Wednesday 21 October 2015

How to Handle your In-Laws

Couples that are very wise have a way of handling in laws without allowing them to come between them and at the same time not abandoning them, when in-laws are wisely and carefully handled they will add to the beauty of marriage, but if they are not, it’s result is always that of difficulties and battles.

1: LET THERE BE LEAVING: Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh. (Genesis 2:24 KJV)
If there must be peace between you and your in laws, there must be a place of leaving, you must leave your father, mother, siblings physically; you must get your own house and leave the family house. You must leave financially, you must not always go cap in hands to beg your parents for money or supplies. You must leave emotionally, socially etc. (please study the teaching about leaving and cleaving in other volume of this book).

2: LET THERE BE CLEAVING: The next thing you must do to make your family better and handle IN-LAW well is to cleave to your spouse as the scripture commanded, you must be totally joined to your spouse in love and acceptance and leave in peace together, when there is no peace between couple it is easier for the extended family to come between them.

3: BECOME ONE FLESH: “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh”. (Genesis 2:24 KJV)
This means you are to stand in unity, oneness and speak with one voice always, don't ever allow your family to see a gap between both of you by which they can penetrate you and destabilize your home.

4: BE NAKED AND NOT ASHAMED: “And they were both naked, the man and his wife, and were not ashamed” (Genesis 2:25).
Most people do interpret this to be that husband and wife should find it easy to stand naked physically before each other. While this is true, it also means to be totally open to each other in every area of life. If you are able to do this it will be easy to stand in unity and handle your different families together as couple.

5: UNDERSTAND AND ACCEPT THE CULTURE: Most of the time the culture and the custom of the people we marry is quite different from our own, please don't criticize, don't think your own family culture, food, lifestyles is better than that of your spouse, rather try to understand it and blend it into your own family life in as much as it is not unscriptural and ungodly. Learning the lifestyle of the family of the person will really help you, don't just marry the person, marry the culture.

6: WISDOM: In-law relationship is more technical than other relationships, you need to be very wise and tactful, the truth is, in-laws may not love you naturally, you may need to prove yourself and win their hearts. Please handle them with wisdom and understanding if you really want peace in your home

Written by Bisi Adewale

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