1. To begin with, Healthy Aging starts NOW! Everything we
do, how we live our lives and the choices we make every day
influence how healthy or ill we will be as we age. Of course,
we have some genetic predispositions, yet our lifestyle trumps
our genetics. The field of Epigenetics is one of the hottest areas
of study these days wherein it has been proven that our food
habits/choices and stresses influence whether certain genes are
expressed or not. Check out this topic online to learn more and
how it may relate to you.
2. LOVE is essential for healthy living and feeling youthful as well
as sensual and sexy. It's even more important for men than
women as research shows that men live longer when coupled
with a life partner, whereas it's not the same for women, who
seem to embrace their independence in later years, especially
when they have financial comfort. Medicare and insurance
companies realize that loneliness and isolation are factors that
create more likelihood for medical problems as we age and so,
they ask physicians to inquire about these factors during their
health reviews with patients.
3. FOOD is vitally important as a building block for our body as
well as nourishment for our brain and other body tissues. At the
core of us, our cells need a selection of the many nutrients we
need for optimal functioning?vitamins, minerals, amino acids
from proteins, fatty acids from oil-containing foods, and the
many bio-active phytonutrients from plants. It's also important
to avoid as many toxins, primarily chemicals and metals that
come into our bodies from air, food, and water, and also from
what we put on our skin or how we treat our hair. Vital cell
function is the basis of body/life vitality, and good, nutrient-rich
foods provide the electricity for life.
Detoxification can be valuable for most men with breaks
from any SNACC Habits (my acronym Sugar, Nicotine, Alcohol,
Caffeine, and Chemicals) as well as occasional cleansing juice
fasts (I do them yearly), which I feel and believe keep us feeling youthful with lower inflammation, and from them, help reduce
degenerative disease so common in aging men.
In general, we mostly need lots of veggies and I suggest
50 percent and up, with quality proteins within your belief
construct, and I like some fish, fresh local eggs, legume
sprouts, tofu and tempeh, and some nuts, seeds, and avocado
to add some oils and protein, along with a few fruits and some
grains as you tolerate for your carb and weight levels. That's
the food we need and be aware of your 'treats' such as most all
the processed foods and sugar-laded items so readily available
everywhere. These treats are occasional and less than 20
percent, even 10 percent, of our total diet.
4. A Place called Home forms a foundation for many good health
habits and a sanctuary for relaxation and recharging. The place
you sleep and dream is home, and good sleep is essential to
good health, from youth and throughout life. Here's where you
care for your body with love and ideally embrace the attitude
that, "This is the only body I have and I am going to care
for it as best I can. As I acknowledge this, I am going to eat
well, lower my stress, sleep great, and keep an active fitness
program." That's an "attitude" and a positive one. It helps to
keep a clean body and home, well organized and that allows us
to be creative and comfortable.
5. Creative Spark?be happy with who you are inside yourself, and
that takes the right attitude as well. It helps to have something
to do in and for the world to keep you engaged in life with some
level of passion. This is important as we age unless you are
someone who wishes to retire and enjoy your favorite hobbies
and pastimes, travel, and embrace the world, or just relax at
home and enjoy family, grandkids, and friends.
6. Fitness is fantastic! Staying fit or working hard to improve any
poor fitness is a good plan for us all. I find for me that an hour
a day or more helps me feel good and maintain my fitness and
I encourage a regular, yet varied, program that fits in with your
lifestyle and work schedule. Remember, the best exercise is the
one that you will actually do. What do you like? Hikes in nature,
gym workouts for aerobic activity, weight training, and always
stretch and that includes yoga. We are as young as our spine
is flexible. Meditation and tuning in helps us stay aligned with
our true selves and helps us listen to our mission message
and inner guidance and truth. This helps us stay aligned with a
spiritual calling, so important for what I call our "destiny years"
post age 60.
7. Supplements and Hormones are an important area to look at
for healthy aging. It's wise to have an assessment and look at
risk factors (see below) as well as hormone levels, and that
includes testosterone values and DHEA, a hormone precursor.
Many men can benefit from adding a little bio-identical
testosterone to their regimen, especially if they measure low or
they have some of the symptoms of low testosterone, such as
fatigue, depression, low libido, or lack of enthusiasm for life.
Important supplements for aging men include vitamin D,
vitamin C and other antioxidant nutrients (E, B vitamins, and
selenium) along with zinc (also antioxidant) are all needed
by many men, as is magnesium. Omega-3 oils are helpful to
keep inflammation down and CoQ10 can be beneficial and is
especially important for men who are taking statin drugs for
their cholesterol levels. Protecting the heart is vitally important
and that's a whole new discussion.
Prostate Health is an area to keep aware of and make sure
the urine flow and sexual function is working. Checking for
prostate cancer is wise to do with your physician, either the
family doctor or urologist.
8. Financial health often affects physical health (and emotional
and mental health as well); at least it can. While money doesn't
protect us from worry or stress (it may add) it gives us the
options to do what we need for ourselves and not make it seem
like an expensive luxury. Hopefully the career years, mainly 30?
60, have brought in support for your later life, and yet, many
men enjoy what they do and choose to keep working into their
70s and longer. This whole area is an individual journey and
it helps to plan ahead and include your family in this area,
especially a spouse if that's relevant.
9. Risk Factors are something to be aware of and there are many
that can be assessed and reviewed. These include vitamin
D, C-Reactive Protein (CRP is an inflammatory marker),
Homocysteine (related to cardiovascular health), and
Hemoglobin A1C (evaluating blood sugar over time). Body
acid/alkaline state measured by morning urine pH (6.5?7.5 is
ideal) is of value, as is bowel transit time to make sure our
intestinal function is appropriate. Russ Jaffe, MD reviewed all
of these areas and more at a recent talk in San Francisco.
10. Spirit Connection, Heart Affection, Stress Deflection, and
Disease Protection?live each day in the moment, be present
and mindful. Our loved ones, friends and co-workers often
appreciate this. Learn to be a nurturer to those around you
if you haven't developed that too much. Learn to listen and
communicate better; it saves on the stress. A favorite part
of my new and upcoming book,
Staying Healthy with NEW
Medicine, is in the stress section and relates to knowing how to
"fair fight" or as the topic title suggests
"The Art and Technique
of Peacefully 'Not' Getting Along!" This is important.
Written by Elson M. Haas
Elson M. Haas, MD is a medical practitioner
with nearly 40 years experience in patient care, always with in an
interest in natural medicine. For the past 30 years, he has been
instrumental in the development and practice of Integrated Medicine at
the Preventive Medical Center of Marin (PMCM), which he founded in 1984
and where he is the Medical Director. Dr Haas has been perfecting a
model of healthcare that integrates sophisticated Western diagnostics
and Family Medicine with time-honored natural therapies from around the