Whether you believe it or not,sex is spiritual and most importantly,it is a covenant.Whatever the world,the society,motivational speakers,the devil and friends must have said to you about sex, know one thing today that there is a blood covenant that is shared during sex,and most people are not aware of it. You can share this article with your friends on social media if you feel that this article has helped you.There are two muscles in the body of man that has destroyed men and women beyond comparison.there are two muscles in the body of man that has turned eagles into chickens,these muscles have made beautiful ladies and abled body men who are elephants to become lizards.muscle number one is your tongue,muscle number two is your dick/vagina.More than any other organ in d body,this second muscle have disgraced many young ladies and placed many guys into a state of confusion and regrets.if you knw God has called you into your various fields to change your world positively,deal with your internal demons,discipline your body and talk to yourself,and disassociate yourself from anyone that is sexually provoking you because sex is spiritual.
Reuben in the bible(Gen 49)lost his destiny because of sex,he was meant to get double inheritance but because he slept with his father's wife,he got curses.His penis put him into trouble.
Dear readers,it is not a sin to have an erection but it becomes a sin to follow the direction of your erection outside marriage.
David followed the direction of his erection by sleeping with someone who is not his wife when he was meant to be in the battle front and killed her husband and because of that singular act up till to date,blood and war have not stopped in Isreal.
Samson died with his enemies because he was unable to control his dick.
thisa our generation is a corrupt generation,and it is a pity that only few young people are pure.Why is nigeria confused,corrupt and stagnant?its because our leaders have slept with bewitched people.
Beautiful babes and ladies,there is a gate you should guard very jealously with teeth and weapons.that gate is your womb.The person that disvirgins you is important in your life because disvirginity is a covenant.
Women and ladies of destinies are never loose wit their vagina,they are women and ladies of visions and plans who are ready to wait after marriage and are loyal to their husbands,they don't put down their skirts anyhow.
A lady or married woman who is sexually loose outside marriage is a failure.don't waste your destiny at the altar of sex because the result is few years later.
Guard yourself and watch yourself.this information has nothing to do with religion, it is a simple fact. Sex is not as safe as it used to be and Trust me a lot of people are involved in spiritual things they are ignorant about. Don't be fooled by looks and appearance because some people are not as innocent as they look.
I remain yours
Dipo Olatade