Written by Dr Daniel Olukoya
Most things posing as problems to Christians cannot withstand regular
bombardment of prayers, but the flesh will not do the regular
bombardment of prayers. By the time people come to church and they are
able to absorb the word of God, they will be able to deal with spirit of
worry, discouragement, impatience, etc. They will also be able to
repent, and resist temptations. The problems would then disappear. By
the time you come to the house of God and you refuse to work on other
people’s agenda, 90% of the problems are over.
It will interest you to know that not all problems require casting
out demons from believers’ lives. For example, if the enemy has removed a
part of somebody’s body, such a person does not need deliverance, he
needs a creative miracle. So it is a great prayer to ask for creative
miracle where it is necessary in your life. Deliverance will not restore
or replace any part of the body that is lost. Somebody that is not
feeding well and becomes sick as a result of this does not need
deliverance. He needs to feed very well. Sometimes it is after a
situation has gone bad and terrible, that the devil will send his demons
there, meanwhile, the demons were not there originally. A creative
miracle is required in those kinds of cases.
Let me tell you one big truth today, most Christians need to check what
they eat. You will find that the food recommended by the bible is not
expensive, but the problem is that what most people need is not what
they eat. Mark 12:30-31 says, “And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with
all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with
all thy strength: this is the first commandment. 31And the second is
like, namely this, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. There is
none other commandment greater than these” There are three groups of
people for you to love; you must love God, you must love your
neighbours, then you must love yourself. Many would say they don’t need a
lecture on how to love themselves.
The truth is that a lot of people have intense hatred for themselves.
God made the body, soul and spirit. God is undoubtedly interested in
every department of your life. You are the temple of God. So if you are
destroying the temple of God which is your body, or you are misusing it,
you will have problems with God. It is destruction and you will think
it is witches and wizards not knowing that it is God.
God is interested in what you eat. A lot of Christians consume
terrible poison everyday. When you over eat flesh, sugar, butter, etc
they would overtax your digestive organ, because your body cannot
process the food fast enough and unless you use up that energy supply
that you have, you will begin to have problems which you will think is
demonic, whereas there is no demon involved. A lot of Christians kill
themselves daily because of what they eat. Some people have become tea
addicts, soft drink addicts, canned food addicts, chocolate addicts,
e.t.c. Some hate fasting in any form, not knowing that it is another way
of purifying their systems.
God sometimes calls people fools, because they don’t know what they are
supposed to know. And right now, even as you are reading this message,
do you know that you could be your own enemy? You may be fighting
actively against yourself. But one thing is certain, malfunctioning in
anybody’s life, is not God’s fault. People don’t like facing the truth. A
lot of people have turned themselves to masquerades. They are the ones
pursuing themselves.
How long will you run away from yourself? When will you stand up and
acknowledge the truth about yourself? Acknowledging the truth about
yourself is the first step in the school of spiritual maturity. For how
long will you repeat the mistake of Adam? Adam did not point at himself,
he said ’the wife thou gavest to me, she gave to me and I did eat.’ As
far as you do not want to face the truth about yourself, you will give
your enemies a hiding place in your life. The person then becomes a
student in the dangerous school of self-deception, then you will be
fighting against yourself.
A person cannot succeed in christian life when he or she is lazy. A
spiritual sluggard cannot pray and cannot read the Bible. A lazy
christian would listen to music for three hours, watch television for
four hours and pray for fifteen minutes. A lazy Christian would come to
the house of God only to collect blessings, and not to really do
according to God’s words. So a lot of people are battling against
themselves, while they think they are battling against the enemy.
Apart from the devil, a man has only one other enemy; that enemy is
his own self. When self is at work, God’s work will cease, and man’s
work will continue. The enemy or the devil knows that you are doing your
own will and not God’s will. The devil will then move in and
contaminate you. God’s work has ceased in many people’s lives. Anything
you do for God that is not energised by His spirit is of little value.
So the subject with the highest mark in God’s school, is deliverance
from self.
A lot of people are in bondage to themselves. They are spoiling
themselves and pampering their own lives. The subject with the highest
mark in the devil’s school is self exaltation. Pride is exaltation of
self. Every postponement of repentance is pride and is tantamount to
wrestling against God. The senior prefect in the school of
self-exaltation will rather die than to ask for forgiveness or to
apologise. Such people are fighting actively against themselves. Failure
to carry our self analysis, or coming to terms with yourself is
dangerous. It may lead to fighting against yourself. The bible says
’examine yourself, whether you be in the faith or not.
You need to turn the searchlight of the Holy Spirit on yourself now.
You need to ask yourself questions like, ’am I not proud?’ Do I not tell
lies? Am I not impatient? Do I really like fasting and praying or am I
doing it because other are doing it? Do I not love Jesus for the bread
and butter that he supplies? Do I really love Jesus? Can I die for him?
Supposing ten people are asked to go for evangelism in a village that is
demonic, how many will be willing to go? Am I serious with God when I
am rich? Is it not when I am broke that I am serious with praying? Am I
not lazy in prayers? Do I not keep malice? Do I have love? Do I like
being told the truth about life, or do I avoid those who tell me the
truth about my life? Do I enjoy being criticised or do I hate criticism
in any form? Do I have faults?
Am I fully obedient to God? Am I the kind of person who likes to be
noticed? Do I really have the baptism of the Holy Spirit or I’m still
relying on one funny dream I had a long time ago? Do I tell lies against
God? Do I say God said when He didn’t say anything? Do I think or
meditate on immorality? What do you think when you are on your bed alone
at night, as a bachelor or as a spinster? Do I like committing secret
Face the truth, beloved, if not, you are fighting yourself. Except
you do this, you will be making a mistake fighting against all the
forces of darkness. It is like that boy who was preaching a message on
putting on the whole armour of God. In order to make people understand
the message, he brought physical helmet, shield to church and was
wearing them one after the other. He put on the helmet, shield, and
everything he brought to the people. Then he asked the members of his
congregation where the devil can attack from now after wearing all that.
Then one old man of God who was sitting there told the young man, that
the devil could come from inside!
If you are wearing the armour of God, and
the devil is already inside , you are just using the armour to cover
him inside. What have you done about the one inside of you? It is that
one that constitutes your greatest problem. The bible says, touch not my
anointed, if you are being touched, then carry out self analysis. The
enemy will use your weak point and the unconfessed sin in your life to
attack you. Those who don’t want to carry out self analysis are running
away from themselves, they are fighting themselves, and God likes
sincere people.
How can God invest so much in a person and the person is not yeilding
any fruit? What type of fruit is your life bearing? Or have you
forgotten that Jesus does not put value on fruitless Christians. He
however does not want you to be cut down. Remember that God is
continuously crying that He saved many people, filled them with the Holy
Ghost, brought them to His sanctuary, yet, they are not bringing any
fruit. It is useless for you to be fighting witches, wizards and
herbalists when you are not bearing fruits for God.
Things cannot move for you until you allow God to possess you and
your fruits. Do you want God to replace you? My prayer is that you will
not be replaced in Jesus’ name. I also pray that you will bring forth
fruits, such that God’s heart will be filled with joy.
Many Christians will get into trouble because of their families. The
bible says pour your anger on the family that calls not on the name of
the Lord. If your own family does not come together every morning and
every night to worship God and to pray to Him, then you can be convinced
that you are on your own. May God have mercy on you. What fruits are
you producing for the Lord with all your intelligence, academic success,
good job, financial position, influential personality, capacity to
communicate, and your natural leadership ability. Of what use are you
putting it to further the course of the Kingdom? A fruitless Christian
is fighting against himself. Many keep saying, “I will fully participate
when the Lord solves my problem.” What a pity, you cannot blackmail
not allow God to push you into where there is utter darkness, weeping
and gnashing of teeth. God can do it if you refuse to use the talents He
gave to you. If you keep on burying your talents, you are giving your
enemies opportunities to destroy you. Think about it. If you engage in
strife, then you are giving enemies a chance to plant a stronghold in
your life. You will also be hindering your own blessings. If you are
keeping demonic invasions.
You cannot attack demons successfully when you have their properties
in your body or house. All the amulets and the waistband will only
strengthen the battle against you. If you obtained partial deliverance
and you are attacking the enemies, you are only attacking yourself
because part of the enemy is still in you.
All those engaging in sexual immoralities cannot win any war against
the enemy. It does not matter whether or not the person is your fiancee.
You may think you are enjoying yourself now, but you are actually
waging a serious war against your own life. The bible says that children
that are disobedient to their parents are only inviting short life and
they are fighting themselves. Those who are seeking worldly pleasure are
killing themselves because they are strengthening their enemies. Why
should you be strengthening your enemies? Why should you be fighting
against yourself? Why should you not face the truth about yourself?
Why not say “Lord here am I”. I want to be free from sins. Not all
problems are caused by the enemies. Many play serious roles in their own
problems. Before you bind a problem, examine it carefully so as to be
sure that you are not binding your own self. I want you to face the
truth because one thing is certain, if you are blameless and you pray
fire prayer, no witch from the bottom of hell fire can stand against
you. If you then notice that something is hindering you, self analysis
must be carried out. Ask yourself questions, and make confessional
prayers. Now if you know that after reading this message, you have an
adjustment to make with God, just put your hand on your chest and speak
to the Lord yourself about that particular area.
Face the truth, do it now and don’t allow the enemy to be using your
weakness against you, so that when you spit fire in your prayers the
fire will function. Make sure you do it very well. What you are doing
now is tantamount to taking legal action against the devil, by removing
his stronghold. By so doing, the devil would not be able to operate
successfully in you.
Pray the following prayers points for the week with fire in your spirit.
Prayer Points
1. Let every evil desire and expectation of the enemy concerning my life collapse now in the name of Jesus.
2. I challenge every department of my body with the fire of God (Lay
your right hand on the head and the other one on the stomach) in the
name of Jesus.
3. Let every stolen organ from my body be restored now in the name of Jesus.
4. I reject every counterfeit blessing, I claim the correct blessings in the name of Jesus.
5. O Lord, reveal to me who I am (a lot of people are masquerades to
themselves, they don’t know themselves. Yet they want to be attacking
their enemies).
6. O Lord, I repent from everything that I have done to aid the enemy.
7. O Lord, deliver me from every accusation of the evil one against me in the name of Jesus.