Wednesday 2 December 2015

Major Good Things to Lookout for in a Marriage Partner

A good relationship is like sweet wine, you drink and get intoxicated. For one to attain such happiness, a cursory look at some of the good things to look out for in a partner is essential to guarantee a happy relationship. When getting into a relationship you want to work, please consider that some if not all of these requirements are met. It will go a long way in sustaining your relationship.

1. Honesty: One the paramount reasons some relationships enjoy lengthy days can be attributed to the presence of honesty. To be sincere, truthful and honest in your dealings with each other will earn you both the trust and credentials to live happily. It will eschew anger, distrust, suspicion, bad jealousy and any form of rancor that might spring up in your relationship. Honesty is a very important requirement.

2. Must be responsible: A responsible partner knows what is expected of him/her in a relationship. He/she knows that maturity, understanding and compromise are necessary in order to grow the relationship. A responsible man sticks to one woman and knows the dangers of engaging in illicit affairs. He provides, cares, loves and becomes the pillar for the unity of his relationship/partner. Being responsible is a sign of maturity.

3. Sexual appeal: For any relationship to last, the partners must have that sexual chemistry, attraction and appeal. For you to properly love someone, he/she must appeal to you sexually. Starting a relationship with someone because of financial reason or other mundane reasons without giving thought how you feel about the person emotionally is akin to playing with fire. You will certain get burnt when such a person dumps you like a dirty trashbin. Going after someone who does not appeal to you is like a time bomb waiting to explode. Find someone who you can willingly give your body and all.

4. Respect: This is another thing to look out for in a partner. Respect is important in any relationship. When your partner respects you, he/she will not do things that will hurt you or bring you both shame. He/she will regard you, protect you and value you. If he/she doesn't respect you or your opinion, it's a sign of bad things to come.

5. Does he have Goals: No one wants to marry someone who doesn't want to become something in life. A man without goals is a big sign of irresponsibility and cannot work towards the growth of his/her partner let alone starting a family. Goals define people and tell you who they are and give you the assurance of better things to come. Never be with someone without goals in life.

6. Does not cheat: To many, cheating is a deal breaker in any relationship. Before starting one, make sure your would-be partner is not a cheat. Cheaters always have a way of hurting their partners and end up infecting them with sexually transmitted diseases. If you marry a cheat, you are digging your own grave.

7. Commitment: This is very important in any relationship. If your partner is not ready to do his/her all for the success of the relationship, just beware. Commitment is a key factor in any relationship. If he/she is not ready to commit to you, then know that it won't work. Don’t be with someone who will give you all the reasons to be afraid of the future. Be not with someone who has his/her eyes fixed outside and ready to follow anything on skirt or trouser.

8. Truthfulness: Always look out for someone who is truthful. A person that is truthful will always give your heart calm. You will be assured of his words and whereabouts. But, the opposite is a curse.

9. Patience: Every relationship endures hard times. A partner who is patient will help you in making life easier. When someone is not patient, it can result in many difficulties such as hot-temper, fights and quarrels. Look out for someone with patience. It will help you.

10. Proper hygiene: Cleanliness, neatness and proper hygiene are essentials etiquette for any good relationship. The opposite is an eyesore.

11. Good sense of humour: Be down-to-earth, be yourself, and never deal to impress. Every partner loves someone who is real. Be real and have a good sense of humor. It will endear you to your loved ones.

Try these tips and see if your relationship will not be one to savor. Remember, it is not necessarily possible that your partner MUST have all these qualities. If possible, build on the ones you can and work hard for the others.

Culled out from

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