Wednesday 15 June 2016

Gun control ‘part and parcel’ of national security -Homeland Security Chief

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                                             Jeh Johnson

Homeland Security Secretary Jeh Johnson added his voice on Wednesday to the growing list of names demanding that gun control be considered an integral part of national security.
"When it comes to protecting the United States from the threat of terrorism, gun control is now a critical component," Johnson said This Morning." "I am not anxious to plunge into yet another difficult, contentious issue like the ones I already have. I do believe, however, that meaningful, responsible gun control is now part and parcel of homeland security."
 "It's critical to public safety, but we have to face the fact that meaningful, responsible gun control has to be part of homeland security as well, given the prospect of homegrown, home-born violent extremism in this country. We've seen this now with Orlando, tragically, with San Bernardino. It's something that I think the American public and the Congress has to face and has to address," he added.

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