I was in a relationship for over a year, the truth is, I
knew the end of that relationship from the beginning, I knew I was
wasting time but I didn’t want to leave because I was ‘In love’. The
relationship ended in a bitter way, not because I was not a good girl
friend but because he was not meant for me and because his lifestyle
didn’t go with mine.
The day I had an interview with Dayo Adeneye a.k.a, D1, co-owner of
Primetime Entertainment was the day I knew he doesn’t like wasting time,
everything went smoothly and I didn’t spend so much time interviewing
him. He kept on saying, ‘Let us not waste time on this’.
My mother is a woman of God, she goes out on ministrations,you can’t
call her today and tell her you want her to speak in an event tomorrow
or the day after, you have to tell her a week or weeks before because
she always have her tomorrow arranged today, she plans ahead and she
uses her time well, she doesn’t allow anyone to waste her time.
I wrote an article on how to value your time, for those who haven’t read it, you can go ahead and do so.
One big problem affecting us Nigerians is that we really don’t know how
to use our time, some of us even allow people to waste our time for us.
We have so many time wasters around us that it becomes so hard for us
personally to manage our time.
Time wasters do not see anything wrong In wasting your time because that
is how they waste theirs, other time wasters are selfish, they don’t
waste their own time but they can gladly waste yours, flee from them.
We are in a generation where how you use your time determines how you
will succeed. I don’t see anything wrong in not having fun, fun is good
but when your ‘Friends’ keep telling you ‘Let’s go have fun’ everyday or
every time is what I am scared about. You should run away from those
friends because they want to drag you to the pit. I see so many youths
these days spending all their days on social networks particularly
Twitter, I am not saying being on social networks is a bad thing, I am
saying spending all your time on it without doing anything tangible is a
bad thing. It is okay to go on social networks, it is okay to be trendy
but when the ‘Trend’ becomes a time waster, its either you run away or
reduce associating yourself with it/them. The fact that something is
current doesn’t make it correct and the fact that something is trendy
doesn’t mean it is right. Your time is in your hands, no one will be
there to help you explain how you used your time, you are the driver of
your own vehicle, throw away everybody wasting your time or trying to do
so. Throw away relationships that are going nowhere, throw away social
networks that are dragging you to the pit.
The way you handle your time today determines the impact you will make
in all the areas of your life tomorrow. You are accountable for your
Stop or reduce the way you relate with time wasters, they are everywhere and they kill destinies directly or indirectly.
Stop killing your destiny
Eject time wasters from your life
You are your own time-keeper
Keep your time well.
It’s In You.
CULLED FROM http://lifeissueswithtayo.com
For enquiries: dipoolatade@gmail.com,+2348093503769