Friday 21 April 2017

The Rules for Relationship.

                                 Image result for The Rules for Relationship.
Man is wired for relationship, is a curse to be alone, two are always better, it takes two or more to have better, higher and faster results in life.

However, as much as good, needful and profitable relationship is , there are the principles any one who truly wants to have and command the benefits in relationship must adhere to : this is what I called " Rules for Relationship".

Rule (1) . friendliness : The good book (Bible) says he who wants to have friends must show himself friendly, you can not be introverted into yourself and make friendship, to make friends , it requires you to move out of self to others.

Rule (2). Mutual Respect : it is essentially important, that you demonstrate honour and respect to your friends, don't ever take anyone at any level of relationship i.e
- Same level
-Under you
-Above you

For granted, at every level of relationship you keep , give everyone the due honour, recognition and respect they deserve.

It is noteworthy, those in marriage relationship, must never allow familiarity contempt to destroy their friendships, they are meant to keep honouring themselves as it was at the beginning of their coming together before becoming a couple.

The blessing or lack of blessing of children should not weaken the cord of respect ,you should have for your spouse, challenges of life should neither be allowed to blow it off, such that can cause a couple under pressure to abuse themselves incessantly without caution.

Rule (3). Celebration : A relationship where there 's no celebration of each other might not last for too long, every human being desires to be celebrated, the highest quest in all human being is the quest for celebration, we must be generous with celebration of each other in relationships.

Celebrate :

(6)Good season & bad season.
(7)Promotions & liftings

Where there is celebration, relationship thrives.

(Rule4). Tolerance : Relationship is coming together of a people with their good and bad negative & positive, evil & good , strengths & weaknesses character traits, be it marital, friendship, professional, employees & employers relationships.
Tolerance helps us to understand, look beyond and keep us going even in the face of unbearable and annoying behavior from your loved ones in your life.

(5) Hide your needs : Oftentimes, we blow up and mess up a new relationship with the unwise and untimely introduction of our needs in a new relationship, more in particular, a case where, the other party is rich, influential, comfortable, popular etc. You don't start up a new relationship introducing your needs, otherwise, you kill the new relationship prematurely. Even in a situation when you are given the privilege, wisdom still demand you act wisely.

(6). Do not betray : what does it mean to betray?
- To give information about something or somebody to an enemy
-To hurt somebody who trust you.

All betrayal is done in order to achieve or gain something for oneself.
Never betray someone trust and confidence reposed in you. Stay truthful, loyal and faithful to your friends.

(7).forgiveness: There is no relationship under heaven where we will not need to forgive one another on or before the need arises, cos, offence will surely come, the best of friends have issues, forgiveness is the lubricant with which we service our relationships. Anyone who can not forgive can not maintain friends, "cos , either by what you friend does or fail to do, you will be hurt, but, forgiveness says, I love you more than this I can't throw you away nor end the relationship.

Where these rules are applied, relationship thrives.

God bless you.

Written by Apostle Soji-John

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