How would you like to become more efficient in everything you do?
Never worry about how to meet a deadline again. When you have good
organizational skills you will become more efficient, prepared,
reliable, and punctual. You will know how to best handle your time, take
care of your space, and start new projects. Organizational skills are
important in life, business, work, and family. Let’s get started!
It doesn’t matter what you are trying to organize better, you must
determine what system is there already, even if it’s not a good one. How
do you organize your closet, your business, or your family?
I’m leaving this open to several possibilities so you can develop
organizational skills for what task in life you want to tackle. Maybe
you are entering a new job and your predecessor had a system in place.
You need to examine the current situation and learn the organizational
system already in place. Make a list of things that have to be
Determine what kind of thinker you are – linear or global. Global
thinkers do well with abstract organization, while linear thinkers like
things organized numerically or alphabetically.
Begin with categories to get your items organized. Write down how you
are categorizing everything so you will remember this type of
organization. If you need to include others in your organizational plan
(co-workers, family members) show them your plan before you finalize it
so they can have some input as well. Talking to a life coach can also
really help you to get organized, as he or she will be trained in
helping you find your inner organizer!
There are plenty of products out there that can help you get and stay
organized, such as hanging file folders, labels, document boxes,
shelves, and cabinets. Create a system using these organizational
products and label everything so you know where everything goes and
where it is at all times. If you need to digitalize your organizational
system online or on your computer do so in the same fashion you have
done in hard copies. This will streamline your system and help you
develop those organizational skills.
Create a plan for managing the time you spend organizing your things.
Start with the smallest and easiest tasks so you will feel more
confident about completing everything on your plan. Handle your time
wisely so you are not feeling overwhelmed with your tasks, as this can
discourage you from wanting to finish organizing.
Organizing anything in your life or work can be a daunting task, but
these tips will help you do so without wanting to give up. Once you have
your system in place you will need to develop organizational skills
that will allow you to maintain your system. Keep partnering with your
life coach to help you maintain your progress and not slip back into old
Having everything in order will help you feel less stressed, because
you know where everything is. Being organized has shown to be a stress
relief for many people, even if it’s just organizing a simple closet or
wardrobe. Imagine what organizing everything in your life and work will
do for you!
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