Sunday 3 January 2016


Nowadays, a lot of young men are refusing to get married, they are simply living the glorified bachelor life and enjoying it. It basically boils down to the fact that guys are not 100% sure if what they have is good enough to lock in once and for all.

First, you have to understand that it is not right for a woman to live all her life in dependence, but there are these ladies out there , who have read too many motivational books, attended too many seminars, and seen too many pod casts or being with the wrong kind of men in the
past, they seem to have lost the line between being co-dependent and completely doing everything by yourself in your own way at your own time.


Never marry this lady.She would run you down.Men are naturally impulsive spenders, so woman are supposed to help check mate the spending habits of men in most cases. When a woman is completely materialistic and is in it for the money, the man would be forced to go overboard, spending to keep her happy, spending to make the marriage work and then spending even more when the marriage is eventually over, and it would, except the man has the endurance and wisdom which only God bestows.


This kind of lady has for some reasons being made to believe that all men are evil, so please never marry her because that would be a greater evil. She believes that when you are away, you are cheating, when you don't pick your calls , you are messing around and when you are late from work, you stopped over to get a quickie. This kind of lady drives the
man crazy and the man  will live a tension filled marriage, void of love and trust.


Never marry a woman who has no clear cut goals in life, no matter how nice she is , if you can help her
get it then do that, before you marry her,otherwise never marry. Marriage is about supporting each other,but for this kind of person,be very careful. Marrying g a lady with no future ambition is like having a 30 something year old person living and depending on you,that pressure is quite unnecessary.


This lady is still stuck in the world of fairy tales, love songs and Shakespeare illustrations. Never marry
such,except you are a knight in a shining armor and she has the Rapunzel kind of hair.She believes that all her life issues would suddenly be wiped away by a five to six foot guy with two hands and two feet.


A lady that has issues with every one in the world and only wants to be with her lover/husband is not worth being in a marriage with. A lady should have friends , but prioritize her husband above all,but when she puts you in a state of " Hate against the world" you would be eating much more than you can chew, because no single person can tend to all the emotional needs of a spouse.


Every Man fantasizes about getting hooked up with a " freak in the sheets" but you have to know where to draw the line.When you have to constantly live up to some sexual fetish desires  and sex everyday of your marriage, then you are probably in bondage. Never marry this lady because she sees only sex in marriage,nothing else.


This lady is so religious and concerned about what others think, she is literally" faking it till she makes it" or you can rightly say, she has multiple personality disorder syndrome.She is sheila in the morning, Alicia in the afternoon, Felicia in the evening, and Patricia at night. Yes! she sounds like a super woman, but the only time women should be credited for multitasking is when they are career women,or business women
Written by Anderson Williams

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