Thursday 1 October 2015


My dear mates,my younger brothers and sisters and my elder brothers and sisters,it is with urgency i am writing this to you,because i have a passion for this nation.Do not get angry or take this personal
The elders use to say that When the monkey leaves the jungle and goes into the ocean to be swimming in the ocean,and the fish too leaves the ocean to now enter into the jungle,to be jumping on tress,then that is destiny suicide.
Recently,i was disciplined and counseled by one of my mentors,so as I write this post,decide your next action.
Do you know that Nigeria and Africa needs us?Many youths of this nation and continent cannot see these goodness in their nations because their mind is clouded by the sadness,bitterness and unforgiveness.but the truth is that we cannot continue to live in the past because one way or the other,we have benefited from the structures of our nation and this is the time that we the youths must now give back to it.Do we really need a revolution in our nation and Africa?then the youths must change their mindset and think forward.Our leaders have failed us,but we as youths of this nation and Africa can change things,we can be responsible and that change must start from you to every other youths.
Look at these statistics and figure out their sense of responsibility towards the Nigerian and African Dream, the ratio is below;
40% of Nigerian and African youths believe in fraud and looting of government funds is their easiest way to wealth (Going into politics for the sake of looting government funds) and other dubious means to wealth.
25% of Nigerian youths and 40% of African youths believe traveling abroad for greener pastures is their easiest way to wealth, thereby causing capital flight so they run out of the country and continent.
20% of Nigerian youths and 30% of African youths believe Education is their easiest way to wealth but at the end of the day,they are disappointed.
10% of Nigerian youths and 20% of Africans Believes a change or rather being employed/ starting out as an entrepreneur is the easiest way to wealth (This group’s ratio soon goes down due to economic sabotage or Lack of Funds to manage the business)
5% of Nigerian youths Believes in the Nigerian Dream while many Africans have an African dream which is 5% also, a dream that one day Nigeria and Africa will have a place for them too (some in this group are graduates, secondary school leavers,creative people, etc) but they have this conviction of the African and Nigerian dream and they ignore all the evil means to wealth and they cleave to the African and Nigerian dream….
In the above listed group, where do you belong as a Nigerian and African youth?
Leadership is not meant to be measured by age but by vision.We have millions of Obamas in Nigeria and Africa but they can’t manifest their dreams because of the current state of the country and continent and leaders who refuse to shift away from the seat of power (The same Old Politician that ruled Africa before) The leaders who see the youth as miscreants that can be used as political thugs, leaders who are suppose to be elders but metamorphosis into political god fathers who remain as top dogs after elections and torment the young and vibrant politicians in power. This is where we need a change because for revolution to take place,we need to change our mentality and not run out of Nigeria and Africa into foreign lands,because Nigeria needs you.Stop shouting change when you are a slave inside your mind.the wine inside you is stinking so don't decieve urself.
When you change your mentality to help and build our nation,you are building a great future for yourself and those around you,even your unborn matter how handsome,good looking, wealthy and talented you are,if you dont contribute to the betterment of your society,irrespective of your person,the society will work against that is like being very rich and healthy but living in a dirty house.sooner or later,the dirts will catch u with him and he may become very sick.Let us wake up to this reality because Nigeria and Africa needs us.
I remain yours
Dipo Olatade


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