Tuesday 23 August 2016

Celebrating Tribalism.

                              Image result for Tribalism. in nigeria
In the beginning, God created Adam (generic for Mankind). Adam had Sons. One of the Sons had a great grandson Abraham. Abraham had Isaac. Isaac had Jacob. Jacob had 12 Sons. The 12 Sons became the 12 Tribes of Israel. God divided Israel into 12 Tribes with individual peculiarities because He desired diversities and STRENGTHS!
In this day and age of political correctness and all-inclusiveness, the last thing you want to do is celebrate what separates us. Everyone wants to promote what unites us. But ignoring the facts will not make the facts go away. Ignoring our differences won't make them disappear. Humanity is divided into ethnicities, and then tribes, and then clans or communities, and then families. And this is a GOOD thing. God too sets the solitary into families.
Jesus Christ, a Tribal Chauvinist?
Who even is a tribalist? Firstly, a tribalist is NOT a bigot. Secondly, tribalism is not a choice. It is what you are by birth. Jesus was recorded in Scriptures to have told His disciples to ONLY preach to the "lost sheep of Israel". Jesus being a Jew targeted ONLY the Jews in His messianic outreaches when He was on Earth, leaving out other peoples. For some, Jesus was promoting tribal chauvinism. Why only Israel? No, Jesus wasn't promoting such. Tribal chauvinism really comes down to perspectives. Jesus merely put His own people first! He would later through them reach the world.
In Nigeria, there are not more than 300 tribes. There has got to be some beauty and advantage to such diversities. Rather, we allow these to mar us than make us. Our diversities became our albatross rather than become our launchpad. There are three major ethnic groups: Hausa-Fulani, Igbo and Yoruba. Each with different customs, strengths and weaknesses.
Since, this is about celebrations I would ignore the weaknesses and focus on the strengths of each of these major groups in Nigeria (I'm focusing on Nigeria because that's the place I know).
Now, in making the following submissions I base my findings on popular facts and data as gleaned from a number of independent, non indigenous sources, lest folks accuse me of biases, fallacies and lopsidedness. And note further that my findings are based on things that are FACTUAL and UNDISPUTED about the MAJORITY in EACH TRIBE. I say this to avoid the charge of fallacy of hasty generalization. For instance, If it's true about the majority of Zulus, then it is mostly true.
I'll list just 5 arguable strengths and truths about each major tribe.
Hausa-Fulani Tribes.
* What they lack in education and sophistication they make up for in key qualities and virtues lacking in other major tribes. E.g.
*Loyalty to a fault.
*Closely-Knit Family Setting.
*Industry especially in Agriculture.
The combination of these strengths make them excel in the Military and Militancy, Leadership & Politics and Agriculture.
Igbo Tribes.
*Highly Innovative in Technology, Science and Entrepreneurial.
*Highly Competitive with Diehard Determination and Commitment, with or without education.
*Highly Independent and Ambitious.
*Highly Self-Driven and Self-Motivated.
*Brave and Loud.
The combination of these virtues make them excel in Auto engineering and technology in general, science, businesses and commerce and academics.
Yoruba Tribes.
*Highly Urbanized, Sophisticated and Educated.
*Highly Entrepreneurial and Independent.
*Highly Focused & Strategic.
*industry in Agriculture.
The combination of these qualities make them excel in Corporations and corporate businesses, academics, politics, agriculture, industries and modernization.
These qualities are not exhaustive, but they are representative of the strengths of these tribes. We should celebrate them more often. Hence, if I being a Yoruba choose to identify first with the leadership of the Yoruba in urbanization and sophistication and eulogize it, why should others feel threatened? Rather, they ought to celebrate with me knowing well that they've got theirs. If emphasizing the truth makes me a tribal chauvinist, so be it.
Celebrate your tribe and ignore the noise.

Written by Olakunle Allison

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