Monday 26 October 2015

How to Stay Happy Even If You’re Broke

I can’t describe the pain I felt seeing my wife open one of three credit card bills we receive every month. As she glanced through the details, she let out a deep breath as she massaged her forehead with her left hand, with disappointment written all over her face.
We’re broke.
With three kids to take care of, a mortgage to maintain, and credit card debts left unsettled, we were barely making it as we lived from paycheck-to-paycheck.
It was tough for both of us. It’s like getting lost in the middle of a maze and you can’t find your way out. No matter how much we tried to keep everything tight, the problem doesn’t seem to end. It was getting worse like cancer.
Many of us have gone through a similar situation. In fact, as of July 2014, 1 in every 3 adults in the US are behind on debt payments according to CNN. That’s a whopping 77 million people in debt!
It’s alarming how people fall in deep depression due to debt. Some even take their lives.
Luckily, I haven’t reached that point but being knee-deep in debt has certainly made me hit rock bottom. I even published my feelings in Facebook out of desperation.
“The struggle continues. When will this ever end?” I wrote.
Of course this garnered comments from friends and colleagues but one comment from an old friend stood out.
“Just stay strong and never give up. It will all end soon. It may take long, but it will end.” he said.
Those words really left a mark. It was a wake-up call and it turned my mindset around.
The question I have for you now is, can we be broke and happy at the same time? Is that even possible?
My answer to this question is a resounding “Yes”.Here are some of the ways you can too:

 Accept Responsibility
The first step is to accept our situation and be accountable for it. No one is responsible for getting you in debt except you. Don’t blame the economy For your circumstance. THAT’S ALL ON YOU.
If you were capable of getting yourself in so much debt, you are equally capable of getting out of it. No one else can help you become financially free except you.

Be Thankful
Life is so beautiful but unbelievably short and it doesn’t help your case if you’ll choose to wallow in defeat and self-pity. Things are not as bad as it seems.
You may be financially struggling but there are other things in your life that you should be thankful for.
Your family is there, your kids are healthy, you have good relationships, you’re able to eat thrice in a day, and the list goes on.
Instead of focusing your energy and attention on the adversities you are facing, count your blessings. You are in a better spot compare to others.

Remain Hopeful
Robert Kiyosaki and his wife used to live in their car. Chris Gardner, whose life was the inspiration for the movie, The Pursuit of Happiness, went homeless for some time. Best-selling author Andy Andrews used to live under a pier.
Where are they now?
They’re all millionaires and very successful.
How did they turn their lives around?
They never lost hope and they didn’t accept defeat. They persisted and they took action.
You might be saying, “well, they’re different.”
They’re normal people just like you and me. 

 Ikechi Awazie is an inspirational blogger and writer.he is a passionate follower of Christ, been fortunate to lead, inspire, equip and encourage others. I love to learn, help other people and take on new challenges. Get ready as I inspire you to action.

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