Friday 19 May 2017

9 things your parents should never say to you

                                   Image result for 9 things your parents should never say to you
Regardless of age, we're still going to have a few minor issues with our parents. It's only natural to disagree and discuss problems with the humans that either gave us life or raised us, and that can happen whether you're 16 or 60. Whether you're living at home and finding the stress of being in such close proximity to your parents a nightmare (been there, it'll get better I promise) or end up arguing every time you go visit them, these tips should help make the process a lil bit easier. Dr Dinesh Bhugra, President of the World Psychiatric Association, says these are the nine things your parents should never say to you.

1. Threats
This one seems crazy, as most of us have lost count of the times we were told to clean our rooms as teenagers or face being grounded/having our games consoles taken away (guilty). But apparently, parents should never use threats to try and get you to do or achieve something. End of.

2. "You're so smart."
Parents should always advise you to "do the best you can." If they're constantly telling you you're the brainbox of the century, it could lead to you making less effort. You might stop trying and subsequently feel pretty crappy when you do something less "smart". Plus, our egos are big enough as it is.

3. "That’s not nice."
Whether you've said something hurtful in a rage (c'mon, we all do it), or done something a bit inappropes, your parents should never say this to you. "Nice" is a ridiculously vague term that's difficult to define or explain. How are you meant to behave well if you literally have no clue how your parents define "well", eh?

4. "Don't cry."
Crying's good for you, we are well aware of that. And if you get sad, and snotty, and teary and over-emotional, your parents should never make you feel bad about that. We, like all human beings, should be allowed to express our (sometimes totally wack) emotions. In fact, our parents should be encouraging us to let it all out.

5. "You're making me angry/sad."
It turns out, your parents' emotions are their own responsibility. And by saying this, they're shifting that responsibility onto you. Instead, they should be saying, "I feel disappointed in

6. "Why can’t you be like this all the time?"
Parents, you've gotta let us be ourselves. This statement doesn't allow us to be the incredible (LOL) people we naturally are. "Remember when you felt like this?" would be a far more productive way of saying the same thing.

7. Combining praise with "but".
"But" should never be used in the same sentence as praise. Like, if your mum said, "I'm so proud of you for getting promoted at work, but you need to get your finances in order," you could be legit annoyed. Using "but" alongside praise sends out confusing messages.

8. "You're such a disappointment."
Anyone who's had this said to them (SO.MANY.TIMES) will know it cuts like a knife to the heart. Having anyone you respect or care about feel disappointment towards you is the actual worst. They should instead say, "You tried your best so what can we learn from it." See, much nicer.

9. "Why can’t you be more like [insert sibling's name here]?"

Look parents, we're millennials, we're already crippled with anxiety and comparison fears thanks to social media, the internet, mainstream media, life in general. The last thing we need is to be compared to our siblings. This can lead to an actual inferiority complex and newsflash, we've got enough shit going on already.

Written by Paisley Gilmour
Paisley Gilmour is Digital Sex & Relationships Writer.She has devoted her time to writing articles o Sex,Relationships and Family.

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