Friday 1 April 2016

What to do if you have a car accident

Being involved in a car accident can be a terrifying experience. Your adrenaline is pumping, you are shaky, angry and perhaps scared too. In the more severe instance you may be injured too. In the immediate aftermath of any accident, no matter how big or small, always insure you, your passengers and any once else involved are safe. Then, secure the scene, ensuring all the vehicles are out of any further harm’s way

Here’s our guide to what to do if you are involved in a car accident.

Step 1 – If it is possible and you are not severely injured and can function then pull over to a safe place out of traffic and out of harms way to avoid any other collisions. Once you come to a stop, set your handbrake and switch off your engine, then switch on your hazard lights to make other vehicles around aware that you are not going move from there.

Step 2 – If possible, take a little time to breath to make sure you are okay to breath, once you had a moment to breath then you should check to make sure it is safe to get out of the car, use any road items or flairs if you have them to make other vehicles aware of the accident. If all is clear and you are fit to move, check on the other car or cars to make sure they are not severely injured, also whilst doing so to see if there are any pedestrians hurt.

Step 3 – once all the above is all okay or attended too and if anyone is injured then call the police, whilst doing so you can report the accident whether its minor or major which can be valuable to your insurer. When they arrive, explain what happened but not openly blame anyone or yourself at that matter and let the police determine what will happen next.

Step 4 – this step is where you will write up all that happened in the accident such as other drivers name and passenger’s names if applicable, car details etc. If you have a mobile camera phone, then take pictures of the damage done to both your car and the other vehicle that was involved. Doing all this will help later on when you claim through your insurance company.

Step 5 - this is the final step where you call up your insurance company and claim for the accident which then will be investigated and if approved you will get paid a lump sum depending on your motor insurance company.

Culled from the internet

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