Friday 8 April 2016

5 Mistakes to Avoid When Starting a Music school

One great choice for a work-at-home mom business is to be a music instructor. This is a lucrative career move when you do your research and take the right steps toward success. It's a mistake to think you can be successful without the necessary music experience. There are also other mistakes to avoid.

Mistake 1 - Using Rote Teaching Methods
One mistake to avoid is to teach in one linear way, with no variation. If you think that starting every student with the theory of music and then moving to the history of music and so on will work, this is a mistake. It is boring for students, doesn't take into account the experience level of the student and does not engage the student.
Mistake 2 - Teaching Music Instead of People
A second mistake to avoid is to think of yourself strictly as a 'music teacher' instead of a coach, a mentor or even a creative guide. The point is to remember that your students are all individuals and have come to you for the purpose of learning something beautiful.
Each student is there for their own reason and has their own learning style. It is up to you to discover that purpose and learning style and to guide them on their individual journey. Along the way, you get to be creative too, by tailoring each lesson to the individual.
Mistake 3 - Only Teaching One-on-One Lessons
Whether you are a piano teacher or teach violin, avoid the mistake of offering only individual lessons. There is much to be said for providing group lessons. Students gain more by learning from their peers, as well as from you.
Group instruction is more fruitful for you and less expensive for the learners, which is motivation for them to continue lessons longer than they normally would. Don't discount one-on-one lessons all together, but be open to different instruction formats.
Mistake 4 - Ignoring the Business Aspect
A very common mistake of work-at-home business owners is that the business aspect often gets ignored. What this means is that you end up spending so much time doing other things, you forget to market yourself and grow your business.
In order to be fully successful, you have to spend time each week planning for your success. This means having goals and revisiting those goals regularly. Have a marketing plan. Work with other small businesses in your community on collaboration efforts; offer to teach a group class at their facility if they provide the referrals, etc.
Mistake 5 - Not Spending Time Reviewing Your Recidivism Rate
The one thing you want to do is to keep your music learners as long as possible. It's a mistake to believe that your students will stay engaged in music lessons without any effort or thought on your part.
The more you engage your students and the more they learn and progress with you, the higher the likelihood of them continuing lessons. Besides repeat business, this is where your referrals will come from (an important part of any business).
Working to avoid these mistakes and focusing on growing your business will bring the success you want.

Culled from the internet

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