about it?

A lot of believers are finding it extremely difficult to live above sin, they claim they are born again, yet their lives are controlled by sins and old habits. How then do we demonstrate that Christ has set us free from the bondage of sin? Apparently the fault is not God’s, the problem lies with us because our hearts rather than being prepared as the dwelling place of the Almighty God has been consciously or unconsciously made the harbour of bitterness, immorality, deceits, falsehood, pornography, unforgiveness and malice. We are opening our hearts to pollution by listening to dirty things, watching dirty movies, reading suggestive magazines and associating with wayward people. How can we stay pure in this condition?

It is indeed possible to live holy in this rotten world, if it were not possible, Christ would not have commanded us to. The center of our being, the heart must be so aligned with Jesus so that the impurity encircling us does not lodge in us. We must furnish our hearts with the word of God and prayer. We must separate ourselves consciously from the evil of the world to the love of our lord Jesus Christ. We must crucify the flesh with its passion and desires and live in the spirit to be free from the impurities of this world.

Dearly beloved, the lord Jesus Christ is coming for glorious church (believers) not having spots or wrinkle or any such things; but that it should be holy and without blemish (Eph. 5:27). We must work out our own salvation with fear and trembling as instructed by keeping ourselves pure from all pollutions and contaminations of sin and unrighteousness. Remember our God is holy and he is demanding nothing less than holy living from us. May God purify us and keep us rapturable to the end. Amen.

Ezekiel Olukolajo

For info: +2348093503769,

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