When a man enters into a covenant relationship with his bride, he
commits to the responsibilities of loving, honoring and cherishing her.
As a husband, the strength you need in order to carry out
these responsibilities ultimately flows out of your relationship with God.
It requires a moment-by-moment dependence on God's Spirit. It takes
time and discipline to maintain, especially with the many obstacles that
cross your path – in your case, raising a child with special needs.
vows you shared included "for better or worse, in sickness and in
health." There was never a thought about the possibility of having a
special needs child, nor any discussion of how much stress and strain
such a situation would put on your marriage. And in the midst of life's
challenges is another: being the husband and father God calls us to be.
can't let the obstacles of life get in the way of building a strong
marriage. When we fail to sacrificially love our wife as Christ loved
the Church (Ephesians 5:25), we begin to compromise this most cherished
relationship. As a husband, and as the father of a special needs adult
child, it's a daily challenge to stay focused when the challenges of
caregiving collide with the needs of my wife and other children.
a child with special needs, while at the same time nurturing my
relationship with my wife, requires that I make time to communicate with
my wife every day. What I need to communicate most is my love. In our
situation, I went off to work while my wife stayed home and cared for
our children. When one or more of children have special needs, you can
be certain that a wife's daily responsibilities have been full and
challenging. Recognizing that fact was the first step toward realizing
that no matter what kind of day I had, my wife "had a day," too!
our children were small, it was great when she gave me a bit of time to
regroup from my day. We had dinner together as a family, and then I
would give her a break from the children. I'd take the kids for walks in
nice weather or play in the backyard. As the kids grew, my time with
them might include helping with homework, playing video games or just
talking. Cindi appreciated this time alone without worrying about the
needs of the children; time alone to think without the noise and
commotion that she'd endured all day long; time for an evening out with
friends to simply "get away." Taking care of the kids was a way for me
to serve my wife, letting her know that I was committed to her and
cherished her. As a result, we were able to demonstrate God's
unconditional love and grace to each other and to the children, and
become an example to those around us.
In addition to my role as a
husband, one of my greatest titles is "Dad." Fathers are to
sacrificially love our children. We demonstrate to our children that we
care for them by making them a priority. Cultivating relationships with
each child requires time, discipline and intentionality. When so much
time is spent caring for the child(ren) with special needs, it's easy to
lose track of our other children's needs. It is a challenge to spend
both quality and quantity time with the other children. Each one needs
to know with absolute certainty that we love them. Spending time with
them goes a long way toward making them feel protected and loved.
was intentional about "dating" my two girls. Our regular dates included
restaurants, local events and festivals, the zoo, walks, jogs, movies,
ice cream and other fun things. Our dates were also opportunities to
talk, ask questions, and sometimes just to listen to them. These are
some of my fondest memories of their childhoods, and we continue to
enjoy our special times together (even with one daughter married and the
other in college).
We invested time in teaching all of our
children God's Word. We'd discuss current topics of interest to each and
used these opportunities to guide them. These teaching moments may not
have connected with Joey in the same way they did for the girls, but we
included him as much as we could. Without question, Joey required a
different kind of time and attention.
As a dad, I once dreamed of
playing sports with a son – maybe even coaching – but because that
wasn't to be, I found other ways to "connect" with Joey. He spent a lot
of time doing repetitive therapies in his early years, but as he grew
older, he and I began to connect playing video games. We have learned to
play sports together … through video! He excels at baseball and my
forte' is football, but we still connect and have fun together!
it takes time. But if we want to pass on our faith and impact future
generations for Christ, we must spend quality and quantity time with
each of our children. When we leave a godly legacy, we can look back
with great satisfaction.
It's been my observation that many men
are overwhelmed by the responsibility of being the husbands and fathers
God has called them to be. Yet we have this assurance: that "nothing is
impossible with God" (Luke 1:37). As we ask God to empower us as men, we
can give our children not just an inheritance, but a heritage. And we
can give our wife what she needs most – to be loved, honored and
Written by Joe Ferini
Inspirational,News,Fashion,Educational,Motivation,Political,Sports and Entertainment
Sunday, 3 January 2016
How To Say “No” Without Hurting Your Husband
As a wife, you must know the right way to reject his advances if you must do so for a genuine reason.
Genuine reasons to say “No”
(1) Sickness – If you are sick, let him know even before bed time so that he can prepare his mind that there will be “no show” that night. As soon as you are healed, resume your duty.
(2) New baby – If you have just been delivered of a baby, sex should be avoided to allow the body to heal. Once you are okay and birth fluid stops coming from your vagina, resume your duty. Never allow motherhood to hinder your marriage.
(3) Menstruation- If both of you are not comfortable with making love during menstruation, then this may be another genuine reason. Immediately your period starts, inform him, maybe jokingly by saying, “Oh boy! Your “visitor has come down here”. He will understand and switch off his mind about sex. Note that sex during menstruation is not bad if it is your agreement.
(4) Tiredness – If you are really tired, notify him. However, EXCUSES THAT YOU ARE TIRED EVERY NIGHT CAN MAKE HIM TIRED OF YOU.
(5) Prayer and fasting – The period of fasting should also be separated and you should avoid sex during this period. This is not because it is sinful to have sex while fasting, rather, it gives you time to focus on your prayers. Note that if you break your fast in the evening, you can still have sex, despite the fact that you have intentions to fast the next day.
(6) Last week of pregnancy – In the last week of pregnancy, most doctors advise couples to stay off sex, so as not to ignite pre-mature contraction. This could be another reason to say no, but note that sex can come from day one of the pregnancy to few weeks to your expected date of delivery (EDD).
Written by Bisi Alimi
Bisi Adewale is a family expert and president of college of marital success, He is an international conference speaker and an author of more than 40 books on marriage and family life, singles, love, sex and purity and intimacy. He is the host of family T.V. program called Family Booster Momments.
Isrealie Cabinet appoints new attorney general
The cabinet today voted to approve the appointment of Avichai Mandelblit as Israel’s new Attorney General.
An Orthodox Jew, Mandelblit served as Chief Military Advocate General of the IDF from 2004 to 2011. He was appointed Cabinet Secretary in April 2013.
Mandelblit replaces Yehuda Weinstein, who took office February 1, 2010.
Weinstein leaves office with the distinction of having been the attorney general who personally approved the torture of Jewish teens under Shin Bet custody.
An Orthodox Jew, Mandelblit served as Chief Military Advocate General of the IDF from 2004 to 2011. He was appointed Cabinet Secretary in April 2013.
Mandelblit replaces Yehuda Weinstein, who took office February 1, 2010.
Weinstein leaves office with the distinction of having been the attorney general who personally approved the torture of Jewish teens under Shin Bet custody.
You’ve heard people say you need to get out of your comfort zone, right? You need to stretch yourself, they say. It’ll be good for you. Everyone seems to agree with this idea, but what do we actually know about the comfort zone? Aside from the fact that this seems to be true:
What is the comfort zone?
The comfort zone is any type of behavior that keeps you at a steadily low anxiety level. Imagine something you do all the time, like cooking dinner or commuting to work, or watching TV. Everyday activities that you’re used to won’t make you feel anxious and uneasy, so they’re part of your comfort zone.
Although people often refer to ‘getting outside your comfort zone’ in terms of trying new things, anything that raises your anxiety levels can be counted as being outside that zone. If commuting to work makes you anxious because the traffic is bad or you don’t like being on a train full of people, for instance, you’re not going to be comfortable in that situation.Powerful forces conspire to keep you in your comfort zone, penned by fear. The system wants you to be compliant, following the rules of the group, being an accepter rather than a creator. Fear of social judgment discourages you from trying anything with a risk of rejection or failure. Capitalism and consumerism encourage you to build a career by mastering a single money-making skill and devoting your life to it.
This is unfortunate. Personal discovery and personal development happen only outside your comfort zone.
Comfort zones foster an attitude of learned helplessness, making progress harder. Learning, creating, growing happen only when you step outside your fortress and venture into the wilderness.
Now,the difficult part.how do you leave your comfort zone?
Make a fool of yourself.
One of the biggest things that holds many of us back is our fear of what people think. After all, you don't want people to think you're weird or rude or creepy or obnoxious or annoying, do you? But wait -- think about the most lovable, magnetic people you've come across in your life. Odds are, they weren't the meek, agreeable people who are reliably pleasant to be around.Do something you normally wouldn't do for fear of looking like an idiot. Be that idiot. You'll be fine.
Know that the worst thing that can happen when you try something new is that you might fail.
At least you tried and probably learned that it wasn't as scary as you imagined. Knowing that you tried is an accomplishment and realizing that even a failed attempt at something new is a measure of success in that you had the courage to take a risk and made the effort to act and take a leap of faith.
Face your fears.
There are the big fears, such as heights, spiders and germs, but there are also hundreds of subtle fears we bow to every day. Like the fear of falling down, or getting caught in the rain. What are the precautions you take every day to circumvent "negative" circumstances? And are those circumstances really worth stepping around? Those steps add up! It's good to be proactive, but it's bad to let a significant portion of your life be devoted to averting things that never happen--Little things that could turn into adventures or funny stories if you allow yourself to deal with a little discomfort.
Take risks. Your comfort zone is comfortable because it's where you know what to expect.It is not easy to take risk but you must take it because it is risky not to take risk.
Enjoy the unknown.
When is the last time you felt excited about not knowing what was going to happen next? If you're deep in your comfort zone, it's probably been a while. Don't you miss it? Don't you miss the mixture of anticipation and anxiety that makes your heart flutter and stomach turn at the same time? Bring that feeling back into your life.
Written by Eniola Adegbola
From Yours sincerely
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Facts about the Maasai tribe of Kenya
Made up of
sixteen sections, the ancient warrior tribes of the Maasai people have
called southern Kenya and northern Tanzania home for centuries. Their
population numbers nearly half a million and altogether, they occupy a
total land area of some 160,000 square km. Living within semi-arid and
arid lands, these fascinating people once dominated the plains of East
Africa and were considered by European explorers to be fierce and
dangerous. Today, their domination has waned, however the Maasai are
still very much alive and well. Here are 10 things you probably didn’t
know about these intriguing people.
• Maasai homes
are called Inkajijik. They are rectangular and loaf-shaped and
constructed from the land. The women of the tribe are responsible for
building the houses using materials such as sticks, grass, mud and even
cow dung. Women are also responsible for supplying water, gathering
firewood, milking the livestock and preparing meals for their families.
• The men of the
tribe, in addition to being hunters and “warriors”, are responsible for
building fences made out of acacia thorns, which form a circular shelter
called a Kraal in which communities and extended families live. These
fences are primarily used to prevent lions from attacking the tribe’s
• Sometimes
referred to as “people of cattle”, Maasai value cattle and other
livestock highly and use it as a both a form of internal currency and a
means of obtaining outside goods such as clothing, beads, grains and
uniform and school fees for children. Everything from culture to social
relationships to symbolism and language are dominated by cattle.
Livestock is frequently traded for milk, siege, cash and other livestock
and close familial ties are established through cattle exchange.
• On special
occasions, such as when a person is circumcised, gives birth or is sick,
the Maasai people may drink cattle blood as it is considered to be good
for the immune system. Additionally, the elders of the tribe often use
cattle blood to alleviate intoxication or hangovers after a night of
drinking alcohol.
• The Maasai
rarely farm (only doing so when they have no other choice). This
practice is frowned upon because they believe that manipulating the land
for crop farming is considered a crime against nature. Maasai feel that
once land is cultivated, it is no longer suitable for their precious
livestock to graze on.
• Lion hunting is
considered a symbolic rite of passage to the Maasai. They consider the
experience a personal achievement and a sign of bravery among warriors.
The Maasai also respect the lion and understand the important role it
plays in the surrounding eco-system, so they only hunt in groups to
protect the waning lion population. Additionally, female lions are never
hunted because the Maasai believe that females of every species are the
bearers of life. Successful lion hunts are met with week-long
celebrations. Lion meat is not consumed, but rather only the mane, tail
and claws are used by the Maasai people.
• The Maasai are
savvy investors when it comes to their currency, livestock. To alleviate
risk, herders will often give livestock as loans to relatives or other
tribe members. This way if a disaster should strike his herd, he will
still have the chance to collect the debts of his “loaned” livestock and
begin rebuilding.
• The life cycle
of the Maasai is marked by key milestones called “age-grades”. Moving
from one age to the next is celebrated with ceremonies and marks
critical transitions for both the individual and the community as a
whole. Maasai men pass through three main stages: boy, warrior and
elder. Maasai women, on the other hand, do not pass through stages like
the men do.
• Aside from
cattle, Maasai value children as extremely important and they are
considered to be a blessing on the tribe. Women contribute to their
family’s success and well-being by bearing as many children as they
physically can. For a woman to die without mothering children is
considered to be a sad and tragic fate.
• Maasai respect
the elements of nature, particularly thunder, lightning and rain, as
both gifts and punishments on the tribe. They use the term “engai” when
they speak of God or the elements, as they believe these natural
occurrences shape the earth on which they live. The Maasai pray to Engai
as a spiritual force that governs the universe.
While there are
many thriving tribes throughout the African continent, the Maasai are
one of the most interesting and successful. A colorful and proud people,
the Maasai provide a fascinating glimpse into what life may have been
like in East Africa centuries ago. Age-old traditions and deep-seeded
beliefs govern this captivating tribe and they continue to breathe life
and character into the African plains that they call home.
Culled from http://www.reallifeadventuretravel.com/
Nowadays, a lot of young men are
refusing to get married, they are simply living the glorified bachelor life and
enjoying it. It basically boils down to the fact that guys are not 100% sure if
what they have is good enough to lock in once and for all.
you have to understand that
it is not right for a woman to live all her life in dependence, but
there are these ladies out there , who have read too many motivational
books, attended
too many seminars, and seen too many pod casts or being with the wrong
kind of
men in the
past, they seem to have lost the line between being co-dependent and completely doing everything by yourself in your own way at your own time.
past, they seem to have lost the line between being co-dependent and completely doing everything by yourself in your own way at your own time.
Never marry this lady.She would run
you down.Men are naturally impulsive spenders, so woman are supposed to help
check mate the spending habits of men in most cases. When a woman is completely
materialistic and is in it for the money, the man would be forced to go
overboard, spending to keep her happy, spending to make the marriage work and
then spending even more when the marriage is eventually over, and it would,
except the man has the endurance and wisdom which only God bestows.
This kind of lady has for some
reasons being made to believe that all men are evil, so please never marry her
because that would be a greater evil. She believes that when you are away, you
are cheating, when you don't pick your calls , you are messing around and when
you are late from work, you stopped over to get a quickie. This kind of lady drives the
man crazy and the man will live a tension filled marriage, void of love and trust.
man crazy and the man will live a tension filled marriage, void of love and trust.
Never marry a woman who has no clear
cut goals in life, no matter how nice she is , if you can help her
get it then do that, before you marry her,otherwise never marry. Marriage is about supporting each other,but for this kind of person,be very careful. Marrying g a lady with no future ambition is like having a 30 something year old person living and depending on you,that pressure is quite unnecessary.
get it then do that, before you marry her,otherwise never marry. Marriage is about supporting each other,but for this kind of person,be very careful. Marrying g a lady with no future ambition is like having a 30 something year old person living and depending on you,that pressure is quite unnecessary.
This lady is still stuck in the
world of fairy tales, love songs and Shakespeare illustrations. Never marry
such,except you are a knight in a shining armor and she has the Rapunzel kind of hair.She believes that all her life issues would suddenly be wiped away by a five to six foot guy with two hands and two feet.
such,except you are a knight in a shining armor and she has the Rapunzel kind of hair.She believes that all her life issues would suddenly be wiped away by a five to six foot guy with two hands and two feet.
A lady that has issues with every
one in the world and only wants to be with her lover/husband is not worth being
in a marriage with. A lady should have friends , but prioritize her husband
above all,but when she puts you in a state of " Hate against the world"
you would be eating much more than you can chew, because no single person can
tend to all the emotional needs of a spouse.
Every Man fantasizes about getting
hooked up with a " freak in the sheets" but you have to know where to
draw the line.When you have to constantly live up to some sexual fetish desires
and sex everyday of your marriage, then you are probably in bondage.
Never marry this lady because she sees only sex in marriage,nothing else.
This lady is so religious and concerned about what
others think, she is literally" faking it till she makes it" or you
can rightly say, she has multiple personality disorder syndrome.She is sheila in
the morning, Alicia in the afternoon, Felicia in the evening, and Patricia at
night. Yes! she sounds like a super woman, but the only time women should be
credited for multitasking is when they are career women,or business women
Written by Anderson Williams
Mexico mayor murdered after taking office
The mayor of a city south of Mexico's capital was shot to death on
Sunday morning, less than a day after taking office, officials said.
Gunmen burst into the house of Mayor Gisela Mota in the city of Temixco and killed her, said the government of Morelos state, where Temixco is located. Two presumed assailants were killed and two others detained, said Morelos Gov. Graco Ramirez in the government statement.
Officials attributed her killing to organized crime.
Temixco is a city of about 100,000 people neighboring Cuernavaca, a resort and industrial city which has been suffering kidnappings and extortion linked to organized crime groups. Though Cuernavaca is the state capital of Morelos, Temixco is the seat of several state institutions including the Public Security Commission, which coordinates state and local police forces. Morelos also neighbors drug cartel-plagued Guerrero state.
Gunmen burst into the house of Mayor Gisela Mota in the city of Temixco and killed her, said the government of Morelos state, where Temixco is located. Two presumed assailants were killed and two others detained, said Morelos Gov. Graco Ramirez in the government statement.
Temixco is a city of about 100,000 people neighboring Cuernavaca, a resort and industrial city which has been suffering kidnappings and extortion linked to organized crime groups. Though Cuernavaca is the state capital of Morelos, Temixco is the seat of several state institutions including the Public Security Commission, which coordinates state and local police forces. Morelos also neighbors drug cartel-plagued Guerrero state.
Health issues linked to unresolved anger include high blood pressure, heart attack, depression, anxiety, colds, flu and problems with digestion.
But anger doesn’t have to be a problem. “You can control your anger, and you have a responsibility to do so,” says clinical psychologist Isabel Clarke, a specialist in anger management. “It can feel intimidating, but it can be energizing too.”
How do you control your anger
1. Recognise your anger signs
Your heart beats faster and you breathe more quickly, preparing you for action. You might also notice other signs, such as tension in your shoulders or clenching your fists. "If you notice these signs, get out of the situation if you’ve got a history of losing control.
2. Count to 10
Counting to 10 gives you time to cool down so you can think more clearly and overcome the impulse to lash out.
3. Breathe slowly
Breathe out for longer than you breathe in, and relax as you breathe out. You automatically breathe in more than out when you’re feeling angry, and the trick is to breathe out more than in.This will calm you down effectively and help you think more clearly
Written by Daniella page
How to cook Afang soup
Origin: Calabar Nigeria
This is a traditional Nigerian stew made from the leaves of
the forest plant Cnetum africanum , known as afang , ukazi or okazi .
500g meat (any combination of stewing meat, oxtail, tripe and/or bush meat [game])
1 hot chilli pepper, chopped
several periwinkles or any kind of edible sea snail (substitute shellfish if not available)
2 onions chopped
2 pieces of dried fish (stockfish) soaked in water and with skin and bones removed ? (for preparing your own, see the recipe on how to prepare salt fish/stockfish)
1.2kg afang leaves, cleaned de-stemmed, torn and pounded in a pestle and mortar (outside Africa substitute any strong-tasting greens)
450g waterleaf Talinum triangulare (or spinach)
200g dried prawns, crushed
400ml palm oil
water or stock
Add some 500ml of water to a large casserole pot and bring almost to a boil. Add the meat and cook for a few minutes on high heat before adding the onion and chili. Reduce the heat, cover the pot and allow to simmer.
While the meat is cooking bring some 600ml of lightly-salted water to boil in a separated pan. Add the periwinkles, cover and cook for some 3 minutes before removing the snails and setting aside. At this stage use a toothpick to remove the meat from the shells. Cut off the inedible 'foot' and rinse the meat under cold water. Sprinkle with the lemon or lime juice and add to the casserole along with the dried fish. Cover and simmer for some seven minutes.
Add the greens to the casserole along with the dried prawns. Top-up the water if needed before adding the palm oil. Season, cover and cook for some 35 minutes, until the greens and meat are completely tender.
Serve with FuFu or boiled and mashed yams.
500g meat (any combination of stewing meat, oxtail, tripe and/or bush meat [game])
1 hot chilli pepper, chopped
several periwinkles or any kind of edible sea snail (substitute shellfish if not available)
2 onions chopped
2 pieces of dried fish (stockfish) soaked in water and with skin and bones removed ? (for preparing your own, see the recipe on how to prepare salt fish/stockfish)
1.2kg afang leaves, cleaned de-stemmed, torn and pounded in a pestle and mortar (outside Africa substitute any strong-tasting greens)
450g waterleaf Talinum triangulare (or spinach)
200g dried prawns, crushed
400ml palm oil
water or stock
Add some 500ml of water to a large casserole pot and bring almost to a boil. Add the meat and cook for a few minutes on high heat before adding the onion and chili. Reduce the heat, cover the pot and allow to simmer.
While the meat is cooking bring some 600ml of lightly-salted water to boil in a separated pan. Add the periwinkles, cover and cook for some 3 minutes before removing the snails and setting aside. At this stage use a toothpick to remove the meat from the shells. Cut off the inedible 'foot' and rinse the meat under cold water. Sprinkle with the lemon or lime juice and add to the casserole along with the dried fish. Cover and simmer for some seven minutes.
Add the greens to the casserole along with the dried prawns. Top-up the water if needed before adding the palm oil. Season, cover and cook for some 35 minutes, until the greens and meat are completely tender.
Serve with FuFu or boiled and mashed yams.
Advice for Single Ladies
1. Guys love to marry an Independent and
Matured lady… So instead of sitting there and waiting to be bluffed by a guy,
focus on getting a career that would take you out of the house wife category…
2. Never let the sweet talks of MOST guys
deceive you, sometimes all they just want is to have easy access between your
legs and run off thereafter.
3. Remove the mentality from your mind that
guys will keep springing up to approach you. The older you get by the day, the
less toasters you will have.
4. Playing ‘too’ hard to get is the worst
thing you should ever start, remember, Nothing lasts forever. If you still
doubt, check out the number of matured single ladies looking up to GOD FOR A
MIRACLE (Husband).
5. Never extort things from a guy you don’t
love, guys always have ways of paying a girl back, either through their FRIENDS
6. Never be deceived you can trap a guy
through s^x. A man will also return to his wife who s^x starves him for years
once he loves and trust her. You can never win a man over with your body.
7. If all you take to the relationship is the
mind set to EXTRACT MONEY from him, don’t complain if all he ask from
you is your body. He has seen you have nothing else to offer…
8. Don’t be fooled when Guys tell you they
have never met a prettier girl, they will say that same thing to an 80year old
woman they want to get intimate with.
9. A guy always taking you to the SILVER-BIRD,
THEATRE is no sign that he loves you, if he doesn’t care to ask and PLAN YOUR
FUTURE TOGETHER then you are just his ‘SOCIAL MATE’ and nothing else….
10. If the only time he invites you over is
when he needs to cook, clean the house and do his laundry, then just know you
are his “executive house help”.
11. If he avoids meeting your family and close
friends then it is an obvious sign he is just playing games with you.
12. Don’t always change the tv station from
NTV to CHANNEL O, MTV and Fashion TV. Take time to find out what is bothering
him and how you can help out.
13. If the only places he doesn’t frown when
you enter are his bedroom and kitchen then know you aren’t welcome (only being
Have you noticed that most of the ladies that
end up being emotionally abused are the ones at the receiving end… Always with
open arms, requesting for something and ready to receive… The more
you widen your arms, the more he widens your legs.
A grown up guy who gives the excuse about his
parents being wild when he brings female visitors to the house is a sign
AGAIN… It’s better to be sitting in a taxi smiling happily than to be in your
husband’s fresh air conditioned BMW x6 with bruised eyes wearing a fresh Gucci
shades alongside a Burberry scarf….
Written by Adeyemi Omobolanle
Same sex marriage will enter African-Prophet Iginla
Prophet Joshua Iginla
According to Prophet Joshua Iginla:
1-Nigeria will rise again and the future of Nigeria will be restored. And her image n dignity shall be restored. In my vision, I saw a group of young men wearing boots preparing and when I asked God he said it’s the future of the next generation that are coming to take over 2024.
2-Many politicians will go to jail in 2016 due to the anti corrupt campaign by the president. It will gain more ground and a lot of money recovered and a lot of mystery unveiled.
3-The Senate president should pray because there will be an attempt over his life. I see a strong plot to remove him and a strong plot to poison him.
4-I see a commercial bank having a major problem that will affect it’s capacity and output. The policy of the regulatory body will be too much for her and it will fold down.
5-I see the issue of Ebola resurfacing in some other African company. We should pray.
6-I see the CBN governor facing a hard time and I see him being removed..
I see a former Minister who held a sensitive position struggling for survival. We should pray for her because her candle light is almost off. It will take a miracle for her to survive. While she is battling corruption battle, I see the owner of her life knocking the door of her soul.
7-The Inspector General of Police should pray because I see a plot and an attempt to discredit him which will happen. I see his seat shaking and might not go down well.
8-I see a governor in the seat of Akwa Ibom. His seat will shake but I see him still maintaining it.
9-Bayelsa! The incumbent governor should pray well to retain it because what I see is a mystery beyond explanation.
The Lord said I should warn the powers that be to be sensitive over the issue of Bayelsa because I see blood and restlessness. The person on the seat should pray because I see three legs of a stool and two are taking away. Can you sit properly when two out of three legs are taking away?
10-Rivers State. I see strong battle and contest with Inconclusive result. I see violence and tension. I see property burnt and protest and name calling but the person on the seat shall retain it.
11-Edo. I see the ruling party still retaining power. I see a strong contest but the ruling party will swallow the opponent.
12-There will be a strong shake in the cabinet in 2016. One of the Ministers will lose his seat as a result of displeasure of the President with him
13-I see same sex marriage entering into one of the African countries and it will become very strong.
14-In 2016, the economy of the country will be very tasking and quite challenging. If care is not taking it will navigate into serious recession. I see strong hardship in terms of the economy.
15-I see fuel price rising and the masses helpless over it. Attempt will be made to curb the price but it will not work.
16-I see series of protests, strikes which will affect the economy.
17-The Biafra agitation will become very strong if the government don’t handle it with wisdom. It will give the government of the day a bad name before the international committee and observers. It might be stronger than the issue of Boko Haram. Wisdom is needed. That’s what the Lord says. Else, it can bring the government of the day to her kneels.
18-I see a strong agitation and people sponsoring it from all angles.
19-The military reputation under the present administration will be restored and performed brilliantly. In my vision, I see them silencing the issue of Boko Haram upto 85%. Boko Haram issue will die a natural death but I see another battle wish this present government should pray
20-I see a new party coming out of the old party. They will rebrand and become a strong opposition force challenging the government of the day and discrediting it. . This new government should pray.
21-The government of Buhari will do well but due to too much enemies than friend, it will slow the wheel of progress and tension will rise up in several areas. But that will not stop the result the government will have.
22-We should pray for one of our ex-president because I see him packing his bag and leaving us. Don’t forget I said it last year but God is giving him grace but am seeing it again.
23-The president should pray because there will be an attempt over his life. I see serious health issue. He should pray to finish his tenure.
24-There are a lot of Judases around Mr President. I see a plot to poison him. He should pray to finish it.
25-The issue of armed robbery will increase and banks will be robbed. High way robbers will be on the rise. Ondo, Lagos, kano and Abia, in the month of July, August, October April and March the security operatives should be alert in those states.
26- I see a sitting governor whose seats becomes vacant for the vice to take over. I don’t understand of its as a result of DEATH, impeachment or court order.
27-Zambia. The economy will improve but not as expected. The election in Zambia will be will be like two lions fighting. The president should pray in terms of the election because I see betrayals from his camp and so called faithfuls. But in my vision, I see someone trying to pull him from his seat, yet he remain in the seat.
28. Russia I see them under pressure as a result of the policies and attack that is currently going on. And it will affect their economy strongly. I see them trying to make peace with the country they are not willing to make peace with in order to free themselves from pressure. I see a big Bird flying out of Russia defecating where they ought not to and it caused a lot of confusion. It’s like plane throwing bombs. I see the nation of Russia going to war with another nation and they have to pray to avert it.
I see America accusing Russia over the use of a particular weapon. In the midst of all types, Russia will wax stronger.
29. USA: I see an adjustment in the election time table and this will lead to accusations of the government of the day After Obama’s tenure, it will be 2044 before another black man can ascend the seat of presidency. I see terrorist attack that will be carry out. I see sporadic shooting and ISIS claiming responsibility. This will happen just like it did in France. I see three people who are at the center of this and I see them being captured while two will be killed. But lives will be lost. I see a popular celebrity that will pass on in the country of America. This person’s name has to do with O and W.
According to Prophet Joshua Iginla:
1-Nigeria will rise again and the future of Nigeria will be restored. And her image n dignity shall be restored. In my vision, I saw a group of young men wearing boots preparing and when I asked God he said it’s the future of the next generation that are coming to take over 2024.
2-Many politicians will go to jail in 2016 due to the anti corrupt campaign by the president. It will gain more ground and a lot of money recovered and a lot of mystery unveiled.
3-The Senate president should pray because there will be an attempt over his life. I see a strong plot to remove him and a strong plot to poison him.
4-I see a commercial bank having a major problem that will affect it’s capacity and output. The policy of the regulatory body will be too much for her and it will fold down.
5-I see the issue of Ebola resurfacing in some other African company. We should pray.
6-I see the CBN governor facing a hard time and I see him being removed..
I see a former Minister who held a sensitive position struggling for survival. We should pray for her because her candle light is almost off. It will take a miracle for her to survive. While she is battling corruption battle, I see the owner of her life knocking the door of her soul.
7-The Inspector General of Police should pray because I see a plot and an attempt to discredit him which will happen. I see his seat shaking and might not go down well.
8-I see a governor in the seat of Akwa Ibom. His seat will shake but I see him still maintaining it.
9-Bayelsa! The incumbent governor should pray well to retain it because what I see is a mystery beyond explanation.
The Lord said I should warn the powers that be to be sensitive over the issue of Bayelsa because I see blood and restlessness. The person on the seat should pray because I see three legs of a stool and two are taking away. Can you sit properly when two out of three legs are taking away?
10-Rivers State. I see strong battle and contest with Inconclusive result. I see violence and tension. I see property burnt and protest and name calling but the person on the seat shall retain it.
11-Edo. I see the ruling party still retaining power. I see a strong contest but the ruling party will swallow the opponent.
12-There will be a strong shake in the cabinet in 2016. One of the Ministers will lose his seat as a result of displeasure of the President with him
13-I see same sex marriage entering into one of the African countries and it will become very strong.
14-In 2016, the economy of the country will be very tasking and quite challenging. If care is not taking it will navigate into serious recession. I see strong hardship in terms of the economy.
15-I see fuel price rising and the masses helpless over it. Attempt will be made to curb the price but it will not work.
16-I see series of protests, strikes which will affect the economy.
17-The Biafra agitation will become very strong if the government don’t handle it with wisdom. It will give the government of the day a bad name before the international committee and observers. It might be stronger than the issue of Boko Haram. Wisdom is needed. That’s what the Lord says. Else, it can bring the government of the day to her kneels.
18-I see a strong agitation and people sponsoring it from all angles.
19-The military reputation under the present administration will be restored and performed brilliantly. In my vision, I see them silencing the issue of Boko Haram upto 85%. Boko Haram issue will die a natural death but I see another battle wish this present government should pray
20-I see a new party coming out of the old party. They will rebrand and become a strong opposition force challenging the government of the day and discrediting it. . This new government should pray.
21-The government of Buhari will do well but due to too much enemies than friend, it will slow the wheel of progress and tension will rise up in several areas. But that will not stop the result the government will have.
22-We should pray for one of our ex-president because I see him packing his bag and leaving us. Don’t forget I said it last year but God is giving him grace but am seeing it again.
23-The president should pray because there will be an attempt over his life. I see serious health issue. He should pray to finish his tenure.
24-There are a lot of Judases around Mr President. I see a plot to poison him. He should pray to finish it.
25-The issue of armed robbery will increase and banks will be robbed. High way robbers will be on the rise. Ondo, Lagos, kano and Abia, in the month of July, August, October April and March the security operatives should be alert in those states.
26- I see a sitting governor whose seats becomes vacant for the vice to take over. I don’t understand of its as a result of DEATH, impeachment or court order.
27-Zambia. The economy will improve but not as expected. The election in Zambia will be will be like two lions fighting. The president should pray in terms of the election because I see betrayals from his camp and so called faithfuls. But in my vision, I see someone trying to pull him from his seat, yet he remain in the seat.
28. Russia I see them under pressure as a result of the policies and attack that is currently going on. And it will affect their economy strongly. I see them trying to make peace with the country they are not willing to make peace with in order to free themselves from pressure. I see a big Bird flying out of Russia defecating where they ought not to and it caused a lot of confusion. It’s like plane throwing bombs. I see the nation of Russia going to war with another nation and they have to pray to avert it.
I see America accusing Russia over the use of a particular weapon. In the midst of all types, Russia will wax stronger.
29. USA: I see an adjustment in the election time table and this will lead to accusations of the government of the day After Obama’s tenure, it will be 2044 before another black man can ascend the seat of presidency. I see terrorist attack that will be carry out. I see sporadic shooting and ISIS claiming responsibility. This will happen just like it did in France. I see three people who are at the center of this and I see them being captured while two will be killed. But lives will be lost. I see a popular celebrity that will pass on in the country of America. This person’s name has to do with O and W.
Texas Now an 'Open Carry' State for Handguns
Just this afternoon,Texas became the 45th state to allow open carry of handguns thanks to a new law that took effect.
For the first time since 1871, properly licensed Texans are permitted to display their handguns in public in holsters on their hips or shoulders.
Private property owners can still ban guns with a specifically worded sign, or by asking the person to leave.
People also can't openly carry at schools, hospitals, nursing homes, sporting events or airport security checkpoints.
At the state capital in Austin at about 2pm, advocates held a celebration party.
For the first time since 1871, properly licensed Texans are permitted to display their handguns in public in holsters on their hips or shoulders.
Private property owners can still ban guns with a specifically worded sign, or by asking the person to leave.
People also can't openly carry at schools, hospitals, nursing homes, sporting events or airport security checkpoints.
At the state capital in Austin at about 2pm, advocates held a celebration party.
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