Sunday 6 December 2015

Risky Mistakes Men Make in their marriage


Despite the best intentions of married men in their homes, these habits may undermine their relationships.Men don’t nag, but you may be making mistakes that risk ruining your marriage.In fact, if you are a typical man and not a mature real man with plans, you are likely making several and making them often.

 1. Not showing empathy.
What is empathy? It is the ability to recognize and share someone else’s feelings.It is the most important part of any relationship. And it’s something that, in general, women are better at than men.Women want their feelings to be understood and validated.If your wife tells you she feels ignored, for example, at that moment what she wants is for you to understand her feelings rather than talk about the facts.

 2. Reckless spending.
 Making big purchases such as buying a car without first consulting your wife is a big mistake. Consciously or unconsciously, men frequently assign themselves the leadership role in the relationship. That, too, is a mistake because A couple’s relationship involves shared leadership.sometimes,you need to discuss issues with your wife before concluding.

3. Being sexually selfish -- or clueless.
 In the bedroom, some men forget or, worse, haven’t figured out that their wives often need more than they do to get turned on.Affection, making her feel loved and needed,that’s basic for her to feel aroused,Older men usually catch on, but young men are especially unaware of this.Men perceive sex as a sufficient means of being close, of having a connection But women want a connection prior to having sex.

 4. Listening the wrong way.
 Listening does not mean nodding along as your wife explains what is bothering her and you, all the while, are thinking up ways to fix the problem.Men tend to analyze situations and generate options,and That’s guaranteed to make your wife go ballistic.

5. Shelving your feelings.
Listening to your wife talk about her feelings is essential. So is talking about your own.
Many men, however, think they need to hide their feelings or risk being seen as weak. That’s a mistake because not sharing your emotions can be a danger signal for your wife.
6. Going on a power trip.
 Being a man does not mean being in charge,but many men don’t get that.They try to get what they want by being dominant. But it’s not about making demands or trying to overpower her. Women will pull away from that.power position that men often put themselves in essentially negates the relationship, which must be reciprocal, supportive, and caring because Our best selves emerge in the context of our relationships with others and not as an independent entity,
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