Monday 7 November 2016

5 Terrible Things That Could Happen If Donald Trump Becomes President

                          Image result for the Great Wall of Mexico 
I cant imagine how a failure in business can become a success as America's president.
Picture this out:It's Jan. 21, 2017 and Trump is now the president.The clocks are striking and the heavens are crying blood.
You've already broken your New Year's resolutions. You've lost the holiday cheer. And the day before, Donald Trump fulfilled his promise to "make America great again" when he was inaugurated as the 45th president of the United States. 
Considering it's extremely cost-prohibitive to emigrate to Canada,your only option is to live under the policies Trump has outlined as part of his primary campaign. While we know it would be hard for many of his bombastic proclamations to be signed into law, here are just a few worst-case scenarios. 

Behold the Great wall
You wanted a great America, you got one. In fact, America now has one of the biggest tourist attractions, the 10th Wonder of the Modern World — the Great Wall of Mexico. Obviously jealous of the architectural grandeur and touristic popularity of the Great Wall of China, Trump's promise to build a wall was made a reality and now not only do Americans have national security, we have a great photo op.

Mosques are things of the past. 
It's no secret that ever since Trump's particular brand of Islamophobia has been introduced to the public, there's been a noticeable upswing in anti-mosque attacks and anti-Islam violence. Whether it's leaving severed pig’s head or wrapping doorknobs in bacon, 2015 is the worst year of anti mosque sentiment on record. This will only get worse. 
Freedom of the press is curtailed— a First Amendment right.

"Look at those cameras, how they're turned!" he screamed. "They never, ever turn. They will never show how big the crowd is unless there's a protester because they're the most dishonest people you'll ever see." — Trump at a Louisiana rally 
In case you haven't noticed, Trump kind of openly despises the media. And while we do have freedom of the press in America, there are plenty of ways Trump has found ways to lawfully suppress the press, like excluding certain members of the press from his conferences. Which, hey, probably rings a bell if you're Jorge Ramos.

The world will begin a slow, toxic meltdown never before witnessed in human history.

"Environmental Protection, what they do is a disgrace. Every week they come out with new regulations." — Trump on Fox News.
We hope you like polar bears and toxic water because you'll be seeing a lot more of both. Without the federal Environmental Protection Agency, many of the natural and manmade disasters Americans face could be even more devastating. Think Flint,Michigan,without any plan to address it or global warming gone haywire.

Black people will be policed.
"Police are the most mistreated people in this country." — Trump to a GOP debate audienc.
While you're hard pressed to find a Republican who doesn't believe in law and order, Trump has actually put his love of police into action, using them to throw out protesters of his increasingly rowdy rallies. Even though Black Lives Matter has made police brutality a cornerstone of its organizing, and the police killed 1,134 black youths in 2015, Trump has promised to "give power back to the police" because of "rampant" crime. 

 Written by Mathew Rodriguez

Mathew Rodriguez is a Staff Writer at Mic. He is a queer Latino New Yorker who enjoys female rappers, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Flannery O'Connor. He is a former editor at and he is working on a memoir about his father, HIV and heroin on New York City's Lower East Side. Email him at

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