Wednesday 21 October 2015

5 things you should never eat before going to bed

You are a little hungry at 11 p.m, and there you are looking for something to nibble until breakfast. You may be right to say a little “midnight snack” never hurt anybody but it will interest you to know exceeding your daily calorie need does.
Eating at night has long been associated with weight gain because people often to go straight to bed without burning the amount of calories they have consumed. These small chops over time compound in the body to cause weight gain and other health complications.

1 Alcohol
A nightcap may seem like a good idea, but in reality you’ll be messing with the restorative functions of sleep. Even if you do get some rest, it will hardly be the quality sleep that we need to function the next day.

2. Cheeseburger and French Fries
Greasy, heavy foods are obviously high in calories and fat, but they also weigh on your stomach and take a while to digest, leaving you feeling tired and sluggish in the morning. Try to avoid high-fat, greasy foods such as burgers, pizza, and fast-food Chinese. These greasy foods not only make one fat but also cause heart burn.

3.  Pasta and noodles
Pasta is one of the best foods to eat if you’re hungry because a little bit goes a long way. The issue with eating pasta late at night, however, is that it’s such a fatty food that it will almost certainly lead to weight gain while you sleep. The carbohydrates in pasta turn to fat pretty quickly, so if you’re trying to eat healthy at night you’ll definitely want to look elsewhere.

4 Red meat
A big, juicy steak may be delicious, but it’s hardly the best thing to eat right before bed. Red meat will kick your body’s natural processes into overtime and will make it incredibly difficult to get the type of deep sleep that you really need after a hard day at work.

 5. Chocolate
Not only does chocolate have calories and sugar, but it also has caffeine, which may contribute to restless sleep. Chocolate isn’t a filling snack either, so if you’re craving it, you may not necessarily be hungry. Rather, your sweet tooth may be getting to best of you.
If you wouldn’t want to have a cup of coffee and then go to bed, you should leave the chocolate alone for the same reason. Try hot tea or a glass of low-fat chocolate milk.
The golden rule is don’t eat more calories than you can burn.

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