Friday 12 August 2016

Barack Obama is the founder of ISIS-Donald Trump

                             Image result for Donald Trump in a conference
This is very shocking but Republican Presidential Candidate, Donald Trump has described United States President, Barack Obama, as the “founder” of the Islamic State group.
“They honoured President Obama,” he told a rally in Florida. “He is the founder of ISIS [Islamic State].
Mr. Trump also attacked his Democratic rival for the White House, Hillary Clinton, calling her a “co-founder.”
It was reported that Mrs. Clinton responded by accusing him of “trash-talking” the US and echoing the talking points of Russian President Vladimir Putin.
Mr. Trump stood by his remarks on Thursday, using a sports phrase to say Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton were the Islamic State’s “most valuable players.”
The Republican presidential nominee has endured 10 days of negative headlines after a string of controversial comments.
Most recently, he appeared to urge his supporters to take up arms against Mrs. Clinton to stop her from appointing liberal judges to the U.S Supreme Court if she wins the election.

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