Friday 29 April 2016

The Dangers Of Being Overweight

If science doesn't lie, then obesity is unhealthy, expensive and it's a rapidly growing problem. A study by government think-tank, Foresight, suggests that half of Britons will be overweight by 2012. As the figures rise, so do the associated health problems and accompanying medical costs, estimated to be at nearly £4 billion annually in the UK. With more than 24% of Brits currently obese, it's not going to stop anytime soon. Let's start by talking about what it means to be overweight.
Everybody has a healthy weight range, but if you're outside of your respective range, there can be significant physical consequences. The degree to which you exceed the range determines whether you are "overweight" or "obese.” Health practitioners say that weighing more than 20% above your specified range is obese, while "overweight" is less than 20% (but a number above 25 on Body Mass Index). While being obese is associated with greater complications, being overweight can hold an equal number of dangers.
 We've established what it means to be overweight, so now let's discuss the specific dangers of being overweight.

Being overweight causes heart disease

 The more weight you are packing, the greater your risk of an early death. Heart attacks are a leading cause of death for British men. The link between extra weight and an increased heart attack risk lies in how the body responds to an increased fat intake. Naturally, the body maintains a steady level of water, carbs, fat, and protein, along with vitamins and minerals. A higher overall fat concentration increases sodium levels and ups cholesterol and triglyceride fats in your bloodstream. This consequence is especially bad news because HDL cholesterol, a known risk-reducer of heart disease, is replaced by "bad cholesterol.” The end result can be coronary heart disease, which can lead to heart attacks.  

Being overweight causes cancer

Hormones are the key link between an overweight person and an increased risk of cancer. The New England Journal of Medicine published a study that concluded that virtually all forms of cancer are more prevalent in people with a higher body mass. Body mass wasn't only linked to new cancer cases; it was also linked to cancer survival rates, which were lower for heavier people. To solidify this argument, The New England Journal of Medicine also pointed out that 15% of cancer deaths were tied to being overweight. These statistics are alarming, but how exactly does excessive weight cause cancer? With increased body weight, the adipose fat tissue can offset the body's natural hormonal balance, making the body an easier host for tumours. Cancer is also related to the placement of fat on the body. For example, a high amount of abdominal fat carries a greater risk of colon cancer, and obesity-linked gastric reflux increases the chances of esophageal cancer.
It sounds daunting, but the good thing to know is that increased physical activity and a proper diet are known to reduce cancer risks, so anyone can make a change for the better.

Being overweight causes gallstones

The exact link between body weight and gallstones isn't definitive, but gallstones do show up more in overweight people, with the risk of developing gallstones being up to seven times higher than for people of average weight. Gallstones are firm particles in the gallbladder that lead to abdominal pain and nausea. Although they aren't on the same scale of trouble as heart disease and cancer, they can still require surgery, with the removal of your entire gallbladder being the most effective procedure. The information linking gallstones to body weight is based on the composition of gallstones, which are made of bile pigments and cholesterol. The cholesterol component is based on excess cholesterol that the body doesn't need. Comparative studies between diets show higher occurrences of gallstones in diets that are high in animal fat and sugar and low in fibre and vegetable fat. The automatic reaction to the gallstone scare might be to go on a swift diet, but losing weight quickly can also increase your chances of developing them. A better bet is a gradual weight loss, more exercise and an increase of Vitamin C in your diet.

Being overweight causes strokes

Strokes remain among the top five leading causes of death. When there’s an interruption in the brain's blood supply, what follows is an immediate life-threatening risk to the person in question. While there are many other risk factors in play, strokes have also been linked directly to obesity and being overweight, specifically where body mass is concerned. The Archives of Internal Medicine published a study showing that people who are overweight by 20% or less carry a 50% increased probability of suffering a stroke. The study also explained that being more than 20% overweight carried a risk that was twice as high. Did you know that being overweight also puts you at risk of suffocation?

Written by Jasper Anson

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