Tuesday 31 May 2016

DON’T FORGET but be grateful.

                                                      Written by Pst Sam Oluwatoye

PSALM 78: 41-43: Yea, they turned back and tempted God, and limited the Holy One of Israel. They remembered not his hand, nor the day when he delivered them from the enemy. How he had wrought his signs in Egypt, and his wonders in the field of Zoan:


Have you ever given something to someone and that person refused to appreciate your gift? Or have you ever done well to anyone, only for that person to turn around and fight you? I am sure you know that could be very painful. I have met people who are never grateful for anything. It does not matter what you do to help them or what you give to them, they are never grateful. Someone once said that anyone who is not grateful is a great fool. Well, I think that is a very correct statement because we are expected to appreciate whatever good is done to us.

In our devotional today, we learn about the mistakes made by the children of Israel. So many times when I read the bible and story of the Israelites and how God rescued them from slavery, I think of how wonderful God has been to them. However, when I also read of how they reacted so many times to God and complained despite all that God did to them, I usually wish I could see some of them and punish them for their foolish actions. I am sure you have felt that way before also but I want to let you know todaythat many of us are guilty of the same thing these days. Just like the children of Israel forgot about the faithfulness of God and complained several times, many Christians do the same also. We wake up in the morning and instead of giving praise to God, we complain about what we do not yet have or possess. Some people even praise God in the morning and before night time, they are already complaining to God. Many times, the issue is that we forget what God had once done in our lives.

I strongly believe there is no one person on the face of the earth who has not tasted of the goodness of God. The bible says that He makes rain to fall on the just and unjust alike. That is wonderful because it shows how merciful God is. I usually say that if I were allowed to act in the stead of God for one day, half of the world population will be dead by the end of the day. God is so merciful and long suffering towards us. When people complain, I always wonder if they are not aware of the battles that God fights on their behalf every day. The fact that you are alive is a sign that God is still with you and it will be very ungrateful of you if you do not acknowledge this. The Israelites forgot all that God did for them by delivering them from bondage and still murmured and complained. Seeing the miracle at the red sea alone is enough to give them a confidence that God can deliver them again and again. Are you one of those who murmur and complain against God? Are you one of those who compare yourself with other people and conclude that God has not been good to you? If God were to remove His eyes from you for one day, I am sure you will discover the difference.

Don’t forget what God has done in the past. If he delivered you from that sickness, He can deliver you from poverty. If He didn’t allow the devil to take your life when you were young even when you know that some of your friends are no more, then you can be sure that He can still do much more for you. Learn to give God thanks from today and appreciate Him for what He has done. Many of the Israelites did not make the Promised Land because of murmur and complain and it is the same today that many will not fulfill purpose for the same reason. Apologize today for acting in ignorance all this while and be patient to see Him unfold His plans for your life. He that started a good work in you is able to complete it. God is working out something in you.

ACTION POINT: Don’t ask for anything in prayertoday, just show gratitude by praising Him.

TODAY’S CONFESSION:                                                

1.       Lord, thank you for who you are in my life. I am grateful that you are my God.

2.       Lord, thank you for where I amtoday and where you are taking me.

3.       Some may trust in horses and some may trust in Chariots, but I will never stop trusting in you Almighty God.

He can be reached through +234 8024500269, +2347081563466,www.thelordscrew.org.

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