How do I begin to tell the story of Bolu and Tosin? Words will fail
me I swear. Trust me on that. Yeah. I have written the story of a lot of
couples and done it perfectly well but these two are beyond
description, wordwise. That is why I am going to show you the love they
share photographically.

Love is a living thing. Love is the reason for existence. When it finds you, you live more fruitfully.

Bolu and Tosin’s shoot was planned months before on whatsapp and on the
phone. It was planned when we were considering going all the way to
Greece with its ancient monuments to create the story of a love that
will live in the hearts of men forever.

The Odyssey was never undertaken though and so we settled for Tales by moonlight in Lagos to fashion out this love story.
It began in an evening at about 7pm when we had lost all the light of
day, beside the rolling waves of the Atlantic on the Lagos coastline.
It was in that time, I photographed this two for for the first time,
for their pre wedding session.

As they watched the distant berthed ships, I watched both of them and
knew I had found gold in this couple. Why do I say so? Nothing is more
beautiful to watch than two souls who love themselves.

Ok. So I lied! Something is more beautiful! Two souls who love themselves dearly, expressing that love romantically.
we lost all the light we could muster for the day and had to wait for
the next day to come before we started this shoot again.
I had thought the last days romantic displays was a fluke, Tosin proved
to me that not only was it a norm, his very DNA radiated romance and
that he loved Bolu with every bit of that double helix.

Bolu is the centre of Tosin’s World and he clearly loved that.
These two are perfect! I keep saying that and I can’t stop saying it because the truth of it stares you in the face.
Compiled by Ogheneworoakara
To get a professional photographer,she can be reached through: