Generally, favour means goodwill, acceptance and the benefits flowing
from these. It is also used interchangeably with mercy, grace and
kindness. Favour is that which helps man to achieve divine destiny or
expectation with minimum effort. Favour adds flavor to our lives and
mobilizes others to help us in accomplishing our destiny plans and
dreams. When the spirit of favour is upon our lives, it compels men and
spirits to assist us in our destiny pursuits. Favour spares us the
ordeals of unnecessary or needless labour and toiling. Favour makes our
countenance or presence appealing and endearing to prospective helpers.
The spirit of disfavor, on the other hand, makes our presence repulsive
to those who ought to help us. Favour is that which moves others to help
and encourage you.
Without favour, destiny fulfillment will
suffer needless delay or abortion. Every successful bible character has
been favoured in one way or the other. Samuel and Jesus were not only
favoured; they also grew in favour as they advanced from one stage of
destiny fulfillment to the other (Sam 2:26, Luke 2:52). We should both
desire to receive the spirit of favour and to grow in it. We should pray
to enjoy favour from both God and man.
Anchor Scriptures: Ps. 103:1-3; 2 Sam. 5:11-12; I Kgs. 5; Esth. 2:15-17; Dan. 6:1-4.
Prayer Guide:
1. Father, forgive my sins and give me grace to live a life that attracts your favour.
2. By the blood of Jesus, I receive cleansing from every deposit of rejection through sin.
3. In the name of Jesus, I break the power of evil magnetism and negative aura.
4. I release myself from every association that is ministering disfavor into my life.
5. I reject and repent from any lifestyle that makes me to stink in the nostrils of God.
6. Lord, baptize me with the spirit of grace and supplication and favour.
7. I reject the spirit of rejection, disfavor and hatred in Jesus name.
8. You seed of generational rejection and disfavor, die in my life in Jesus name.
9. Lord, perfume my life with your oil of favour.
10. Thou favour of God upon my life, begin to displace people for my sake.
11. Favour of God, create strategic vacancies for me.
12. You foundational spirit of hatred and rejection in my life, die right now in Jesus name.
13. Every seed of witchcraft in my life; die by fire.
14. I command every representation and mark of rejection in my life to burn and perish.
15. Every seed of rejection, hatred and failure in my life, I
command you to be consumed. by the fire of God in the name of Jesus.
16. Every curse, spell, jinx, and enchantment of disfavour in my
life, whether acquired, inherited, ancestral or environmental, be
destroy from my foundation in Jesus mighty name.
17. Every spirit
servicing and enforcing disfavour, rejection and hatred in my life: be
bound and liquidated by God’s fire in Jesus name.
18. Let the fire and thunder of God visit my foundations on both maternal and paternal sides.
19. All you invisible marks and labels of rejection and disfavour on
any part of my body, be blotted out by the blood of Jesus.
Father, from henceforth, turn my disgrace into grace, my shame to fame,
my labour to favour, my story to glory, my pressure to pleasure and my
pain to gain in Jesus name.
21. Every area of my life that I have lost to failure, I command to be restored in Jesus name.
22. You spirits of rejection and hatred, loose your grip over my life in the name of Jesus.
23. It is written of me that because I meditate in God's Word and
seek to do His will, anything I lay my hands upon shall succeed.
Therefore, I reject the spirit of failure in any area of my life. I am a
success in life, ¬in my profession, in my career, in my business, and
in my marriage. Others might have failed, but I believe in a God that
cannot fail. I am His child. I am working in partnership with Him.
Because He is on my side, I will not be a failure any more in Jesus
24. I command all my buried goodness, progress and prosperity to begin to resurrect in the mighty name of Jesus.
25. Father, I am a child of love, grace and favour; therefore, I refuse any form of rejection in Jesus name.
26. I break any spell, curse, jinx, and enchantment of failure and rejection in my life right now in Jesus name.
27. Father, perfume my life with the aroma of Christ, so that from
now on good and helpful people will be attracted to me in Jesus name.
28. Holy Spirit, I enter into Your divine favour today. Let the oil
of Your favour begin to flow upon me. Everywhere I turn, let the doors
be opened to me. Whatever I lay my hands upon, let them succeed¬ in the
name of the Lord Jesus.
29. Father from now on, make it impossible for anybody to say no to my sincere requests in Jesus name.
30. Father, give everyone on any panel or committee that will
decide my case or cause a special favour and liking for me in Jesus
31. Lord, please, always plant your Gamaliel (Acts 5:33¬-40) in any committee or panel that will determine my fate.
32. I come against you spirit of rejection. Get out of my life in
the name of Jesus. I am accepted in the beloved. I am accepted in
Christ. God loves me. He thinks about me. He has a plan for my life; and
that plan He will be fulfilled in Jesus name.
33. I reject and dismiss the spirits of shame and mockery.
34. Father, put your favour and flavor in my voice, looks, appearance, and the works of my hands.
35. Father, relocate me from the place of disfavor to my place of favour and destiny.
36. I shall not be an abandoned project in Jesus name.
37. My destiny shall not be diverted in Jesus name.
38. In Jesus name, you spirit of disfavour and rejection, I break your power over my life.
39. Lord, create strategic opportunity for my uplifting in life.
40. I shall never miss my timing, season and chances in Jesus name.
41. Lord, raise for me godly destiny supervisors.
42. Helpers of my destiny arise.
43. I break by fire every curse, spell and covenant of disfavor in Jesus name.
44. Like Daniel and Esther of old, Father, clothe me with the spirit of preference in Jesus mighty name.
45. Everywhere I go, the favour of God will make me an irresistible attraction and acceptance.
46. Uncommon favour of God shall attend unto all my requests, applications and prayers and appearances in Jesus name.
47. Where others have been rejected, I shall be accepted, where
they’ve been abused and condemned, I shall be praised and commended,
where they’ve failed, I shall succeed, and where they’ve been tolerated,
I shall be celebrated because of God’s aroma of favour on me.
48. My destiny shall not be wasted in Jesus name.
49. Wind of destiny; blow me to the correct location for my allocation in life.
50. Thou divine wind that blow Joseph, Esther and Daniel to their correct destinies, blow over me in Jesus name.
51. O thou God of grace and mercy, intervene in my destiny in Jesus name.
52. Dear Holy Spirit, please always give me spiritual network in prayers.
53. My prayer requests will not go into the heavenly voice mail in Jesus name.
54. Thank you father for your quick answers to my prayers; I receive by faith in Jesus’ name.
Written by Dr Moses Aransiola
Inspirational,News,Fashion,Educational,Motivation,Political,Sports and Entertainment
Saturday, 12 December 2015
4:6: Then he answered and spake unto me, saying, This is the word of the
LORD unto Zerubababel thou shalt become a plain: and he shall bring
forth the headstone thereof with shoutings, crying, Grace, grace unto
- Sing songs of praises unto God for how far He has helped you in the journey of your life.
- Begin to cover yourself, household and properties with the blood of Jesus.
- Every spirit of limitation against my breakthroughs, die, in the name of Jesus.
- Every power of demotion targeted against my destiny, die, in the name of Jesus.
- Every spirit, power and personality working against my elevation, die, in the name of Jesus.
- I receive to carry the evil-left over of my family, in the name of Jesus.
- Every evil standing order against my destiny, die, in the name of Jesus.
- Every ancestral curse working against my destiny, die, in the name of Jesus.
- O God arise and begin to disgrace all my Goliaths, in the name of Jesus.
- Let my Pharaoh die in his own Red Sea, in the name of Jesus.
- I fire back every arrow of spiritual demotion, in the name of Jesus.
- I fire back every arrow of physical demotion, in the name of Jesus.
- I fire back every arrow of financial demotion, in the name of Jesus.
- I fire back every arrow of marital demotion, in the name of Jesus.
- O Lord, begin to laugh my enemies to scorn.
- Every power preventing me from enjoying the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living, die, in the name of Jesus.
- Let God be God in my life, in the name of Jesus.
- Let God be over my battles, in the name of Jesus.
- Oh God arise and fight for me in my dreams, in the name of Jesus.
- In the presence of those who think I'm nobody, Oh God arise, and make me somebody, in the name of Jesus.
- In the presence of those who are asking for my God, oh God arise and manifest Yourself, in the name of Jesus.
- Oh Lord, make my life a bethel, in the name of Jesus.
- Every pattern of poverty will not prosper in my life, in the name of Jesus.
- Let the rivers of breakthroughs flow into my life, in the name of Jesus.
- Poverty, you will not locate my life, in the name of Jesus.
- Angels of blessing, what are you waiting for, locate me now, in the name of Jesus.
- I pull down every altar of serpent in my life, in the name of Jesus.
- Oh Lord, arise and destroy every spiritual marriage prepared for my life, in the name of Jesus.
- I shall not be a victim of spiritual marriage, in the mighty name of Jesus.
- Oh Lord, destroy the plans of spiritual marriage against my life, in the name of Jesus.
- You spirit of death and hell, I am not your candidate, in the name of Jesus.
- Tragedy, you shall not locate me, in the name of Jesus
- I reject death, I claim abundant life, in the name of Jesus.
- Every power, planning to wage war against my divine vision, what are you waiting for, die in the name of Jesus.
- Every power, that refuses to let me go, what are you waiting for die, in the name of Jesus.
- My life, move from minimum to maximum, in the name of Jesus.
- Whether the enemy likes it or not, I shall not serve my enemies, in the name of Jesus.
- My sun shall shine, in the name of Jesus.
- Every cloud of confusion, covering my divine goal, clear, in the name of Jesus.
- My divine goal, locate me by fire, in the name of Jesus.
- Every generational curse affecting my divine goal, break by the blood of Jesus.
- Every evil meeting summoned against my goal, I scatter you by fire, in the name of Jesus.
- Every power caging my divine goal, fall down and die, in the name of Jesus.
- Anointing to excel, fall upon me now, in the name of Jesus.
- As from now on, I shall prevail against the enemies of my breakthroughs, in the name of Jesus.
- Finger of God, write my name in the book of success, in the name of Jesus.
- Every enemy of my destiny, die, in the name of Jesus.
- Every enemy of my marriage, die, in the name of Jesus.
- Every enemy of God for my breakthroughs, die, in the name of Jesus.
- Begin to thank God.

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Dipo Olatade
6 Tips to Avoid Temptation
God does not promise that we will never be tempted, but that when we are, He will provide a way of escape. However, there are things that we can do as a Christian to avoid unnecessary temptation. Many times temptation can be completely avoided by following these simple tips:
In the model prayer that Jesus gave to his disciples in Matthew 6, He taught them to ask God to lead them away from temptation (Matthew 6:13). A daily relationship with God in prayer is a first step to avoiding temptation.
Use the Word of God
There are many good verses that will help you overcome certain temptations.memorizing bible passages targeted to combat your areas of temptation will be a protection and defense. 2 Corinthians 10:4 and 5 talk about pulling down things that get a stronghold in our life.
You need to work on memorizing a list of Bible verses that will help you avoid temptation. You cannot rely on finding a Bible at the moment of temptation. These verses have to become second nature to you.
Spend time in God’s word daily. Make it a habit. By knowing you will be confronted by the Bible in your reading tomorrow it can help you stay focused on God today.
Understand Your Personal Weaknesses
Not everyone is tempted in the same way. What is a struggle for one person may not be the least bit tempting to another person. For example one person may be tempted with smoking. For the next guy, smoking has never had a foothold on the person and therefore is not at all tempting.
James 1:14 says that we are drawn away with our own lusts. This indicates that each person has their own week areas to deal with. You need to understand your own weakness so that you will know how to combat and avoid it.
Flee Temptation
God has promised to make a way to escape temptation. If you will look for the escape route then you can flee the temptation. Many times this way of escape is to literally walk (or run) away. Temptation often comes when you find yourself in certain situations or places. When you recognize one of those situations it is time to pack up your stuff and get out of there. (1 Corinthians 6:18; 10:14; 1 Timothy 6:11; 2 Timothy 2:22)
God has promised to make a way to escape temptation. If you will look for the escape route then you can flee the temptation. Many times this way of escape is to literally walk (or run) away. Temptation often comes when you find yourself in certain situations or places. When you recognize one of those situations it is time to pack up your stuff and get out of there. (1 Corinthians 6:18; 10:14; 1 Timothy 6:11; 2 Timothy 2:22)
Don’t be Discouraged
You should not become complacent about your sin. But you should also not allow it to defeat you. Sin is much more serious than eating too much dessert, but allow me to make an analogy. If you are on a diet and eat an extra cookie that you were not supposed to, does it make sense to quit your diet and eat the rest of the bag? The truth is that one extra cookie is a minor thing compared to how many good choices you made the previous week. It sounds silly to quit a diet because of 100 extra calories. Yet people do it all the time.
Realize that you probably will fall to temptation on occasion, but that is no reason to quit your Christian walk. Don’t accept your sin as if it doesn’t matter, but also realize that you have a choice in your future actions.
Create an Accountability Network
As Christians we have direct access to God. There is no place in the Bible where we are taught that we must confess our sins to others to haveforgiveness from God.However, the Bible does teach that creating accountability with someone else can help you in your struggle against temptation (James 5:16).
You do not need to go into detail with your accountability partner about about your struggles, but they do need to know how to pray for you. Find someone who is a mature Christian. Often your pastor can fill this role, but it can also be a fellow church member. Tell them that you are struggling in a certain area. Look through the Bible together finding verses that will be a help to you. Have your friend ask you occasionally how you were doing in this area. Once a week is usually often enough.
Written by David Peach
David Peach has been in full time missions work with the Deaf since 1994. He has started several deaf ministries in various countries and established a deaf church in Mexico. David now works as Director of Deaf Ministries for his mission board.
You should not become complacent about your sin. But you should also not allow it to defeat you. Sin is much more serious than eating too much dessert, but allow me to make an analogy. If you are on a diet and eat an extra cookie that you were not supposed to, does it make sense to quit your diet and eat the rest of the bag? The truth is that one extra cookie is a minor thing compared to how many good choices you made the previous week. It sounds silly to quit a diet because of 100 extra calories. Yet people do it all the time.
Realize that you probably will fall to temptation on occasion, but that is no reason to quit your Christian walk. Don’t accept your sin as if it doesn’t matter, but also realize that you have a choice in your future actions.
Create an Accountability Network
As Christians we have direct access to God. There is no place in the Bible where we are taught that we must confess our sins to others to haveforgiveness from God.However, the Bible does teach that creating accountability with someone else can help you in your struggle against temptation (James 5:16).
You do not need to go into detail with your accountability partner about about your struggles, but they do need to know how to pray for you. Find someone who is a mature Christian. Often your pastor can fill this role, but it can also be a fellow church member. Tell them that you are struggling in a certain area. Look through the Bible together finding verses that will be a help to you. Have your friend ask you occasionally how you were doing in this area. Once a week is usually often enough.
Written by David Peach
David Peach has been in full time missions work with the Deaf since 1994. He has started several deaf ministries in various countries and established a deaf church in Mexico. David now works as Director of Deaf Ministries for his mission board.
6 Things Sharp-Dressed Men Never Say
Society treats a well-dressed man better than the man who is too lazy to care about his appearance.The change is not just an internal boost to the wearer’s confidence – but also creates a halo effect around you. In essence, creating opportunities that would not exist if you were poorly dressed .As a result – there are certain phrases you will never hear from a sharp-dressed man because they would be unnecessary.
1. “Only shallow people care about how you look.”
This is always the excuse of the man who goes out in grubby pants and a T-shirt, and then complains about his luck with women.
It has a certain allure as an argument, mostly because it lets the ill-dressed man feel not only excused but justified – he’s the mature, intelligent person here!
All those girls who keep passing him up are just shallow and only interested in the surface of things.
Wrong, of course.
Looking sharp isn’t about putting on an illusion. It’s about a mindset
2“Excuse me! I’ve been waiting 30 minutes for a table.”
Want to be ignored? Dress like someone inconsequential.
Now, there are limits here – if you’re going to a really high-class, top-reviewed restaurant at the peak of its popularity, just wearing a decent suit isn’t going to get you in any faster.
Everyone that’s going to a place like that will be wearing a decent suit.
But for the most part, if you dress like someone who has a bit of influence and station in the world, people will be quicker to make sure you’ve been attended to.
3. “Don’t worry, you can trust me.”
Working-class men who provide a service through manual labor, are generally not the targets of fashion advice.
But they still benefit from dressing well.
A construction worker in slacks and a good polo looks like someone you’d hire to build your dream home.
The same guy in a filthy T-shirt and his painter’s pants looks like someone who might cause unexpected delays and overcharge you.
There’s a time and a place for everything. When you’re working hard, dress practically.
But when you’re doing business – hit the shower, comb the hair, and throw on a decent shirt and maybe a blazer.
4. “I’m not a student!”
This is especially a big one for men living in college towns – the sloppier you look, the more likely people are going to think you’re an undergrad.
That’s useful if you’re trying to sneak into a “free admission for current students” concert without paying the cover charge, but the rest of the time – assuming you’re not, in fact, an undergrad – you probably don’t want to be mistaken for one.
Upgrade the jeans to slacks, replace the T-shirt with something collared, and throw a decent belt and shoes on.
Suddenly, no one will ever mistake you for a college student on his way between classes again.
5. “I’m successful.”
If you have to brag about your income, it’s because you’re not dressing as well as you could.
It’s also rude. So don’t do it – just dress nicely, instead.
There are a lot of high-powered professionals out there who expect real respect for their achievements – but who are still wearing off-the-rack suits with no adjustments.
And they don’t look like world-beaters. They look like middle managers at struggling companies.
If you start with high-quality clothing and you get it adjusted to fit, you’ll never have to tell people that you’re making big bucks.
6. “I feel strange looking this sharp. Are people looking at me?”
You can substitute another word for “butt” if you want to. We won’t judge you.
Looking good requires a decent fit. And what do you know – a decent fit also makes your clothing more comfortable to wear!
You even get a circular effect. It’s more comfortable to wear, which means you spend less time fidgeting or tugging unattractively on your crotch, which makes you look even better than the guys in unfitted clothes.
So by taking the time to learn their measurements and get the majority of their clothing adjusted, sharp-dressed men are also sparing themselves the discomfort of cheap, off-the-rack clothing.
1. “Only shallow people care about how you look.”
This is always the excuse of the man who goes out in grubby pants and a T-shirt, and then complains about his luck with women.
It has a certain allure as an argument, mostly because it lets the ill-dressed man feel not only excused but justified – he’s the mature, intelligent person here!
All those girls who keep passing him up are just shallow and only interested in the surface of things.
Wrong, of course.
Looking sharp isn’t about putting on an illusion. It’s about a mindset
2“Excuse me! I’ve been waiting 30 minutes for a table.”
Want to be ignored? Dress like someone inconsequential.
Now, there are limits here – if you’re going to a really high-class, top-reviewed restaurant at the peak of its popularity, just wearing a decent suit isn’t going to get you in any faster.
Everyone that’s going to a place like that will be wearing a decent suit.
But for the most part, if you dress like someone who has a bit of influence and station in the world, people will be quicker to make sure you’ve been attended to.
3. “Don’t worry, you can trust me.”
Working-class men who provide a service through manual labor, are generally not the targets of fashion advice.
But they still benefit from dressing well.
A construction worker in slacks and a good polo looks like someone you’d hire to build your dream home.
The same guy in a filthy T-shirt and his painter’s pants looks like someone who might cause unexpected delays and overcharge you.
There’s a time and a place for everything. When you’re working hard, dress practically.
But when you’re doing business – hit the shower, comb the hair, and throw on a decent shirt and maybe a blazer.
4. “I’m not a student!”
This is especially a big one for men living in college towns – the sloppier you look, the more likely people are going to think you’re an undergrad.
That’s useful if you’re trying to sneak into a “free admission for current students” concert without paying the cover charge, but the rest of the time – assuming you’re not, in fact, an undergrad – you probably don’t want to be mistaken for one.
Upgrade the jeans to slacks, replace the T-shirt with something collared, and throw a decent belt and shoes on.
Suddenly, no one will ever mistake you for a college student on his way between classes again.
5. “I’m successful.”
If you have to brag about your income, it’s because you’re not dressing as well as you could.
It’s also rude. So don’t do it – just dress nicely, instead.
There are a lot of high-powered professionals out there who expect real respect for their achievements – but who are still wearing off-the-rack suits with no adjustments.
And they don’t look like world-beaters. They look like middle managers at struggling companies.
If you start with high-quality clothing and you get it adjusted to fit, you’ll never have to tell people that you’re making big bucks.
6. “I feel strange looking this sharp. Are people looking at me?”
You can substitute another word for “butt” if you want to. We won’t judge you.
Looking good requires a decent fit. And what do you know – a decent fit also makes your clothing more comfortable to wear!
You even get a circular effect. It’s more comfortable to wear, which means you spend less time fidgeting or tugging unattractively on your crotch, which makes you look even better than the guys in unfitted clothes.
So by taking the time to learn their measurements and get the majority of their clothing adjusted, sharp-dressed men are also sparing themselves the discomfort of cheap, off-the-rack clothing.
5 Things You Should Never Say To Your child when Angry
If you’re angry with your child, don’t say a word without first considering the impact it’s going to have on your child. Children sure know how to get on your nerve, but you must control your emotions and get your point across in a rational manner without doing any damage to the emotional development of your children.
Angry on not, stressed out by Nigerian traffic or problems, here are five things a mother or father must not be caught saying to his or her children, no matter how upset she is:
1. You are a mistake!
One of the most deadly sin of parenting is telling your child that his/her birth stole your life away, whether you are a single mother or married mother who had an unwanted pregnancy; don’t transfer your bitterness and resentment to your child. Getting pregnant and having the child is totally your decision so take responsibility for it. No matter what a child has done, don’t ever say he/she is a waste of space or that you should have had an abortion when you had the chance. It is a hurtful thing that no child should hear. It makes them feels like an intruder that disrupted your life and not worthy of love.
2. Why Can’t You Be More Like Your Sister
If you think your child isn’t doing so well, help the child out in a constructive way. Comparing them to others can destroy their self esteem, make them fatally competitive and even damage their relationship with the child you are comparing them to. They could also think that they can only get your approval when they are like someone else and that you don’t love them for who they are. Help your children see the beauty in their own uniqueness by focusing on each individual without using comparisons, when you compare them to others you are indirectly telling them they are not good enough and if they internalize that as a core belief it can lead to undesirable behaviors in the future.
3. Your Father is Good For Nothing
As much as you would want to, you need to bite your tongue on this one. Do not speak negatively about your husband or your children’s father to them. If you are having problems with your spouse talk to an adult don’t put that burden on your children, they are kids and they can’t fully understand complex adult issues. Don’t let them have to worry for you, it will hurt the children and paint negative pictures about relationships to them at any early age. Knowing that their parents are not at peace can also make them fearful and insecured.
As they grow older, they will become much more aware of what is going on, and if your partner really hurt you, they will find out one day anyway. Spare them the headache when they are still young.
4. You should be ashamed of yourself / I am ashamed of you
You can tell your children you are disappointed in their behavior and make them sober for what they have done without shaming them into feeling guilty. There are times when shaming works and produces the behavior we want from a child, but most times it comes along with the feeling of inferiority that can last a life time. The children will carry on the message of “I am wrong,” “I’m not enough,” and “I can never do anything right.”
One act of indiscipline from your children is not enough for you to be ashamed of them or to make them feel ashamed of themselves. We all make mistakes and the important thing is accepting correction, they should never be defined by the mistakes they have made. You don’t even want your children to think you will love them less when they make mistakes.
5. You Are Dumb, You Are So Stupid …
You hurt your child’s feelings every time you use negative words to describe them. Even if the child acts silly often, don’t tag the child as silly. Being called names continuously can leave the child truly believing that he or she is worthless and defective, and they may carry that feeling into adulthood. If you call your child clumsy and stupid every day, what are the chances that the child will stop acting stupid? The child will simply believe he or she can’t be smart like other kids and stop trying to succeed. So if you call your children dumb they are really going to think they are dumb.
Written by Bisi Adewale
Sweetened Drinks may bring Men Heart Failure
People who regularly consume sodas or sweetened fruit drinks may have a higher risk for heart failure, researchers report.
In the study, men who drank two or more servings of sweetened beverages a day had a 23 percent higher risk of suffering heart failure, said an African leading author People who regularly consume sweetened beverages should consider reducing their consumption to lower their risk of heart failure as well as Obesity and type 2 diabeties.
Sweetened drinks have been linked to stroke,diabetes and obesity.Soft drinks have been associated with an increased risk in high blood pressure and serious heart diseases so it makes sense that sweetened beverages might also increase the risk of heart failure, the researchers said.
T he men, aged 45 to 79, were asked to record their average consumption of 96 food and drink items over the preceding year. One serving of a sweetened drink was defined as 200 milliliters, or nearly 7 ounces. The questionnaire made no distinction between drinks sweetened with sugar or artificial sweetner.Fruit juice,coffee and tea was not mentioned.
The danger of procrastination
Procrastination is “the act of willfully delaying the doing of something that should be done,” and in some people it is a habitual way of handling any task. While the word itself is not found in the Bible, we can find some principles to help guide us.
Sometimes, procrastination is the result of laziness, and the Bible has plenty to say about that. The Bible commends hard work and industry (Proverbs 12:24:13:4) and warns against sloth and slackness (Pro 15;19;18;9). One cure for procrastination is more diligence, regardless of the task. The Christian should be supremely motivated to be diligent in his work, since he is ultimately serving the Lord. “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men”(Colo 3;23). If we put our hearts into our work, as this verse says to do, we will probably find it difficult to procrastinate too much.
The Bible says that when it comes to some things, we should never delay. Jesus taught that reconciling with an offended brother should be done immediately upon our remembrance of the situation(Matt 5;23-24). He also said to “settle matters quickly” with our adversaries (verse 25). However distasteful it may be to pursue peace with an enemy, we must avoid stalling. Similarly, we are instructed, “Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry”(Eph 4;26). Dealing appropriately with our anger is a matter of great importance, and we must not put it off until tomorrow, which will give the devil “a foothold” (verse 27).
Christians must not procrastinate when it comes to sharing the gospel with the lost. There is no time to waste. Jesus likened evangelistic efforts to a man inviting people to a great banquet. As he sent out his servants with the invitations, he said, “Go out quickly into the streets and alleys of the town and bring in the poor, the crippled, the blind and the lame” (Luke 14;21). The most striking qualities of the invitation are its openness (anyone and everyone was invited) and its urgency (the call to the feast must go out “quickly”).
Some people, upon hearing the gospel and knowing their spiritual need, delay in making a response. This is the most dangerous type of procrastination. Life is short, and we do not know what will happen tomorrow ( James 4;13-14). The Bible urges us to get right with God today. “See to it, brothers, that none of you has a sinful, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God. But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called Today, so that none of you may be hardened by sin's deceitfulness. As has just been said: ‘Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as you did in the rebellion’” ( Heb 3;12-13,15). To procrastinate and put off getting right with God is to harden one’s own heart.
Jesus could return at any time; we do not know when (Luke 12;40). Our Lord illustrated the importance of being prepared for His coming in Matthew 25;1-13. In this parable, ten virgins await the arrival of the bridegroom and the commencement of the wedding feast. Five of the virgins were prepared for his arrival; five did not attempt to prepare until it was too late, and they were left behind. Jesus calls the unprepared virgins “foolish”; one reason they were unprepared may have been that they procrastinated.
So in the matter of our spiritual life, we dare not procrastinate. It is also unwise to delay healing a broken relationship or dealing with anger. And since our service to God motivates all we do, we have no reason to procrastinate. In short, procrastination is a bad habit that can have eternal effects.
Written by Stephen Eyre
Seven Reasons Why Black Americans Hate Africans!
Written by Pst Sunday Adelaja
The following “reasons” that many African Americans hate Africans have roots in the intense social programming that the USA executes so well over its citizens.
1. They Think Africans sold Them
The very premise of this way of thinking is ridiculous. Before African Americans became African Americans, they were just AFRICAN. So technically, we sold ourselves!
But the thing many of them don’t know is – history, and not taught from a white western lens. Colonisation in Africa first came about in the 1600’s before the full-fledged “scramble for Africa” in the 1800’s. The Europeans had already come to the continent and had started their exploitative activity at a lesser severity.
2. They Think Africans Didn’t Try to Help Them
In the (unsound) minds of people with this view, from the 1800’s to the 20th century, we Africans were having a good old time while our continent was pillaged and our people oppressed. Only Afro people in the USA seemed to have it hard.
We should have somehow tried to rescue the African slaves in the USA from slavery. I guess, we could have taken off our own chains to make the trip over. And while we were at it – we could have also gone over to South America and all the islands to save them too!
3. They Think Africans Played No Part in Afro Progress
This one just shows the American in them to be so self-absorbed as to believe that they are THE reason why black people worldwide are in a better position today.
Their arrogance outweighs their ignorance as there were, and still are, MANY Africans, Afro Caribbeans and Afro Latinos who have contributed to the collective pursuit of justice and equality for Afro people in the world.
4. They Think Africans Are Primitive Nude Apes Dying of Aids and Ebola
It is so sad. The USA has done an excellent job of brainwashing majority of African Americans to generally reject, deny and abhor their African heritage by filling their minds with negative images of who we are as Africans. They spew the same racist diatribe of many of their white counterparts, and make the extra effort to separate themselves from us as much as possible.
5. They Think Africans Are Arrogant
It’s crazy. When Africans are just ourselves as we naturally exhibit diverse aspects of our cultures, to some, we are arrogant. I recognise that the African slaves in the US were made to abandon most of their culture which is painful to live out today, but this does not mean that we should then hide ours.
I actually feel that the only original culture from the USA comes from African Americas. Their entire urban cultural movements and music has influenced the entire world’s collective pop culture. That is impressive and they should be proud!
6. They Think Africans Are Self-Hating and Not “African”
Sigh. We are ALL victims of colourism and as Afro people with a shared colonial history that subjected us to the same hateful programming by the Eurocentric oppressors. We are all still trying to heal from generations of trauma. It is so counter-productive to be so self-righteous and judgemental.
Instead of condemning certain Africans who may need to wake up, or (incorrectly) presuming to be able to tell us who we are as diverse people from a huge continent, better to extend a hand in solidarity as we all try and promote Afro-Love between each other, and to the rest of the world.
7. They Think Africans Prefer White People
Another questionable way of (not) thinking with a twisted premise. Like all black people own each other and must “stick together” in militant fashion. The whole“us versus them” attitude is extremely foul. It does not encourage progress but only hurts all of humanity.
In addition, Africa is a continent of 54+ countries. To completely strip its people of their individuality is already offensive in of itself. There might be some Africans who hate white people, others who do not. But nobody should be hating anyone to begin with, and I personally feel that it is just so silly to even factor other people into the equation at all when it comes to us as Afro people moving forward.
There may be some Africans who are painfully ignorant with a colonial mentality, but majority have REAL life to contend with, and without the blue passport privilege, so prefer to invest their time in improving their lives instead of “hating the white man” as their priorities are in check.
Pst Sam Oluwatoye
It is frustrating to come into this world and live your life the way you want and at the end of the day, get nothing out of it.
Some come into this world and died the way they came, and they never made any impact in life.
See, that is not God’s divine plan for your life. God’s plan for your life, is for you to come and make a mark on earth.
For you to make impacts and get results in this life, your name must be heard. Some people don’t want their names to be seen on newspapers, magazines, and on T V stations, but the truth is that you have no choice. If you are going to be great, people will hear about you. You feel that you don’t want your pictures to go around but am sorry to disappoint you because if you must get results, and make impacts in this world, your pictures will be seen whether you like it or not.
Listen, great men always think of what to give and not what to get. For you to get results in life, you must think of what to give and not what to get.
People who don’t get results in life are those who are always collecting and never give, and those that get results, always think of what to give to other, and how to bless others, that is why the bible says that the lesser is blessed by the greater.
When Abraham saw Mechizedec, the bible says that he gave Melchizedec a tithe of all. Abraham was thinking on how to give, and Mechizedec was also thinking of giving to Abraham. Both of them were thinking in terms of what to give.
Somebody wanted to give Abraham something, but Abraham rejected it. He was a great man because his life style was giving and not receiving.
Beloved, it is important to recognize the power of gifts. All my life, I have made it compulsory for myself to give to people. My tithes and my seed offerings.
Great people think in terms of giving. When you visit a friend, or an important person, you must take something along with you. He or she doesn’t need what you are bringing; it is your blessings that will come as a result of giving.
Let this be your attitude, discipline yourself to give, even to your pastors. Let grace flow from them to you.
Look at Abraham, he was seeking for a child, God gave him a promise, he didn’t see anything. He was believing God and years after the promise, one day, the bible says three strangers passed by his house, and Abraham entertained them in his house. He didn’t know them, but he could perceive that they were sons of God. The truth is that Abraham had developed the culture of blessing Men of God, so he called the men and served them food. After they ate finish, the men said, “By this time next year, you will have a son”
Imagine if Abraham could not recognize them, he would have waited for another season again when he doesn’t know when they will pass, and we pray he recognizes them.
Learn the power of gifts, and you see, you must be prepared for criticism and hate from people. If you must get results in life, and make great impacts, you must learn to give
Arms deal probe: I acted in Nigeria’s interest – Okonjo-Iweala
The immediate past Minister of Finance , Mrs. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala,reiterated her innocence in the ongoing probe on the multi-billion dollar arms deal, stating that in all her dealings, she strived to protect the interest of the country.
Okonjo-Iweala, in a statement by her spokesperson, Mr. Paul Nwabuikwu, also alleged that unscrupulous and compromised individuals have distorted the contents of her memo to former president Goodluck Jonathan, seeking the transfer of $300 million and £5.5 million to the Office of the National Security Adviser, to portray her in bad light.
The statement reads: “ For the past week, Edo State Governor, Adams Oshiomhole and other compromised persons and media have embarked on a campaign of falsehood against Dr Okonjo-Iweala. They have distorted the contents of the January 20 memo in which she responded to a request by the former National Security Adviser and quoted selectively from the document to make their false allegations of ‘illegal diversion’ of funds.
“For your information and a fuller understanding of the issues, please see the attached January 20 memo by Dr Okonjo-Iweala as published by some online sites. It confirms that Dr Okonjo-Iweala is a transparent person of integrity and patriotic professional who worked hard to protect the interest of the country and that her accusers are purveyors of falsehood on a political mission to tarnish an innocent patriot.”
Culled from
Russia Warns Donald Trump Of Assassination Plot
A Foreign Intelligence Service report circulating in the Kremlin today is warning that the life of current front-running US Republican Presidential candidate Donald Trump may be in “grave danger” after the discovery of his personal travel itinerary with a known Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was discovered on a laptop device seized from the Islamic terrorists responsible for the killing of 43 French nationals.
According to the report, on 26 October ,terror attack on french bus that killed 43 linked to Islamic State, found in the possession of the 5 Saudi Arabian nationals detained by Lebanon intelligence services this past Monday after their private jet was forced to land by Federation Aerospace Forces was a “heavily encrypted” laptop computer device.
According to the report, on 26 October ,terror attack on french bus that killed 43 linked to Islamic State, found in the possession of the 5 Saudi Arabian nationals detained by Lebanon intelligence services this past Monday after their private jet was forced to land by Federation Aerospace Forces was a “heavily encrypted” laptop computer device.
Upon Lebanon ’s General Directorate of General Security (GDGS) seizing of this laptop device, this report continues, they requested assistance from the SVR in “defeating” its encryption, which was immediately granted.
Once this laptop was in the possession of the SVR, this report notes, it was flown to Moscow where computer security analysts were able to unlock its “secret information”, of which the most “startling/confusing” was a document listing the entire travel itinerary and private security plans of Donald Trump for the month of October.
Contained within this Donald Trump itinerary document too, this report further notes, was a computing number the SVR had previously ascertained was used by the CIA in their communications with Islamic terrorist forces they are supporting and arming in Iraq and Syria operating in the Levant War Zone.
As to why these Islamic terrorists had in their possession a CIA-provided itinerary of Donald Trump this report doesn’t state due to there being no other documents on the seized laptop associated with it.
Culled from the internet
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