It is important for us to recognize that it's our responsibility to build
our Nation... No one will build Nigeria but Nigerians. There is no
place like home, Home is best!
Don't talk down your Nation because you are a citizen..
How many times have you heard Americans talking down America? or Britain
talking down the United Kingdom? Not even when they are drunk!
Let it be cleared to you, if Nigeria is to be great you must contribute
your quota. You can't sit on the side and look! No sir, No ma!
The Americans are building America, the Britain are building the United
Kingdom with their constructive words and actions... Nigerians must
build Nigeria... You do not have any plan B country though you may be
carrying the passport of another country! Home is always home!
It's easy to see the problems around you but when you do also be sure to
look for the good around you. Some of the things we enjoyed in our
Nation such as freedom and opportunity to be what you want to be are
What legacy do you want to leave as a citizen of this Nation Nigeria?
Nelson Mandela is not always the great Mandela, He was an ordinary
person who has an extra ordinary attitude and thought great things of
his country.
Be the change you want to be remembered for! We know Thomas Edison how
he contributed to the growth of America and give us all the qualities of
life with his inventions.
We also know Philo Farnsworth how he improved communications through the
invention of television and took entertainment to a new level...
And mother Teresa how she changed the lives of many children across the
globe... What about you? What do you want to be remembered for?
Have you heard that huge percentage of the population live below a
particular income level? Why we may not agree with the statistics, the
fact is many need our help in our Nation like in other nations... And
the question is what are you doing about that?
Remember, the suffering and problems in your environment are your
opportunities... Think, look around and do something different.
Great Ventures start with a thought and idea! Everything we see around
us today started as an idea from cars to the houses, airplane, ship,
machine, shirt, shoe, sport even some of food we eat. Apply your mind
and think!
If you find a job why don't you make one... You only have to believe
that it's possible, our nation is full of opportunities, size the
That is what great entrepreneurs have done, they defiled the challenges
of their environment and today they employ thousands and thousands of
the citizens of this great nation Nigeria.
Don't go somewhere else where they will barely tolerate you doing menial jobs! stay in your country and build it.
The future belongs to the one who believes and persevere.
Remember, we are debtors to our nation, the nation has offered us a lots
from education to opportunities and today we compete with the best in
the world.
Check, anywhere a true Nigerian has an opportunity to compete with the
world, we always beat them. Our nation is one of the fairs country in
the world go and check!
By the way one of the happiest in spite of all the challenges.
Think what you can do for our great country Nigeria, there is something that no one else can do like but You!!!
And we all do little, we can all do so much... Little drops of water make a mighty ocean.
Remember, you can be the best of who you are born to be, make the right use of your time and be the best.
Happy New Month of June.
Written by Godwin Excel