Hosni Mubarak
An Egyptian court has rejected ousted President Hosni Mubarak
appeal of his corruption conviction -- a decision that doesn't mean the
longtime leader will spend more time in custody, though that remains a
possibility in a separate case.The
Court of Cassation, Egypt's highest criminal court, rejected an appeal
by Mubarak and his two sons tied to their punishment for embezzling
$17.9 million allocated for the renovation of presidential palaces,
state-run Ahram
Inspirational,News,Fashion,Educational,Motivation,Political,Sports and Entertainment
Friday, 15 January 2016
when sex is not enough
Yes, sex feels good, and it’s one of the perks of marriage. But,sex
will not sustain a marriage. You must think beyond the flesh if your
marriage is going to withstand the tests of time. In addition to sexual
intercourse, there are two other types of intercourse
in which married couples should engage if they plan to live happily
ever after: emotional intercourse and spiritual intercourse.
Merriam-Webster defines intercourse as “communication or dealings between individuals or groups; interchange of thoughts, feelings, or bodies.” We all know what sexual intercourse entails. And many couples, if they didn’t have pre-marital sex, can’t wait until the wedding night to experience it. I don’t blame them. God created a good thing when he created sex, and He gives us permission to enjoy it within marriage.
Nevertheless, if you ask a couple who has been married for longer than 5 years (maybe even less), they will tell you that sexual intercourse is good, but it is not good enough. Emotional intercourse and spiritual intercourse are just as important, maybe even more so.
Written by Dr. Michelle Johnson
Dr. Michelle Johnson is the founder of Alabaster Woman Ministries, an online international women's ministry. She is a wife, mother, writer, speaker, teacher. Through her daily blog, online radio show, and video Bible studies, Dr. Michelle encourages women and married couples to make God the center of their lives.
Merriam-Webster defines intercourse as “communication or dealings between individuals or groups; interchange of thoughts, feelings, or bodies.” We all know what sexual intercourse entails. And many couples, if they didn’t have pre-marital sex, can’t wait until the wedding night to experience it. I don’t blame them. God created a good thing when he created sex, and He gives us permission to enjoy it within marriage.
Nevertheless, if you ask a couple who has been married for longer than 5 years (maybe even less), they will tell you that sexual intercourse is good, but it is not good enough. Emotional intercourse and spiritual intercourse are just as important, maybe even more so.
Written by Dr. Michelle Johnson
Dr. Michelle Johnson is the founder of Alabaster Woman Ministries, an online international women's ministry. She is a wife, mother, writer, speaker, teacher. Through her daily blog, online radio show, and video Bible studies, Dr. Michelle encourages women and married couples to make God the center of their lives.
Commitment:Foundation For A Deeply Connected Marriage
Commitment may not seem like the sexiest topic when it comes to
marriage. In fact, sex is the sexiest topic. But commitment is the root
of what it takes to build and maintain a truly lasting, happy life
What do you desire most in your marriage? Consider this passage from Genesis about Adam and Eve. It's the same core passage on marriage that both Jesus Christ and the apostle Paul referred to in their major teachings about marriage (Matthew 19 and Ephesians 5): "Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed" (Genesis 2:24-25).
What does being naked and not ashamed mean to you? I think this means that Adam and Eve felt completely accepted and loved. They had a deep emotional safety. I think this reflects the desire most of us have — to be accepted at the deepest level of our being. This is the type of love you can give to each other in marriage.
Notice that the deep intimacy described in Genesis is
founded on the commitment implied in the earlier phrases. For starters,
when you get married, your commitment implies that you must leave some
things behind. In the passage it says that "a man shall leave his father
and his mother." The full meaning of this passage is easier to
appreciate if you bear in mind that the Bible promotes a high level of
respect for parents.
This passage also portrays permanence. The word for "hold fast" used in the original Hebrew is dabaq, which means "to adhere" or "to stick." This is more than being stuck together. It's sticking together in a deep, freely chosen commitment. Joining together in commitment is not to entrap the two of you but to free you for intimacy and connection. Only in the safety of a secure commitment is it reasonable to be naked and unashamed. The loss of freedom that comes with the boundaries of commitment in marriage actually creates new opportunities for a profound level of freedom within those boundaries.
Written by Dr Scott Stanley
Dr. Scott Stanley is a research professor and co-director of the Center for Marital and Family Studies at the University of Denver. He has authored or co-authored a number of popular books on marriage
What do you desire most in your marriage? Consider this passage from Genesis about Adam and Eve. It's the same core passage on marriage that both Jesus Christ and the apostle Paul referred to in their major teachings about marriage (Matthew 19 and Ephesians 5): "Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh. And the man and his wife were both naked and were not ashamed" (Genesis 2:24-25).
What does being naked and not ashamed mean to you? I think this means that Adam and Eve felt completely accepted and loved. They had a deep emotional safety. I think this reflects the desire most of us have — to be accepted at the deepest level of our being. This is the type of love you can give to each other in marriage.
This passage also portrays permanence. The word for "hold fast" used in the original Hebrew is dabaq, which means "to adhere" or "to stick." This is more than being stuck together. It's sticking together in a deep, freely chosen commitment. Joining together in commitment is not to entrap the two of you but to free you for intimacy and connection. Only in the safety of a secure commitment is it reasonable to be naked and unashamed. The loss of freedom that comes with the boundaries of commitment in marriage actually creates new opportunities for a profound level of freedom within those boundaries.
Written by Dr Scott Stanley
Dr. Scott Stanley is a research professor and co-director of the Center for Marital and Family Studies at the University of Denver. He has authored or co-authored a number of popular books on marriage
3 ways to shape your daughter's future
Do you worry about raising your daughter in today's toxic world? Here are the best things YOU can do for her:
1. Never degrade yourself - Growing
up, I never ever heard my mom say anything negative about herself. She
would make fun of her dance moves and joke about forgetting kids'
activities. She would laugh when she messed up and apologize when she
made mistakes.
But I never heard, "I look terrible," "I am the worst," or "I am such a failure
The best thing you can do for your daughter's confidence and self-image is to love yourself. Be positive. Be kind to yourself. You may think you look terrible, but never say it. You may feel like a failure, but don't let your kids know it.
2. Love your spouse
SO many parts of a daughter's life are shaped by how her parents treat each other; she will learn how to interact with others, how to solve problems, and how to value her own relationships.
You set the tone for "normal." If parents are always fighting and bickering, she will think this is normal in a relationship. If parents love, support, and encourage each other, this is what she will expect.
3. Don't be her friend
I love my parents because they're my parents.
Your daughter can be friends with a million different people, but you are the only one that can be her parent.
A parent sets rules and says no. A parent teaches disciplines, defends, and encourages. They are honest, kind, trustworthy, and sacrifice in her behalf.
As parents, you are your daughter's heroes. She looks up to you and wants to be like you. Use your unique position to guide her life in the best direction possible.
Written by Alyssa White
She graduated with a degree in Middle East Studies & Arabic and continually adds to her list of random life experiences as she faces one adventure after another. With too many hobbies to count she especially loves hip-hop, soccer, and photography.
7 Types of Men you must not marry
Every little girl looks forward to her wedding day. They can't wait to
meet the Prince Charming who will sweep them off their feet. But, as you
grow older, you realize that nobody's perfect. Your dreams of marrying
Prince Charming become dashed away as quickly as the movie ended. So
instead of looking for Mr. Perfect, you look for the one who his perfect
for you.
As you look for Mr. Right, you try to look past some of bad traits so you can see all the good ones. This is good. It shows that you're not shallow. But, despite how shallow it might seem, there are some guys you should just leave in the dating pool.I believe you have to share this article with your friends on facebook or twitter because this article will help you.
Here are 7 men you must not marry:
The mummy's boy
As you look for Mr. Right, you try to look past some of bad traits so you can see all the good ones. This is good. It shows that you're not shallow. But, despite how shallow it might seem, there are some guys you should just leave in the dating pool.I believe you have to share this article with your friends on facebook or twitter because this article will help you.
Here are 7 men you must not marry:
The mummy's boy
- You've heard that how a man treats his
mother is how he'll treat you. So you look for a guy who is close to his
mom and spends a lot of time with her. But be careful, if he's too
close you'll find yourself married to his mother, too. So you better get
used to hearing, "My mom doesn't do it that way." And you better get
used to his mother being your marriage counselor, too.
The pushover
- As mentioned before, everybody likes to
have their own way. So when you find a guy who lets you do whatever you
want and doesn't complain about it, you want to grab him up. But after a
while you'll find yourself making all the decisions. And then you'll
find yourself complaining because he doesn't pull his own weight.
The fitness freak
Who doesn't want a guy with chiseled abs and nice arms? But despite all his good (physical) traits you may soon find that the gym is taking up an exorbitant amount of time in your family's life. And you'll find yourself using phrases like "did you beat your PR today, honey?" But more importantly, a man who lets the gym run his life has let the servant become the master and you'll soon find that he has other priorities out of whack, too.
The I-know-more-than-you guy
- It's a good thing to marry a
person for his brains. But be careful because you might end up marrying a
know-it-all. And you'll always feel like you're wrong — even if it's
just an opinion.
The control freak
- Everybody likes to have things their
own way. Unfortunately, because men are socialized to express hostility
and anger when they don't get what they want, a man who is a control
freak can often become intimidating and even abusive (physically or
The narcissist
Narcissus was an ancient Greek mythological figure who was so beautiful that he fell in love with himself — but because he couldn't leave his own reflection in the water, he eventually drowned. A person who is a narcissist is so convinced of their own greatness that they don't see their weaknesses.They are lone rangers,and Marrying a narcissist is a very one sided relationship. They're always trying to vaunt their own greatness — often at the expense of others.
The immoral rebel
A lot of women are attracted to the bad boys or a sexually immoral guy. There's just something mysterious and romantic about him,he is a sex god. But a lot of times the rebel in society is a rebel in marriage. And pretty soon you'll find him rebelling against you, too because he will cheat on you.
Written by Aaron Anderson
Aaron Anderson is a therapist and Director of The Marriage and Family Clinic in Denver, CO. He is a writer, speaker and relationship expert. Checkout his blog for expert information on how to improve your relationship.
- Everybody likes to have things their
own way. Unfortunately, because men are socialized to express hostility
and anger when they don't get what they want, a man who is a control
freak can often become intimidating and even abusive (physically or
- It's a good thing to marry a
person for his brains. But be careful because you might end up marrying a
know-it-all. And you'll always feel like you're wrong — even if it's
just an opinion.
- As mentioned before, everybody likes to
have their own way. So when you find a guy who lets you do whatever you
want and doesn't complain about it, you want to grab him up. But after a
while you'll find yourself making all the decisions. And then you'll
find yourself complaining because he doesn't pull his own weight.
5 things to do before travelling to Africa

We never want to discourage spontaneous travel plans, but there are a few preliminary steps you should take before your trip to Africa. A little forethought and careful consideration could save your trip from turning into an international catastrophe. Here are a few tips to help you plan for your African getaway.
1. Visit the Doctor
Virtually every nation in Africa (including South Africa) is in some stage of development, and this means that healthcare standards are not up to par with those of the United States. Hospitals are sparse, clinics are often understaffed and ill-equipped, and medications may not be readily available (especially in rural areas). For these reasons, a pre-travel visit to your doctor is definitely in order. He or she will administer the necessary vaccinations — hepatitis A, typhoid fever, and rabies, to name a few; many countries will require proof of immunization upon entry. Your doc will also prescribe the requisite medications, including malaria propholaxis (for which you should adopt a strict routine).
Plan Your Exact(ish) Route
Africa is vast — probably much more than you think — and getting from place to place can be tricky. Availability of different modes of public transportation will vary between stops; luxury buses may be your best best in one city, while crowded mini-buses or expensive taxi cabs might be your only option for others. You’ll want to budget for these variables, as well as the different border requirements; South Africa, for instance, does not require an entry visa or fee, while Tanzania requires travelers to purchase a visa in advance of their arrival. Most larger cities have rental car agencies, which are considerably more convenient than public transport — and much more expensive. Thanks to an ever-growing Internet presence in Africa, lodging accommodations can be researched prior to the trip; for budgeting travelers, youth hostels often provide a wide array of amenities and convivial atmosphere for a fraction of the price you’ll pay to stay at a fancy hotel.
3. Buy Some New Clothes
Your Africa wardrobe should be comprised of light garments (nylon-,rayon-, or cotton-based) that cover your skin; these will keep you cool under the sweltering sun and protect you from mosquitoes, parasitic infections, and other unwanted bodily visitors. In addition to a sturdy pair of sneakers, be sure to pick up thick hiking boots for adventures in the bush and a pair of flip-flops for casual street walking and poolside relaxation. Hat and sunglasses are advised (hell, downright mandatory), and a durable backpack might also be a good investment. And don’t bother bringing jeans; their thickness will cause sweaty discomfort, regardless of the time of year.
4. Throw Away Your Watch
OK, maybe don’t trash a perfectly workable timepiece — but be prepared to seldom use it. Ever heard of ‘African time’? It’s a term that applies throughout the continent, and refers to the generally laxed attitude toward schedules and meetings that is common among native residents. This isn’t a bad quality, per se, and after all you are on their turf. But you may want to adopt a similar outlook during your travels. So if the taxi is running 15 minutes late or the post office hasn’t opened a half hour after the listed hours, don’t fret. Just relax, remind yourself of your current location, and revel in the cultural experience.

5. Notify Your Bank
Depending on your bank, this one may not do much good; certain financial institutions will place a hold on your account when any international activity is registered, whether or not you notified them prior to your trip. But it won’t hurt to phone your local branch and let them know you’ll be visiting Africa for the next couple weeks. Credit and debit transactions are somewhat rare in most African countries (whether you’re in a city or village), and you’ll need access to an ATM soon after your plane lands. Among your first purchases should be a pre-paid cell phone; the cheapest models cost less than $100, and may prove invaluable if you need to place a stateside call anytime throughout your trip (switchable sim cards are available as you travel from country to country).
Best of luck on your African excursions! Have fun, experience a new culture — and above all else, please be safe.
Written by Brah Nehring
Brah Nehring is a counsellor and a travelling consultant in a consultant agency in Europe
6 Reasons You Won't Move Forward in 2016
I'll admit, as I'm writing this, I haven't yet set out a clear plan for 2016.
It's on my agenda for this weekend. I have one in my head and I had one down on paper. The one that I had down on paper, though, was not a plan to move forward. It was a plan to maintain.
Here are six reasons you won't move forward in 2016:
1. You fear success.
You didn't know there was such a thing?
It does sound strange that someone would be afraid of the very thing they're working toward. Sometimes it is a fear that our success will overwhelm us with more responsibility than we can handle or that it will get out of hand and become a monster. Sometimes it's because we're a control freak and have to micromanage every aspect of our lives, including our own success because we're worried what the outcome will be like.
A fear of success is literally putting a lid on our success and allowing ourselves to only go so far before it stagnates ... and eventually self-destructs.
Sometimes the fear of success is rooted in this next fear:
2. You fear failure.
I think most of us can relate to this fear.
Most of us have dealt with this at some point in our lives when we were given a task we weren't completely certain we'd succeed at. The fear of not being good enough, that people will reject us or what we have to offer and the unwise practice of comparing ourselves are sometimes enough to prevent us from even wanting to try.
Our own perfectionism takes over and holds us hostage as we battle the negative thoughts that say, "But what if you fail?"
And so what if you do?
Being a failure at something puts you in very good company: Winston Churchill, Thomas Edison, Walt Disney, Sir Isaac Newton, and Albert Einstein are just a few men who failed ... before they succeeded.
Perhaps instead of viewing our failures as failures, we should look at them as opportunities to try again.
3. You lack of motivation.
A fear of failure can be a huge demotivating factor in our ability to move forward; and most often, it's rooted in our own mind.
Instead of seizing an opportunity that's before us, we choose to wait for the right moment. We decide we don't have the time or resources needed to take that next step.
But these are just excuses.
The right moment will never be right enough; sometimes you just have to take a step of faith and trust God's plan for your insanely impossible dream!
Having time and resources are most often the result of good management and organizational skills. If this isn't your strong suite, hire someone or offer to exchange services to receive the help you need to find the time and resources you need to take the next step.
4. You lack of organization.
There is nothing like disorganization to prevent you from moving forward.
Whether it is an inability to keep your clients' records straight or wasted time trying to find a document or file, disorganization is a massive lid on your success that will keep you bound to mediocrity.
Disorganization can also be in your plans.
Do you know where you're going? Do you know the steps you need to take to get there? Do you have a vision and mission for your insanely impossible dream?
5. You lack of direction.
Sometimes our disorganization is the result of a lack of direction.
Do you have a clear vision and mission statement for your venture? Do you have clear goals for this month, the next three months, six months and for all of 2016?
Do you have long-term goals for where you want to be?
If the answer is no to any or all of these, you'll not move forward.
Trying to succeed without direction is like trying to drive from New York to Disneyland without a map. We all know you can't just jump in your car and drive and hope you'll get there somehow.
6. You lack inspiration.
Sometimes we just lack inspiration. We aren't afraid of our success or failure, we are organized, motivated and have a clear vision for where we're going and how to get there ... but the inspiration isn't there.
Written by Rosilind Jukic
Rosilind Jukic, a Pacific Northwest native, is a missionary living in Croatia and married to her Bosnian hero. Together they live with their two active boys where she enjoys fruity candles, good coffee and a hot cup of herbal tea on a blustery fall evening. Her passion for writing led her to author her best-selling book The Missional Handbook.
It's on my agenda for this weekend. I have one in my head and I had one down on paper. The one that I had down on paper, though, was not a plan to move forward. It was a plan to maintain.
Here are six reasons you won't move forward in 2016:
1. You fear success.
You didn't know there was such a thing?
It does sound strange that someone would be afraid of the very thing they're working toward. Sometimes it is a fear that our success will overwhelm us with more responsibility than we can handle or that it will get out of hand and become a monster. Sometimes it's because we're a control freak and have to micromanage every aspect of our lives, including our own success because we're worried what the outcome will be like.
A fear of success is literally putting a lid on our success and allowing ourselves to only go so far before it stagnates ... and eventually self-destructs.
Sometimes the fear of success is rooted in this next fear:
2. You fear failure.
I think most of us can relate to this fear.
Most of us have dealt with this at some point in our lives when we were given a task we weren't completely certain we'd succeed at. The fear of not being good enough, that people will reject us or what we have to offer and the unwise practice of comparing ourselves are sometimes enough to prevent us from even wanting to try.
Our own perfectionism takes over and holds us hostage as we battle the negative thoughts that say, "But what if you fail?"
And so what if you do?
Being a failure at something puts you in very good company: Winston Churchill, Thomas Edison, Walt Disney, Sir Isaac Newton, and Albert Einstein are just a few men who failed ... before they succeeded.
Perhaps instead of viewing our failures as failures, we should look at them as opportunities to try again.
3. You lack of motivation.
A fear of failure can be a huge demotivating factor in our ability to move forward; and most often, it's rooted in our own mind.
Instead of seizing an opportunity that's before us, we choose to wait for the right moment. We decide we don't have the time or resources needed to take that next step.
But these are just excuses.
The right moment will never be right enough; sometimes you just have to take a step of faith and trust God's plan for your insanely impossible dream!
Having time and resources are most often the result of good management and organizational skills. If this isn't your strong suite, hire someone or offer to exchange services to receive the help you need to find the time and resources you need to take the next step.
4. You lack of organization.
There is nothing like disorganization to prevent you from moving forward.
Whether it is an inability to keep your clients' records straight or wasted time trying to find a document or file, disorganization is a massive lid on your success that will keep you bound to mediocrity.
Disorganization can also be in your plans.
Do you know where you're going? Do you know the steps you need to take to get there? Do you have a vision and mission for your insanely impossible dream?
5. You lack of direction.
Sometimes our disorganization is the result of a lack of direction.
Do you have a clear vision and mission statement for your venture? Do you have clear goals for this month, the next three months, six months and for all of 2016?
Do you have long-term goals for where you want to be?
If the answer is no to any or all of these, you'll not move forward.
Trying to succeed without direction is like trying to drive from New York to Disneyland without a map. We all know you can't just jump in your car and drive and hope you'll get there somehow.
6. You lack inspiration.
Sometimes we just lack inspiration. We aren't afraid of our success or failure, we are organized, motivated and have a clear vision for where we're going and how to get there ... but the inspiration isn't there.
Written by Rosilind Jukic
Rosilind Jukic, a Pacific Northwest native, is a missionary living in Croatia and married to her Bosnian hero. Together they live with their two active boys where she enjoys fruity candles, good coffee and a hot cup of herbal tea on a blustery fall evening. Her passion for writing led her to author her best-selling book The Missional Handbook.
Ebola virus: New case emerges in Sierra Leone
Sierra Leone officials have
confirmed a death from Ebola, hours after the World Health Organization
declared the latest West Africa outbreak over.
The country was declared free of the virus on 7 November, and the region as a whole was cleared when Liberia was pronounced Ebola free on Thursday.Tests on a person who died in northern Sierra Leone proved positive, an Ebola test centre spokesman reports.The Sierra Leone death occurred earlier this week.
Ighalo wins BPL player award
Odion Ighalo
Nigeria international Odion Ighalo has been named the Barclays Premier League Player for December.
It was a sweep for Ighalo's club, Watford, as their manager, Quique Sanchez Flores, claimed the manager's award for the same month under review.
The Hornets striker scored five times in five appearances in December.
Ighalo scored in the 2-0 win over Norwich and was fouled in the box for the penalty which Troy Deeney converted.
The Nigerian forward scored the winner in their lone goal success at Sunderland on December 12.
Five days before Christmas, Ighalo netted a double to put Liverpool to the sword in Watford's 3-0 win at Vicarage Road.
Nigeria international Odion Ighalo has been named the Barclays Premier League Player for December.
It was a sweep for Ighalo's club, Watford, as their manager, Quique Sanchez Flores, claimed the manager's award for the same month under review.
The Hornets striker scored five times in five appearances in December.
Ighalo scored in the 2-0 win over Norwich and was fouled in the box for the penalty which Troy Deeney converted.
The Nigerian forward scored the winner in their lone goal success at Sunderland on December 12.
Five days before Christmas, Ighalo netted a double to put Liverpool to the sword in Watford's 3-0 win at Vicarage Road.
Medical doctor dies of Lassa Fever in Rivers State
A medical doctor with Rivers State-owned Braithwait Memorial
Specialist Hospital, BMH, Dr. Livy Ijamala, has died from Lassa Fever,
bringing to three the number of people killed by the disease in the
Chairman of the state branch of Nigerian Medical Association, NMA, Dr. Furo Green, disclosed this in Port Harcourt, saying the late doctor, Ijamala, who died in the early hours of yesterday night from the ailment, had contact with patients infected with Lassa Fever.
According to Dr Furo,“Last night, one of our hard-working doctors in the department of obstetrics gynaecology, Dr. Livy Ijamala, lost his life following infection with Lassa Fever.
This is the price medical doctors and health personnel pay for offering health services to the public.
“The hospital is being decontaminated as we speak. All medical doctors and healthcare personnel that had primary contact with the late medical doctor have been placed under observation.”
Chairman of the state branch of Nigerian Medical Association, NMA, Dr. Furo Green, disclosed this in Port Harcourt, saying the late doctor, Ijamala, who died in the early hours of yesterday night from the ailment, had contact with patients infected with Lassa Fever.
According to Dr Furo,“Last night, one of our hard-working doctors in the department of obstetrics gynaecology, Dr. Livy Ijamala, lost his life following infection with Lassa Fever.
This is the price medical doctors and health personnel pay for offering health services to the public.
“The hospital is being decontaminated as we speak. All medical doctors and healthcare personnel that had primary contact with the late medical doctor have been placed under observation.”
President Mugabe is not dead – Presidency
Robert Mugabe
The Zimbabwe government on Friday morning denied reports that veteran President Robert Mugabe, 91, had collapsed and died in Singapore after rumours spread rapidly about his alleged ill health. Under the headline “President well, fine”, stories about Mugabe’s health emerged each year when he took his annual leave outside the country.
“You cannot doubt that there will be a story on the President’s alleged death every January,” presidential spokesman George Charamba told reporters. Charamba blamed newspapers and online blogs for starting the rumours. “This is the way they seeks to improve their hits in order to get dirty money… There is a financial incentive to the lies,” he added.
It was reported that Mugabe was in the “Far East” but did not specify which country. The president, who is the world’s oldest national leader, has ruled Zimbabwe since independence in 1980. Despite his age, he continues to give long speeches in public, but speculation over his health mounted last year when he tripped and fell down some steps at a televised ceremony.
The Zimbabwe government on Friday morning denied reports that veteran President Robert Mugabe, 91, had collapsed and died in Singapore after rumours spread rapidly about his alleged ill health. Under the headline “President well, fine”, stories about Mugabe’s health emerged each year when he took his annual leave outside the country.
“You cannot doubt that there will be a story on the President’s alleged death every January,” presidential spokesman George Charamba told reporters. Charamba blamed newspapers and online blogs for starting the rumours. “This is the way they seeks to improve their hits in order to get dirty money… There is a financial incentive to the lies,” he added.
It was reported that Mugabe was in the “Far East” but did not specify which country. The president, who is the world’s oldest national leader, has ruled Zimbabwe since independence in 1980. Despite his age, he continues to give long speeches in public, but speculation over his health mounted last year when he tripped and fell down some steps at a televised ceremony.
Ex-Power Ranger Charged With Murder
A former star of the Power Rangers TV series has been charged with his roommate's murder.
Prosecutors said Ricardo Medina, 36, stabbed his roommate "multiple times" with a sword.The 36-year was arrested after the attack but released after claiming it was a case of self-defence.
Los Angeles County district attorney's office said it would ask for bail to be set at $1m during the accused's arraignment hearing next week Tuesday.
The Queen's Birthday Party Tickets Will Cost £150
People who want to attend The Mall street party
during the Queen's 90th birthday weekend celebrations will have to fork
out £150 for a ticket.
The Queen's grandson Peter Phillips announced the ticket
price and more details about the Patron's Lunch event on 12 June he is
helping to organise, saying it will have a "carnival atmosphere".The 10,000 guests, the vast majority of whom will be representatives from the Queen's patronages, will enjoy hampers of food at tables set up in the famous thoroughfare, Mr Phillips said.
A carnival parade will make its way along the Mall entertaining revellers.
The Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh will take to the stage to listen to speeches marking the occasion.
They will then be joined in a royal box by the Duke of Cambridge and Prince Harry, joint presidents of the event.
In life,there are some people you must not meet and there
are some people you must block from your life.When the eagle begins to move with crabs,it is backwardness.
There is a principle in life you must be careful of and many
people operate under that principle.it is the principle of crabology.There are
people with the crab mentality that don't want you to rise above them.
The term “crab mentality” is used to
describe a kind of
selfish, short-sighted thinking that runs along the lines of “if I can't
it, neither can you.” I read a book and im shocked that even asians
understand the crab mentality.This term is especially widely used in
Asia among Filipinos, who
use the crab mentality specifically to refer to those who pull other
people down, denigrating
them rather than letting them get ahead or pursue their dreams.
This concept references an interesting phenomenon that
occurs in buckets of crabs. If one crab attempts to escape from a bucket of
live crabs, the others will pull it back down rather than allowing it to get
free. Sometimes, the crabs seem almost malicious, waiting until the crab has
almost escaped before yanking it back into the pot. All of the crabs are
undoubtedly aware of the fact that their fate is probably not going to be very
pleasurable, so people are led to wonder why they pull each other back into the
bucket instead of helping the clever escape from unfavorable circumstances.
Now look at this: "Be you not unequally
yoked with
unbeliever.what has light got to do with darkness,what has righteousness
unrighteousness".we all know dis verse from the bible,but many do not
deeply what it means.An unbeliever is deeper than religious
are unbelievers in the church,and there are believers who are in the
world.A muslim can be a helper to a christian,and vise versa.Listern,a
person with a crab mentality is an unbeliever.
Here are 6 signs to know those with crab mentality
1. They are too proud of themselves and treat others as
inferior beings.
You can sense a breeze of arrogance from people with crab
mentality. They feel like they have royal blood flowing in their veins, and
they treat other people as outcast.
2. They panic when they see that people are happy and
Aside from arrogance,
you can also smell envy, jealousy and bitterness from this kind of people. They
freak out when the people they look down are rising or progressing beyond them.
It gives them a terrible feeling of insecurity. That’s why they will try to
pull them down, either by harsh words or by unkind actions. You will see them
giving bitter comments on Facebook, Twitter and other social media channels
3. Their motto in life is “if I can’t have it, neither can
They rather wish everyone will fail than let themselves fail
while others are succeeding. They represent the the crabs in the bucket, where
the crabs can easily escape from the bucket, but instead, they grab and pull
down each other in a selfish competitive manner which prevents any of them to
escape, resulting to their collective demise. In other words, people who have a
crab mentality are selfish and they don’t have any sense of sacrifice.
4. They are full of positivity for themselves but full of
negativity for others.
They only see the good things in themselves, but they’re blind when it comes to their negative characteristics. When it comes to how they view other people, it becomes the opposite. They only see the bad things of other people while they’re blind to their positive deeds. That is why instead of appreciation, what you will get from them are nothing but negative criticisms.
They only see the good things in themselves, but they’re blind when it comes to their negative characteristics. When it comes to how they view other people, it becomes the opposite. They only see the bad things of other people while they’re blind to their positive deeds. That is why instead of appreciation, what you will get from them are nothing but negative criticisms.
5. They spend most of their time talking about people rather
than discussing ideas and solutions.
Again, it’s because they treat people as their competitors.
Instead of thinking about the brilliant ideas and solutions that can make the
Nigeria a better country, they spend most of their time ensuring that no other
nigerian can become better than them. When our nation faces a crisis, they will
be more active in talking about how people become worthy of suffering rather
than discussing the solutions that will help people end their sufferings.
6. They don’t know a thing about compassion.
Compassion is a great virtue that enables us to understand the feelings of other people. It lets us walk in other people’s shoes and appreciate the lives they are living. But people with crab mentality lack compassion. They are inconsiderate and ignorant of the many people they are offending. They don’t care about the many hearts they are breaking. Well, what can we expect? They only care for themselves.
Compassion is a great virtue that enables us to understand the feelings of other people. It lets us walk in other people’s shoes and appreciate the lives they are living. But people with crab mentality lack compassion. They are inconsiderate and ignorant of the many people they are offending. They don’t care about the many hearts they are breaking. Well, what can we expect? They only care for themselves.
Dipo Olatade
Police arrest Boko Haram suspects in Ondo State
Fear enveloped Ondo State in Nigeria, as Police detectives reportedly
intercepted a truck loaded with about 150 persons suspected to be
members of the Boko Haram sect.
Reports had it that the suspects have been taken to the State Police Command, where they are being interrogated.
The suspects were said to be coming from Kebbi State and heading towards Ore town in Odigbo Local Government area of the state before they were intercepted by the police at Lipakala junction in Ondo town.
It was gathered further that following a tip off, the Divisional Police Officer (DPO) in charge of the Funbi Fagun Police station, Mr Olu-Ojo Ogunmoyole and men of the Special Anti-Robbery Squad from the Police headquarters in Akure swung into action and went after the truck conveying the suspects.
The suspects, after being apprehended were detained at the Police station before being taken to Akure.
Reports had it that the suspects have been taken to the State Police Command, where they are being interrogated.
The suspects were said to be coming from Kebbi State and heading towards Ore town in Odigbo Local Government area of the state before they were intercepted by the police at Lipakala junction in Ondo town.
It was gathered further that following a tip off, the Divisional Police Officer (DPO) in charge of the Funbi Fagun Police station, Mr Olu-Ojo Ogunmoyole and men of the Special Anti-Robbery Squad from the Police headquarters in Akure swung into action and went after the truck conveying the suspects.
The suspects, after being apprehended were detained at the Police station before being taken to Akure.
Celine Dion's Husband And Manager Is Dead
Celine Dion's husband and manager Rene Angelil has died at the age of 73 at his suburban Las Vegas home.
A post on Dion's Facebook page confirmed the news.
"It is with deep sadness that we announce that Rene Angelil, aged 73, died this morning at her residence in Las Vegas after a long and courageous fight against cancer," the post said.
"The family wishes to live the mourning in privacy."
Angelil died of natural causes and under the care of a doctor, Clark County Coroner John Fudenberg said.
Mr Fudenberg said no further investigation into the death is expected.
Dion and Angelil had three children together - Rene-Charles, who was born in 2001 and twins Nelson and Eddy, who were born in 2010.
A post on Dion's Facebook page confirmed the news.
"It is with deep sadness that we announce that Rene Angelil, aged 73, died this morning at her residence in Las Vegas after a long and courageous fight against cancer," the post said.
"The family wishes to live the mourning in privacy."
Angelil died of natural causes and under the care of a doctor, Clark County Coroner John Fudenberg said.
Mr Fudenberg said no further investigation into the death is expected.
Dion and Angelil had three children together - Rene-Charles, who was born in 2001 and twins Nelson and Eddy, who were born in 2010.
Goodluck Jonathan becomes grandfather
Former president Goodluck Jonathan of Nigeria has become a grandfather as his foster daughter, Inebharapu Paul was put to bed.
A joyful Jonathan posed with Inebharapu, her husband and the baby.
Inebharapu Paul, walked down the aisle with her man, Simeon Onyemeachi on January 10, 2015 in Abuja.
A joyful Jonathan posed with Inebharapu, her husband and the baby.
Inebharapu Paul, walked down the aisle with her man, Simeon Onyemeachi on January 10, 2015 in Abuja.
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