Wednesday 9 November 2016

America is now a 3rd world nation

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My dear viewers and readers,i don't want you all to take this personal and i don't want us to have a cold relationship because i have been serving you through this while and i dont want our relationship to be sour so i am going to be blunt and truthful
Demian Anderson,one off my followers chatted with me on whatsapp to congratulate me that Donald Trump is elected President of the United States.
Sincerely,i am disappointed that a black America from America will be happy that a racist is now president of The United States.
Demian,cry for yourself  and America because America is now a third world country.How can you vote for a racist and a toxic?

Donald Trump is a negative person who will drain you of energy, demand more than they provide, pull you down and can turn the happiest of moments into a miserable affair.
Donald Trump has made a caricature of America and this is very sad
Now,i believe that Americans are just like Nigerians.Nigerians love their politicians telling them lies and this is what trump did to the American People.
With the little observation i have seen,i have come to a conclusion that Americans have been bewitched.

Donald Trump is a toxic person, and people like Donald Trump are difficult to avoid. Like a difficult colleagues at work, an evil boss, in-law, step-someone, parent, sibling or spouse. Some have personality disorders, but many just get that way because it works for them.
They’re usually charming to everyone else — and to you when you first meet. So it’s not easy to see them coming.
Donald Trump is subtle and he has succeeded in brainwashing the American Public.i am sad because World War 3 is upon us.
Donald Trump is like a cycle. slowly they impose themselves on people and build their characters in those people and when things like this happens,crisis looms. You end up doing what they want. Instantly they’re nice again. But just enough to keep you quiet. And then the demands start to build up again…

Toxic people are controlling and do things that hurt you, while implying it’s all for the good: “You really should skip your classes so we can spend more time together.”
They’re judgemental and exaggerate and They never apologise. They endlessly lie and twist everything around. They project their own feelings onto you, and end up convincing you that you’re wrong, lazy, confused, unfair or stupid.
America,Donald Trump has bewitched you.
Americans don't even realize it that there is a problem and they does not see it.this is very sad.

Rising unemployment and poverty will be on the rise. Unemployment numbers, food stamps, and home foreclosures will reach new highs.

The people I fear for most are black people ,because  the police will be patrolling the streets and The rise of a militarized police state is a hallmark of most Third World countries, particularly in times of rapid economic collapse. America’s declaration of the War on Terror has created a constant threat to National Security that has allowed for the military to be deployed on American and Donald Trump is going to create that war that will break America.
Black People,brace up for yourself because Hell has come.
In the bible,There was a man named Simon.He was a sorcerer and he used sorcery to bewitch people.See,there is something known as sorcery.
 With the weapon of sorcery in the hand of Simon, he bewitched a whole city. So, it is possible to bewitch a whole city and if a whole city could be bewitched, don't be surprised then that a family, land or career could be bewitched. Simon used sorcery and bewitched the people of Samaria.It is also possible that a whole nation can be bewitched 
 So slowly and ironically, the people of Samaria were dying, yet praising the very one who was drowning their boat. Why? They were bewitched.
It was because they have left the place of truth and held unto lies and deception. It blindfolded them that they started to see lies as truth.
As time goes on,people will start leaving America because America is becoming a 3rd world nation after voting for a racist and a Toxic.

I remain Yours
Dipo Olatade

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