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Monday, 7 September 2015
For you to find your divine marriage partner has nothing to do with your looks, age or income.It is good to have those things but that should not be your main priorities.
In the book of Genesis 24:3-4 when it was time for Isaac to get married, Abraham sent his servant to his country with strict instruction to get a wife for his son.
He knew that God hated “unequal yoke” of marriage with unbelievers. Till today that is still the stand of God.You can decide to live and play by your own rules but you must also understand the principles of God concerning this topic.
How do you attract your divine marriage partner?
Matt 7:7
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you
1. Write down what you want. Make a list of at least 25 characteristics you want your ideal partner to have. What's written can become real. While some things on your list can be negotiable, you should also include a few 'deal breakers.' These are things that you feel strongly about and could potentially cause a problem in your future relationship. For instance, if you know for sure you want to have kids, it doesn't make sense to plan a future with someone who is set on not having any children.
2. Increase your magnetism by becoming the type of person that will attract your ideal partner. For example, if you want someone who is fit, get fit yourself. If you want someone financially savvy, become savvy too. You can't expect to attract someone with the key qualities you desire if you can't offer those qualities in return. The focus shouldn't entirely be on what your partner will bring to the table. What will you bring to the table? Why should someone be attracted to you? Strive to be your best in all areas of your life. Explore your gifts and talents. Allow yourself to grow, change and mature. Don't waste time waiting for your life to change- - you change it. There are very few things that you need another person to help you accomplish.
3. Be happy. Many people wrongly believe that when they find a partner, they'll be happy. The truth is, no one but you is responsible for your happiness. If your happiness is contingent upon others, you will never truly be satisfied.
Happiness is attractive. Out of the 75 males I surveyed, 100% of them listed a partner's personal happiness as an attractive quality. Have you ever met someone who was the life of the party or their presence just lit up a room? Everyone wants to be around that person. If it's not in your character to be extremely outgoing, that's OK. The point is to exude happiness, because it makes you much more approachable. An inviting smile can give an interested onlooker the green light to come say "hi.
4. Adopt an attitude of gratitude. One sure-fire way to increase your happiness is by becoming grateful for what you already have. Find the silver lining in every situation in your life. Maybe you're grateful for past relationships because they helped you get clarity on what you really want in a partner. You can be grateful to wake up each day with an opportunity to meet someone new. When you show appreciation, you attract more goodness into your life.
You can also be grateful for what is to come by making a list of things your future partner does. Examples include, "I'm grateful my mate notices what I'm wearing and compliments me," or "I'm grateful they send me fresh flowers just because." One of my clients wrote this exact line in her journal, and within only 22 days she met someone who started sending her flowers with notes that read, "Just because..."
5. Pray.If you don't know how to pray,you will marry the wrong person.when you have a deep relationship with God,he will direct you to the right person.if a man finds a wife,he has gotten he has gotten great favour from do you find,you is in the midst of prayer that you are directed to the person that you have been divinely directed to marry.don't forget,after hell fire,the next hell on earth is bad marriage
Social implication of drug abuse
Who is to blame?
The impact of drug abuse among Nigerian youth has been a stigma of a morally bankrupt, decadent and wasted generation that must be revitalized and collectively salvaged together in order to prevent the total degeneration and loss of our societal values and ideals. What is the brain behind our rotten society via the Nigerian youth: DRUG ABUSE. We cannot all sit on the fence and criminally pretend on the menace of drug abuse that has eaten very deep into the fabrics of our society.
What do we mean by the term DRUG ABUSE? Drug abuse may be defined as the "arbitrary" over dependence or misuse of one particular drug with or without a prior medical diagnosis from qualified health practitioners. Majority of the Nigerian youths ignorantly depend on one form of drug or the other for their various daily activities - social, educational, political, moral, etc. etc.
There are many factors that contribute to the influence of drug abuse or drug addiction among the Nigerian youths, namely peer groups, parental background (broken home), emotional stress among others.
Firstly, peer groups is a form of societal influence on the affected youths. For example, a friend can be greatly influenced to be a drug addict if allowed to interact with drug addicts - young and old. He can be tempted on one fateful day to join the bad wagon of drug addicts, thereby gradually ruining his career in life. Getting hooked to a particular drug is like a gradual process that will reach a climax.
Dangerous drugs like cocaine, Indian hemp (marijuana), morphine, heroine, tobacco, ephedrine etc. etc. Some of these dangerous drugs are both represants and stimulants, making the users either to feel high (on top of the world!) or low (below the sea level!) since there is a common adage which says "Show me your friend and I will tell you who you are." Our youth need to be fully re-oriented with respect to this social evil. For example, in our contemporary society, some groups of boys might be shy and afraid to "approach" or woo beautiful female damsels to their side, they might result to taking hard drugs that can "pull them" up and summon courage and talk to such girls. But why this barbaric method of toasting? Really, some boys even believe strongly in drinking alcoholic drinks as their own crude method.
The sociological implications of drug abuse among the Nigerian youth have been a major threat to the peaceful co-existence of all and sundry in our contemporary society, thereby destroying the
sociopolitical dignity, personality and integrity of dependence on life.
Secondly, the parental background of a child can also affect the over-dependence rate on drugs among the affected youths. Due to various family problems like broken homes (divorces), polygamous family, abject poverty, cultural influence, parental neglect, lack of parental affection and responsibility. A father that is a drug addict, may be greatly influenced and "carried away" by any of his children. Like father, like son.
Most parents in Nigeria today in their bid to make ends meet - searching for greener pasture always abandon and neglect the proper welfare of their wards and children and expose them to the "unofficial" assistance of the so-called house-maids. This ugly incidence will psychologically depress such children thereby giving rise to CHILD ABUSE which is an off-shoot of DRUG ABUSE. Without mincing words, such youths will end up in taking solace in some illicit hard drugs mentioned above for their survival in life. With this sad development, the society is being gradually and systematically ruined uncontrollably, thereby destroying the moral values of the Nigerian society via her youth. Wasted generation, of course!
Thirdly, naturally some group of teenagers are emotionally stressed, but instead for them to seek for a proper medical attention because a stitch in time saves many, they will result to SELF MEDICATION which is a conceptual relic of drug abuse, thereby using hard drugs for such corrections. Prevention, they say, is better (even cheaper ....) than cure. Some students believe so much in drinking coffee, drinks of different brands in order to suppress their normal routine of sleep. Can they successfully cheat nature? The frequent and persistent use (or misuse) of this stimulant might degenerate to drug addiction or otherwise.
Many narcotics have been banned among our youths for their indiscriminate use by the international organizations like FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization), WHO (World Health Organization) and our various local organizations. There is a proverb in Latin which says "MENS SANA IN CORPORE SANO" - meaning - "a sound mind in a sound body."
The various consequences of the drug abuse or drug addiction are so devastating and very shameful to the extent that both the national and international organizations all over the world are also worried about the spread of this scourge among the Nigerian youths. They are as follows: social violence among youths, armed robbery, mental disorders, 419 syndrome, social miscreants (Area boys and girls), lawlessness among youth, lack of respect for elders, rape, and many more of the social evils. Who is to hold to ransom and blame seriously for the menace of drug abuse among the Nigerian youth? Parental background via the society or peer groups of our youths ....
Parental background has a major role to play in correcting the "plague" of drug abuse among the Nigerian youths which are believed to be the leaders of tomorrow for a proud society.
The recommendations and suggested solutions to the menace of drug abuse among the Nigerian youths are highlighted below for national debate:
The impact of drug abuse among Nigerian youth has been a stigma of a morally bankrupt, decadent and wasted generation that must be revitalized and collectively salvaged together in order to prevent the total degeneration and loss of our societal values and ideals. What is the brain behind our rotten society via the Nigerian youth: DRUG ABUSE. We cannot all sit on the fence and criminally pretend on the menace of drug abuse that has eaten very deep into the fabrics of our society.
What do we mean by the term DRUG ABUSE? Drug abuse may be defined as the "arbitrary" over dependence or misuse of one particular drug with or without a prior medical diagnosis from qualified health practitioners. Majority of the Nigerian youths ignorantly depend on one form of drug or the other for their various daily activities - social, educational, political, moral, etc. etc.
There are many factors that contribute to the influence of drug abuse or drug addiction among the Nigerian youths, namely peer groups, parental background (broken home), emotional stress among others.
Firstly, peer groups is a form of societal influence on the affected youths. For example, a friend can be greatly influenced to be a drug addict if allowed to interact with drug addicts - young and old. He can be tempted on one fateful day to join the bad wagon of drug addicts, thereby gradually ruining his career in life. Getting hooked to a particular drug is like a gradual process that will reach a climax.
Dangerous drugs like cocaine, Indian hemp (marijuana), morphine, heroine, tobacco, ephedrine etc. etc. Some of these dangerous drugs are both represants and stimulants, making the users either to feel high (on top of the world!) or low (below the sea level!) since there is a common adage which says "Show me your friend and I will tell you who you are." Our youth need to be fully re-oriented with respect to this social evil. For example, in our contemporary society, some groups of boys might be shy and afraid to "approach" or woo beautiful female damsels to their side, they might result to taking hard drugs that can "pull them" up and summon courage and talk to such girls. But why this barbaric method of toasting? Really, some boys even believe strongly in drinking alcoholic drinks as their own crude method.
The sociological implications of drug abuse among the Nigerian youth have been a major threat to the peaceful co-existence of all and sundry in our contemporary society, thereby destroying the
sociopolitical dignity, personality and integrity of dependence on life.
Secondly, the parental background of a child can also affect the over-dependence rate on drugs among the affected youths. Due to various family problems like broken homes (divorces), polygamous family, abject poverty, cultural influence, parental neglect, lack of parental affection and responsibility. A father that is a drug addict, may be greatly influenced and "carried away" by any of his children. Like father, like son.
Most parents in Nigeria today in their bid to make ends meet - searching for greener pasture always abandon and neglect the proper welfare of their wards and children and expose them to the "unofficial" assistance of the so-called house-maids. This ugly incidence will psychologically depress such children thereby giving rise to CHILD ABUSE which is an off-shoot of DRUG ABUSE. Without mincing words, such youths will end up in taking solace in some illicit hard drugs mentioned above for their survival in life. With this sad development, the society is being gradually and systematically ruined uncontrollably, thereby destroying the moral values of the Nigerian society via her youth. Wasted generation, of course!
Thirdly, naturally some group of teenagers are emotionally stressed, but instead for them to seek for a proper medical attention because a stitch in time saves many, they will result to SELF MEDICATION which is a conceptual relic of drug abuse, thereby using hard drugs for such corrections. Prevention, they say, is better (even cheaper ....) than cure. Some students believe so much in drinking coffee, drinks of different brands in order to suppress their normal routine of sleep. Can they successfully cheat nature? The frequent and persistent use (or misuse) of this stimulant might degenerate to drug addiction or otherwise.
Many narcotics have been banned among our youths for their indiscriminate use by the international organizations like FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization), WHO (World Health Organization) and our various local organizations. There is a proverb in Latin which says "MENS SANA IN CORPORE SANO" - meaning - "a sound mind in a sound body."
The various consequences of the drug abuse or drug addiction are so devastating and very shameful to the extent that both the national and international organizations all over the world are also worried about the spread of this scourge among the Nigerian youths. They are as follows: social violence among youths, armed robbery, mental disorders, 419 syndrome, social miscreants (Area boys and girls), lawlessness among youth, lack of respect for elders, rape, and many more of the social evils. Who is to hold to ransom and blame seriously for the menace of drug abuse among the Nigerian youth? Parental background via the society or peer groups of our youths ....
Parental background has a major role to play in correcting the "plague" of drug abuse among the Nigerian youths which are believed to be the leaders of tomorrow for a proud society.
The recommendations and suggested solutions to the menace of drug abuse among the Nigerian youths are highlighted below for national debate:
- Parents should sincerely re-orientate their children on the adverse of drug abuse on their health, society and human dignity, since charity, they say, begins at home.
- The Ministry of Education (Federal and State) must as a matter of urgency add to their curricula - DRUG EDUCATION for both the primary and post primary schools in the country and they should always organize lectures, rallies, seminars and film shows for the Nigerian youths on the adverse effects of drug abuse.
- National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA) must also intensify their anti drug campaigns in order to have a drug- free society with a special focus on the Nigerian youths because they are the future leaders of this great Country in the black continent of Africa.
- All forms of government in Nigeria must interfere very fast in educating the Nigerian public about the spreading scourge of drug abuse among our youths through awareness programmes for the Nigerian youths in order to safeguard their career in life. Finally, the above suggested solutions will go a long way in critically correcting the over-dependence of our youth on drugs for progress, unity and development of our country.

What is a talent?
Talent means the skill that someone has quite naturally to do something that is hard. Someone who has talent is able to do something without trying hard. It is an ability that someone is born with. It is a high degree of ability or of aptitudes. People may have talent for music,dancing acting or other skills. Someone who has talent is talented and If someone has talent they still have to work very hard if they want to be very good at something. Some people become quite good at something even if they do not have much talent, but if they are willing to work very hard at the skill. Some people “waste their talent” (they have talent but do not work hard at it, they do not use their talent.
It's becoming increasingly popular for artists and creative artists to leave the church in search of deeper fulfillment. But why? What is it about the local church that is failing to capture the attention of this generation? Why are so many leaving the church? Why is serving the local church not capturing the imagination of our young musicians, writers, dancers, painters, and videographers?It's not about the money. We already know that creatives aren't just looking for the biggest paycheck. They crave, more than anything else, to do work that matters - to have freedom to create.
The church is made up of all kinds of people–businessmen and women, farmers, industrial workers, theologians, teachers, blue collar, white collar, entrepreneurs, servants, and leaders–but there’s one group of people that the church is in danger of losing: her creative talents.
Dbanj,Banky W, Terry G, P-Square, Wande Coal, Dare Art Alade, KC Presh started from the church but they ended in the circular world because of one major reason.
That reason is that church culture has made it difficult for artistic people to express their creativity so they go into the world because the world accepts them better,so why are artistic people leaving your church?
I’m not trying to condemn the church, but I do know that the Reformation, which was a great movement by the way, was also partly responsible for throwing out church art to fight against the worship and veneration of images. However, in reaction, the church started to embrace a more austere and plain worship style–one where the arts and artists where no longer valued, and to some degree, kicked out with the icons. It was right to put a stop to the worship of images, but as a backlash, I think we’ve been fighting an anti-creative current for generations as a result.
The bottom line: the church at large needs to learn, once again, how to embrace and empower its creatives.
We need a creative revolution.
Not a revolution that makes creativity king, but a revolution that seeks to embrace artists. A revolution that restores value to their Kingdom contribution in deeper ways
Comedian I Go Dye flies with former president Obasanjo

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