Friday 28 April 2017

Sex Addiction:Causes, Symptoms and Treatment

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                    What is Sex Addiction? Can lust addict you?

An addiction is the condition of psychological dependence on psychoactive substances. Usually the word addiction is mentioned along with the alcoholism, drug usage etc. A particular habit becomes an addiction when a person looses self determining powers to either control or stop the behavior or activity. Just as alcoholism or drug addiction, certain practices or mentalities also can create an addiction. Sexual addiction is one of the destructive behavioral abnormalities.

Though, sexuality is an inborn instinct of human beings, to maintain healthy social relationships and mature social association we all express the sexuality in a very controlled form. But people who are addicted to lust may loose the self control and think or act in abnormal ways. The urge for sexual pleasure will shoot into greater degrees in a lust addicted. They may get indulged in several accepted or restricted realms of sexuality.

Symptoms of lust addiction
A person himself is the right diagnosing agent to find if he/she is addicted to lust. It is a common trait that lust addiction remains hidden within the subconscious mind and only the addicted can, many a times; recognize the level and depth of the addiction. It is a folly to think that a lust addicted may emerge a social nascence. It is also not necessary that a lust addict may exhibit his/her addiction in public.

A majority of sexual addicts don't even recognize their addiction and still lives happily. Only in extreme cases one may need clinical counseling or medication. The prime symptom of lust addiction is too much interest in the opposite sex and in sexual activities. Compulsive and extreme sexual behavior is the signature of a sex addict.

It is quite natural to have interest in sexuality and also in opposite sex, but when the necessary interest gives way to uncontrollable condition, then it is an addiction. Sexual activities like masturbation or lovemaking several times a day can be another possible symptom of lust addiction. Over interest on pornography, sexual talks, weird fantasies etc., can all be sexual addiction symptoms.

Causes of sexual addiction
Addiction to lust can be caused by multiple factors. Hormonal imbalance is the prime accuse. Overproduction of some hormones is said to have the result of sexual addiction. Abused sexual interests share a great role to donate sexual addiction to a person. People who are sexually abused in the childhood may grow addicts in the future. Use of intoxicating drugs is another igniter of sexual addiction. These drugs will make them to conceive abstract fantasies and illogical impressions about sexuality. Once addicted to the lust, the brain starts producing intense biochemical materials too add fuel to the fire.

Prevention of lust addiction
As any other psychological or behavioral addiction, lust addiction also can be prevented effectively and completely. Changing the mindset and infusing irrevocable resolutions are the ultimate cure for sexual addictions. To a great degree, minor lust addictions could be recovered or, at least, controlled by a person himself.

Deliberate withdrawal from the particular behavior which you consider as an addiction is the best option. There are clinical cure too for lust addiction. Since sexual addiction is more psychological, counseling by a sexologist will bring drastic changes. If the disease is due to hormonal imbalances, a physician can help you with drugs that control or mend the hormonal conditions.

Clinical cure for sex addiction
Sexual addiction is clinically determined by an adaptive of DSM-IV criteria. A sex addict may continuously fail to control his behavior despite all the destructive consequences. Clinically lust addiction is referred as 'addiction model of sexual addiction'. Physicians or psychologist determine the nature of sexual addiction through the diagnoses of visible signs of addiction. Over interest in matters related to sex, several short-lived relationships, fetish sexuality, sexual offensive behavior etc., can be clues to sexual addiction. Infidelity of both sexual and emotional is another hint of lust addiction.

To treat sex addiction, first of all, the addicted has to admit the problems and should seek assistance open-heartedly. Being a more psychological than physical illness, sexual addiction can be cured by helping the patient to reduce seclusion chances and promote ways of integration. Helping the addict to adapt transparent behavioral pattern is another way of treatment.

If the addiction is caused by physical imbalances like hormonal problems, then there are drugs to be consumed by the patient to control or balance the abnormalities. Sexual addiction, if not treated on time and in the proper manner can result in self destruction and also in social crimes.

Biblical cure for sex addiction
"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God" (Romans 3:23). There are many ways that we humans sin and fall short—lying, greed, stealing, adultery, taking the Lord's name in vain, and many other selfish acts. All sins are equally serious before our Holy God.

If there is some sexual sin in your life, the first step toward improvement is to understand and admit what you have done. If you have given yourself to pornography or sexual fantasies involving people other than your spouse, you have been committing adultery. Jesus said:

"You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not commit adultery.’ "But I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust for her has already committed adultery with her in his heart" (Matthew 5:27-28).

Spiritual salvation
The single biggest factor in combatting such an addiction is to come under the authority of Jesus Christ. You are involved in a spiritual battle. "The Scripture contains no promise of help in overcoming temptation for those who are unsaved." If you are not yet a Christian, we strongly urge you to confess your sin and totally surrender your life to Him. Accept His gift of eternal salvation for your soul. After accepting Christ, some are totally delivered from their addictions. (See our helpful resource page. Also, see: How can I be sure of my salvation?)

"But, I am saved" - If there is no doubt that you have already committed your life to Jesus Christ and are relying on His sin-covering blood for your salvation, then do not let your sin cause you to doubt your salvation. Instead, deal with your sin. Confess it, and rededicate your life to Christ. Don't hold back any part of your life from Him. Humble yourself totally before God. Surrender it all. Ask Him to help you live a life of purity and true love. Accept your own failure and inadequacy. Admit that you cannot overcome sin on your own.
Admit your weakness, seek God's help

All humans are selfish and sinful; it is our nature. Addiction to pornography and other sexual sins are particularly potent in their effect, similar to a seductive and powerful drug. Once it has a hold on you, it is very difficult to resist. In fact, it is virtually impossible to overcome on your own. You must have God's help.

God cannot work with you if you are still trying to overcome sin on your own; it is a form of pridefulness. You are, in effect, saying to God “I can take care of this myself.” Consider these verses:

"The wicked in his proud countenance does not seek God…" (Psalm 10:4). "Pride goes before destruction…" (Proverbs 16:18). "When pride comes, then comes shame; But with the humble is wisdom" (Proverbs 11:2).

"You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in You" (Isa 26:3, NKJV).

"Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty hand of God, that He may exalt you in due time, casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you" (I Peter 5:6-7).

You see, God's willingness to “exalt you” (lift you up spiritually) is dependent on your willingness to humble yourself before Him. But the second part is just as important: God cares for you so much that He is willing to take all of your cares (worries, anxieties, needs, fears, desires, challenges, regrets, etc.) upon Himself. In other words, humble yourself by accepting your inability to handle the cares of life and give them all over to God. THEN He will lift you up spiritually, and you will find peace and freedom unlike anything you've ever known.

The Holy Spirit will be the most powerful in your life, when you are the most humble—when you get your own interests and desires out of the way. Then, He can produce in you the fruit He promised: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control (Galatians 5:22-23).

Notice that last one—self control. It is important to see that self control is not simply a matter of one's will; it is, in fact, a fruit of the Holy Spirit working in us. What a merciful God we have! As we learn to depend more and more on God to see us through each day, and we become more aware of His presence moment by moment, we find that over time the magnet of sexual sin loses its strength.

Prayer power
Prayer is conversation with our Creator. It is a child's communion with his Father. The Bible emphasizes that it should have a very high priority in our lives. Continual prayer is very important to your recovery. If there was ever a time in your life when you need to pray, it is now. It is the Christian's greatest weapon against the sin nature and the dangers and temptations of this world. "Anything of value in the kingdom of God is initiated in and dependent on prayer." Rely on God, and learn to think as He does. This will bring a revolution of good in your life.

Here's how to pray, each and every day…

Confess all known sin
Read: Psalm 51 | Mark 7:20-23 | 1 John 1:7-10

Renounce conformity to the world
Read: Romans 12:2, 6:13-14

Compiled by Dr Bayo Adeshimna

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