It happened again. I accepted a LinkedIn invitation from someone I
didn’t know, sent a personal response to greet my new connection, and
immediately received a cold calling message from someone looking only
for lead generation:
“I’d love to talk and hear about you,
what’s happening in your business and how you think I can contribute to
your success. In fact, after looking at your profile I would like to
loop in our VP of marketing, [name], and invite you to our free strategy
call for lead generation and list building. He is one of the best in
the country when it comes to marketing strategies. We will get to know
each other and I promise to share at least four to five new strategies
that you could utilize in your business right away to get consistent
flow of targeted leads. Here is the calendar link: By the way, what
would be a good # to reach you at?”
But that’s not all. Two days later, I got another message from the same person.
“Thanks for accepting my invitation.
I’ll be sure to check out your profile in more detail now that we are
connected. I’ve found that talking offline is a great way to obtain
deeper connections with my network, and deliver even more value. After
you check out my video, let me know a good time for a 5-10 minute chat.”
Really? Why would I do anything he asks — attend a strategy call,
watch his video, talk to him offline or give him my phone number?
He’s cold calling on social media
Obviously this seller’s response is automated, or at least “canned.” If he’d actually
my profile, he would know that buying lists goes against everything my
business stands for, that my lead generation strategy is asking for
referrals, and that my phone number is on my LinkedIn profile.
Like so many salespeople, he’s just clicking buttons and banking on
“return on clicks.” It’s exactly the same as telemarketers and their
cold calling blitzes. If you make 100 dials, you’ll get 10 people on the
phone, schedule a few appointments, and maybe (if you’re lucky) close
one deal. Where’s the relationship? Where’s the connection? Where’s the
This is not social selling. It’s social stalking.
Stop the madness
Sales reps abuse social media to the extent that I typically delete
more LinkedIn invitations than I accept. (No, I’m not a snob; I just
don’t have time for cold calling nonsense.) They invite person after
person to connect using the same old standard invitation, and then
immediately blast sales pitches to anyone who accepts. This bad behavior
is not entirely the reps’ fault. Sales leaders understand that
relationships drive sales; yet they measure their teams on the number of
connections accumulated, dials made and emails sent.
The problem: Just because someone agrees to connect on social media
does not make that person a qualified sales lead. Qualified prospects
are actually interested in your product or solution. They want and
to hear from your salespeople. Otherwise, sales reps are simply cold
calling on social media, which is both annoying and ineffective.
The best way to get a qualified sales lead is to receive a referral
introduction from someone your prospect knows and trusts. When reps have
that kind of “in,” they don’t have to mess with cold calling on social
media. Yes, sales reps should use social media to research prospects and
learn how they’re connected to the prospects they want to meet. But the
next step is to pick up the damn phone and ask their connections for
referral introductions.
Social selling only works if you’re actually
social, not
selling something. No pitching. No inviting people to connect with you
on LinkedIn and immediately following up with a sales pitch. And no
spamming people just because you belong to the same LinkedIn group. You
might as well be dressed as a giant pizza slice, screaming your sales
offering at random strangers leaving a conference for the lactose
intolerant. That’s not selling. That’s obnoxious.
Written by Joanne Black
Joanne Black, a leading sales coach and author, is an advocate of
referral selling. The author of “No More Cold Calling,” she shares sales
and marketing insights at NoMoreColdCalling.com.