Monday 17 April 2017

Why Mature Men Don’t Want Women With Attitudes

                           Image result for mature men dont beat their wives
Lately I’ve been watching a lot of fighting movies. A few people referred “IP Man” to me and I watched the first one last night. What I extracted out of the movie inspired me to finally write this blog post. IP (the main character) is the best fighter in the town, he is calm and collected, never challenged a soul, never bragged, and never tried to prove himself. The town itself was known for having many martial arts classes. IP who is well capable of being a Master and more than qualified to teach never did. Many people who were not even close to being as good as him had many students. Once there was a group of men from outside the city who were loud, strong, competitive who wanted to challenge every fighter in the town to show that they were of great strength and that their leader was skilled. They were on a quest to show what they have and take over the city with their talent. The leader fought everyone and ended up beating every single challenger. When they finished winning all the matches someone interrupted him on his little bragging rant and said to him “you haven’t fought the best, IP.”  The leader and his crew asked where to find IP and from there went to IP’s home. IP declined them and politely asked them to leave at first, but they wouldn’t until IP’s wife eventually hinted that he could and IP fought and won effortlessly.

We live in a time where many were raised by single parents and younger parents more than ever. It’s quite obvious that this current generation lack morals, manners are a thing of the past. Many grown people act like immature kids. It might have something to do with a bunch of kids having and raising kids. That’s beside the point, all sorts of wrong popular beliefs are everywhere throughout America nowadays.  All these toxic beliefs are bled into the relationship realm as well. Where people are glorifying the wrong things and presenting them as right which brings us to this topic of why mature men don’t want women with an attitude and what’s wrong with attitudes.

1.)  Bad attitudes reflect a lack of growth.
We all have flaws that separates the mature and immature. The mature grow and make necessary changes to evolve. The immature embrace their flaws yes, but they justify them and seek to find strength in them instead of growing from them. Many women of today are being taught by both men and women that your flaws are never an issue it’s just people isn’t strong enough to handle your character. They say things like “only a real man can put up with my attitude” and other cliche things that justify for their lack of growth.

An attitude is a flaw, it’s something you have when you’re not at peace with yourself. A short fuse means you have anger issues you need to deal with, always being ready to tell someone off means you lack self-control and respect. Being outspoken isn’t being loud and obnoxious, being blunt and sarcastic isn’t commendable, being uncivilized isn’t showing them how it is. The characteristic of a woman with a bad attitude are characteristics of a child  yet many men are taught to embrace it as strength in a woman. Those characteristics are no different than the ways of the fighter who had something to prove in the movie. Being better than many in the martial arts field, he acted as if it was okay to be uncivilized, loud, and ready to prove a point simply because he had talent. He carried on as if it was the right way to conduct himself when he believes he is the best.  A mature man is looking for a civilized woman who’s not obnoxious, who seeks peace, who’s soft spoken, meek, wise, slow to anger. Everything that is opposite of what women of bad attitudes represent. A mature man is looking for someone who is hesitant to prove a point but quick to act in true humility.

2.) Being a woman without an attitude represents strength to a man with understanding.
Unfortunately our backwards society believes wisdom is weakness. A mature man has an understanding that wisdom is the strength.  Every time “IP” turned down a fight in the movie, anyone who doesn’t know him might have believed that the person challenging IP is more skilled and strong than IP when in reality IP was being wise, never felt the need to prove a point. He walked in humility, discipline, and humbleness. Similar to that, people believe soft spoken women don’t have a voice, they believe choosing peace is sending people the wrong signal that she’s a doormat. They see foolishness in wisdom. As a man who has grown out of many of my foolish ways and maturing, I appreciate those women who are wise and walking in love and peace. Many mature men I know see those unpopular things their women do as learning opportunities. I know a husband with some anger issues who was always sarcastic to his wife, but his wife was always soft spoken and slow to anger, she never reviled him. I never understood why and thought she was weak for that. Every time this guy went off, she extended love to him, little did I know as I was growing up that his actions would eventually eat his conscious up, her kind reactions would stir something up in him. It eventually led him to bettering his ways. She could have gotten in his face and told him off and showed him that she doesn’t take crap from anyone almost every time. Eventually they would argue enough and get divorced, but her soft answer convicted him which is why proverbs says “a sound a soft answer turns away wrath” it appeared to many as her being weak and a doormat when really her theory was treat others as you want them to treat you even when they aren’t treating you right. Kindness and love were the best solutions to her. She traveled the road less traveled. A mature man wants a woman who is truly strong and wise, a woman with conviction. A woman who can be a real difference maker and add to his life.

3.) Mature men do not want unnecessary challenges.
We all face enough throughout our lives, financial struggles, family troubles, heartbreaks and so forth. On a daily basis we face stress, peace-less situations, we have to deal with other people at our jobs, meet deadlines, handle things that are draining etc. We all face enough in life without a partner, we don’t need to add to it.

 A mature man is usually someone who’s established and any established person will tell you that life is good but it will throw you lemons. It makes absolute no sense to go find more lemons on top of the one’s life throw at you. No man wants a woman who’s going to make life a bit tougher. We don’t want to come home ready for an argument, ready to fight, someone who’s going to give us another headache. We don’t want to be disrespected or any of that. We aren’t looking for it. We don’t want the time we spend with our women to be a competition. There’s enough at work. we don’t want useless debates because we heard enough of that. There shouldn’t be disrespect, tension etc.  Relationships are not easy. People will face things, but no man wants to constantly face those things with his lady. Many women believe “well I do things to help him relax sometimes, isn’t that good enough?” The challenge is mainly during the times you aren’t doing that. The challenge is usually when there’s a disagreement, when things aren’t smooth, sometimes right after you make them relax. People with a short fuse are usually quick to be angry and react, that means things go down often. No mature man wants that type of challenge. We want a woman to challenge us to do better, to encourage us, to grow with us,  not someone who barely does those things, but adds way more work. We don’t want to be in a relationship where we’re always being nagged, argued with, disrespected etc when we supposedly aren’t doing “our job.” We don’t want that negativity, we want to live a drama free life. Live as peaceful as possible.

4.) Bad attitudes bring the worst out of a man.
Ever heard this quote by Mark Twain “Never argue with a fool, onlookers may not be able to tell the difference.”? Well I always say, arguing with fools will lead you to acting foolish. We are easily provoked; it’s naturally easy to get a negative reaction out of human beings. If you say something ugly to someone most likely they are going to retaliate the wrong way. It’s hard to bite your tongue. Dating someone who is immature can lead to you doing many things you would not usually do. Who you date has an affect on who you become. Well dating a woman with an attitude can lead to becoming a bit like them. A man can only stay peaceful long enough, be soft spoken long enough, be passive long enough. Eventually dealing with a woman with an attitude causes the person to bring the worst out of you because their actions eventually sucked a reaction out of you. No mature man wants a woman by their side who will bring out the part of him he has overcome or is trying to overcome. He’s looking for someone who will challenge him and provoke him to do better not worse.

There’s many more things we can discuss concerning how a woman with an attitude isn’t a good thing and any grown and mature man isn’t looking for that. As I said before, I am looking for a wife to eventually raise my kids with, not a woman who’s going to be acting like a kid giving me two kids to raise. Our backwards society believes good is bad and bad is good now. Being rude, disrespectful, loud, immature isn’t okay and it’s not going to be tolerated in the name of love. Some say, “well if he loves you he will grow some balls and tolerate you.” Congrats to the men who are doing that, eventually they will grow tired of that. No relationship should be a constant battle, no peace, no humility and so forth. Some of us just don’t have the time and energy to be someone who act such way. Many of us have grown from that and do not see good in that. Men who are proud of women with such characteristics have not yet to mature pass those stages themselves. Usually it’s the type of men who say “I love when a woman jumps in my face, puts me in my place sometimes, women who go blow for blow.” Well the problem is that you both are that way and find it okay, but it’s really not okay. I personally still have some learning to do in those area, i hate having some of those characteristic we now believe are strength when really they are fools ways. But i’m willing to grow out of them and will not settle for someone who isn’t doing the same. Mature people, not only men strive to love all, respect all, be meek, soft spoken, kind, and peaceful.

Written by Pierre Alex Jeanty
Pierre Alex Jeanty is regular guy who sees things different from the majority. He is the founder of Gentlemenhood. A full time blogger, Author, social media specialist, health nut, Certified Life Coach and most importantly a disciple of Christ. Born in Port-au-Prince, Haiti now Alex resides in Lehigh Acres, Florida where he focuses on making a difference in this world.

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