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Friday, 6 November 2015
8 Signs to know that a Person has a Crab Mentality
In life,there are some people you must not meet and there are some people you must block from your life.
The Crab mentality is a widely used term in the term given to people who always love to pull down other people who are succeeding in life and getting ahead of them.
People with crab mentality are everywhere. You can encounter them on social media, where they are always busy criticizing like facebook instead of appreciating the news and stories about the achievements of people.
This attribute is also one of the major causes why our country and Africa is not progressing. It doesn’t promote unity, humility and responsibility. I believe we have to get rid of it for our personal and national development. And the first step to eradicate this negative trait from us is to be aware of it. We can all be guilty of crab mentality, and here are 8 signs that someone is having this unfavorable quality.
1. They are too proud of themselves and treat others as inferior beings. You can sense a breeze of arrogance from people with crab mentality. They feel like they have royal blood flowing in their veins, and they treat others as peasants. When they earn some achievements of their own, whether big or small, they brag it to everyone to position themselves higher from the rest of the people. And that is why they will always look down on you, especially if you’re not in their level who came from the province of riches. They can be racist to their own race,and tribalistic .
2. They panic when their comrades are happy and improving. Aside from arrogance, you can also smell envy, jealousy and bitterness from this kind of people. They freak out when the people they look down on are rising or progressing beyond them. It gives them a terrible feeling of insecurity. That’s why they will try to pull them down, either by harsh words or by unkind actions. You will see them giving bitter comments on Facebook, Twitter and other social media channels. They can be irritating, as they may spoil your own little achievement or happiness. So watch out!
3. Their motto in life is “if I can’t have it, neither can you”. They rather wish everyone will fail than let themselves fail while others are succeeding. They represent the crabs in the bucket where the crabs can easily escape from the bucket, but instead, they grab and pull down each other in a selfish competitive manner which prevents any of them to escape, resulting to their collective demise. In other words, people who have a crab mentality are selfish and they don’t have any sense of sacrifice. They are actually the opposite of upliftment who are known to love pulling people down by cooprative work.
4. They are full of positivity for themselves but full of negativity for others. They only see the good things in themselves, but they’re blind when it comes to their negative characteristics. When it comes to how they view other people, it becomes the opposite. They only see the bad things of other people while they’re blind to their positive deeds. That is why instead of appreciation, what you will get from them are nothing but negative criticisms. Some of these criticisms are valid while others are just invented to mess up your achievements.
5. They blame people for their failures rather than help them. What is more disgusting about these people who have a crab mentality is that they will pull you down further when you’re already down. When they realise that they are down,they brainwash and turn the minds of others into confusion.instead of becoming the helpers,they are using the principle of PHD-Pull Him Down. Rather than giving people a helping hand, these “crabs” break the already broken souls and hearts. And the saddest part of this, these “crabs” include some public officials who are supposed to give us first-hand public service.
6. They treat their people as competitors. Words of unity and cooperation are not in their vocabulary. They always treat others as competitors instead of teammates. You can find this kind of people everywhere. In the church, in your office, and even in a cooperative organization, they could be there. Again, envy, jealousy and selfishness cause them to refrain from cooperating. Instead of giving victory to the whole company or team, they just want to grab all the success for themselves. And just like what we discussed in #3, they rather let the team lose, than let it win without making themselves as the star player.
7. They spend most of their time talking about people rather than discussing ideas and solutions. Again, it’s because they treat people as their competitors. Instead of thinking about the brilliant ideas and solutions that can make our nation a better country, they spend most of their time ensuring that no other person can become better than them. When our nation faces a crisis, they will be more active in talking about how people become worthy of suffering rather than discussing the solutions that will help people end their sufferings.
8. They are not problem solvers but problem creators. They never show Compassion or become a problem solver because it is not in their nature.compassion is a great virtue that enables us to understand the feelings of other people,thereby we become problem solvers. It lets us walk in other people’s shoes and appreciate the lives they are living. But people with crab mentality lack compassion. They are inconsiderate and ignorant of the many people they are offending. They don’t care about the many hearts they are breaking. Well, what can we expect? They only care for themselves.
Remember again,lions do not associate with dogs.
I remain yours
Dipo Olatade
How to Make Your Marriage Last
Every marriage needs help now and then, both during the good times and
when things become difficult. Here are issues that impact marriages and
skills to help you deal with those issues and problems in healthy ways.
Remember that most problems have solutions. Don't ignore the problems
and issues in your marriage. If your marriage is in trouble, get started
and make the necessary changes together that will help your marriage be
a successful, long lasting union.
Married Life
Being married is a wonderful journey. Marriage, both the institution and the marriages around us, have an impact on all of us and ultimately on the strength of the family and society. People have strong feelings -- both negative and positive about marriage. As we all journey together as married couples, know you are not alone.

Create a Long Lasting Marriage
What helps keep your marriage successful and long-lasting? Long lasting marriages have characteristics and qualities that enable the couples to weather through both the good times and the bad times as they journey together on the highway of life. It helps to have a flexible attitude towards your marriage, a willingness to create a balance in the time you spend together and apart, and an openness to change.
For your marriage to last many years, it is important that you show your love for one another on a regular basis.
That means daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly, taking a few minutes, even seconds, to put your spouse first on your priority list.
Kiss your spouse in the morning, before leaving the house, when you go to bed, and several other times during the day and evening.create the intimacy.
Say I Love You. Always say this always.It is not just showing it,learn to say it because it goes a long way.
Be romantic.
Send text messages to your spouse always.It is a must if you want your marriage to last
Written by Sheri Stritof
Married Life
Being married is a wonderful journey. Marriage, both the institution and the marriages around us, have an impact on all of us and ultimately on the strength of the family and society. People have strong feelings -- both negative and positive about marriage. As we all journey together as married couples, know you are not alone.
Create a Long Lasting Marriage
What helps keep your marriage successful and long-lasting? Long lasting marriages have characteristics and qualities that enable the couples to weather through both the good times and the bad times as they journey together on the highway of life. It helps to have a flexible attitude towards your marriage, a willingness to create a balance in the time you spend together and apart, and an openness to change.
For your marriage to last many years, it is important that you show your love for one another on a regular basis.
That means daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly, taking a few minutes, even seconds, to put your spouse first on your priority list.
Kiss your spouse in the morning, before leaving the house, when you go to bed, and several other times during the day and evening.create the intimacy.
Say I Love You. Always say this always.It is not just showing it,learn to say it because it goes a long way.
Be romantic.
Send text messages to your spouse always.It is a must if you want your marriage to last
Written by Sheri Stritof
1. Moral support
When your friends and family want to see you and your partner together, there is something to savor. Sometimes outside perspective is needed to see things you are too close and emotionally invested in to appreciate or view clearly.
Don’t base the value of your relationship on the opinion of others, but listen to the voices you love and respect.
2. Fair fights
When a fight does break out, it’s a clean one. Your arguments work toward resolving issues and solving problems while still appreciating each other’s feelings and needs.
3. New issues
Your issues are new issues. Past problems actually get worked out and don’t come back up to bite you. Old resentments don’t get brought up in new arguments, and old dirt doesn’t get thrown around in current conversations.
4. Hard work
You’re both willing to put in the work. You jump into action without skipping a beat, and you work on an issue until it’s over. No hesitations.
5. Growing together
You and your partner are evolving together emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Growing closer is easy and a natural course of your relationsh!p.
6. Major change
You are both naturally changing for the better because you are happier being who you are this new way. Not because he asked you to change, and certainly not to keep him.
Maybe you never wanted children, and now you can’t wait to be a parent with your partner. Or maybe he always needed his space, and now being away from you feels incomplete.
7. Life partners
You don’t see yourself or your life without him. And you know he feels the same way.
8. The L-word
“Love” rolls off the tongue effortlessly. You can’t imagine not saying it; that would hurt too much. You need to say it, you want to say it and it brings you joy. And it’s the same for him.
9. Spiritual connection
There’s just something cosmic that pulls you two back together when you drift apart. It’s unexplainable. But it’s there. And it’s always for the better for both of you.
10. Love is blind
You don’t see anyone else as a potential partner, and you’re not interested in building any kind of connection with another. No one comes close to the amazing person you have. Physical attraction may pop in and surprise you, but the desire for intimacy or emotional connection doesn’t develop.
Knowing when you are right where you should be can be difficult in the midst of it. Hindsight may be 20/20, and if you’re the type that doesn’t know what you’ve got until it’s gone, keep your eyes open and see what blessings you have in your love. Let this list encourage you to keep going and keep the faith when the road gets rough and blue skies go gray. You can build a beautiful home for yourself and your family when you appreciate everything and everyone in it.
Written by John Paul
Become a nollywood star:Attend pefti film institute today
PEFTI Film Institute is a Practical-oriented Training and Production Company, accredited by the Federal Ministry of Education, and listed annually in JAMB Brochure since 2009.
Make your dream come true. Take one of our courses listed below:
These are:
REQUIREMENTS: Passion, Creativity, Readiness to Learn
ADMISSIONS: 1st Week of January, June
* Producing and Production Management
*Script - Writing (Radio, Stage and Screen)
* Acting and Presentation (Radio, Stage and Screen)
* Music
* Digital Film-making: Still Photography
* Digital Film-making: Cinematography
* Digital Film-making: Editing
* Directing
* Music Studio Production
REQUIREMENTS: Passion, Creativity, Readiness to Learn
ADMISSIONS: 1st Week of April, July
* Producing and Production Management
*Script - Writing (Radio, Stage and Screen)
* Acting and Presentation (Radio, Stage and Screen)
* Music
* Digital Film-making: Still Photography
* Digital Film-making: Cinematography
* Digital Film-making: Editing
* Directing
* Music Studio Production.
REQUIREMENTS: Passion, Creativity, Readiness to Learn, (With O/Levels)
Admission: 1st Week of September
* Film Making (Includes Script-Writing, Cinematography, Directing, Producing and Editing)
* Performing Arts (Includes Script-Writing, Acting and Presentation, Directing and Producing)
* Music Production (Analog and Digital Music Production, Studio Construction, Artiste Management)
Did you score above 149 in 2015 JAMB UTME?
Welcome to PEFTI Film Institute!
PEFTI Film Institute is Accredited by Federal Ministry of Education, through National Board for Technical Education.
We have been listed in JAMB Brochure since 2009
Admission is On in PEFTI Film Institute, for:
2-year National Innovation Diploma Programs in
A. Film and Television Production (Includes Script-Writing, Still Photography, Acting, Cinematography, Directing, Producing and Production Management, and Editing)
B. Music Technology (Includes Musical Notation, Musical Instruments, Studio Production, Directing and Choreography)
C. Performing and Media Arts (Includes Script-Writing, Acting and Presentation, Choreography, Directing, Producing and Production Management)
Number of Semesters: 4 Semesters per Program
* Combination of O/Level Results Accepted
*Awaiting Results Accepted
Main Campus: PEFTI Film Institute
5/7 Joy Avenue
off Osolo Way (by UBA)
off International Airport Way
Ajao Estate, Isolo
Lagos State, Nigeria
Mon to Fri: 8am - 5pm
Sat: 8am - 2pm (except Environmental Saturdays)
For More Info and enquiries:
+2347031622270, +2348133370731, +2348116305684
Julius Agwu floats Believers Lounge
Following reports that he is currently making plans to open a ‘Christian Night Club’ to be called Believers Lounge, popular comedian/musician Julius Agwu revealed to NET that God asked him to do so.
“Its God’s calling. God spoke to me to do it. We have unbelievers going to clubs, popping champagne and all that, so we want to have a club where believers can hangout too and pop non-alcoholic drinks. It’s basically an assignment from God. The club is located at Lekki and we are taking it everywhere. God also told me to raise young ambassadors that will fight his battle,” he said.
12 Qualities of a Good Wife
1. Make him a Better Man
I am not saying your husbands are not good men at the first place. But you can always be a positive influence in his life and his bad habits will automatically change. Be an example to him, the example that he himself can follow and be proud to show off to the world. Be the reason our husband would want to change himself, be an optimistic and responsible man. When his friends and relatives appreciate him for the recent changes in him, most of them positive, he should thank you and proudly announce the disclaimer for his revised personality!
2. Contentment is the Key to Happiness
Your husband’s state of mind depends on you to a great extent. It’s your duty, ladies, to keep your husband satisfied in every manner. Keep a healthy environment at home, have good sex, cook good food, be friendly, respect you in-laws, share, discuss and find solution to problems jointly, and your husband will thank the Almighty for gifting him such a mature and understanding better half
3. Be the Best Friend
The best kind of marriage is the one where the couple is best friends and shares every secret from the past and every plans of the future. I myself am in love with my best friend for years and that indeed is the best thing that has happened to me. Now it requires a lot of maturity and you instead of getting angry at some secret your husband shares, be thankful and feel proud that he didn’t hide it from you. This is how a very healthy friendship develops between you two, and once you are best friends with your husband that marriage is gonna rock!
4. Planning a war?
Which marriage does not have fights? In fact, every relationship has fights. They make up for a big part of any successful marriage. But one very important thing is to choose. To choose between fights which are necessary and which are not? Now nobody fights willingly, I agree, but there are topics and issues which are too petty to be fought for. We women have to do that. A harmless hello your husband bids to an old friend after a long time, or unavoidable workload aren’t things you should be fighting for. These fights do no good for your marriage and only pisses off your husband. So the next time you get angry, think twice. The reason for your anger, is it really necessary?
5. Nag? Err.
Now this is one thing in most women that men absolutely hate. Nagging, that is. We understand that after marriage, your husband is the one for you and you share all your grieves, insecurities, problems and demands with him. But ladies, there is a limit to everything. If you have to share or fight with you r husband, night is the time. Or a laid back weekend afternoon, may be. Not immediately after your husband comes home from work or when he is at work. Nobody likes women nagging all the time and this nagging is such a dangerous quality that might even lead to infidelity on the husband’s part. So women, be sensitive and sensible enough.
6. Sharing is Caring
So now we move on to the serious part of a marriage. Communication. It is of utmost importance in any kind of relationship. If you do not communicate on a personal basis, you facts and problems and thoughts are never ever going to reach your husband. And same holds true for him as well. If he finds you are egoistic and not communicating, he won’t have the urge for communicating with you and problems and issues shall remain unaddressed and unsolved. You don’t want your marriage on the rocks, right? So start sharing with your husband whatever is going on in your mind. Even if your mind is hassle free, sit together at the end of the day and share incidents from your day at work or at home. When you share things with your husband, he finds it easier to open up in front of you and your marriage will be a happy one.
7. Friends are for Life
When you married to your man, you accept every lifestyle of yours. No different for friends. Accept the fact that your husband probably has more friends than you and they will drop by all the time. They are very dear to your husband so be nice to them. Like really nice. When you are friendly with his friends, he will appreciate that quality of yours and will willingly introduce to more and more friends of him.
8. Dates never go out of Fashion
Just because you are married now and have bigger responsibilities, does not mean you will lose out the spark and the romance. On days when you feel the weather is just great, come back home early from work. Or take a day off just to be with your husband. Go out on a romantic date, lunch or movie or dinner as you used to go out earlier. The impression of a quality date stays for long and you will feel the bliss in your marriage. Also, you will feel romantic and loved for days to come. Your husband will thank you for the awesome date and for recreating that magic.
9. “Wow, what a surprise!”
Make your husband go wow with occasional surprises planned for him. Why should only husbands plan surprises for their wives? Even men like to feel pampered once in a while. So girls, don’t wait for some special day. It does not require any special day to profess your love to your husband. Plan a beautiful surprise, romantic or adventurous and woo him all over again. If you feel you are falling short of ideas, you can always resort to Google for your rescue.
10. The Way to a Man’s Heart is through his Stomach
This, you have to agree. Make efforts in cooking meals that your husband loves. When you satisfy his taste buds, he will automatically be at peace. We understand that all women might not be a great cook, most women are working, but let that not deter you from cooking scrumptious meals. Buy a cook book and search for your husband’s favorite dishes. You are free on weekends. Instead of eating out on weekends, stay home and cook for your husband. He will see the amount of effort you are giving and you guys will live happily ever after.
11. Identity is not all about ID Cards
So we stress on the importance of ID cards issued by the government in third world countries. But identity is way beyond those laminated pieces of papers. Girls, just because you are married does not mean you have to be submissive and follow whatever you husband or in laws say. Be who you were before marriage. Remember, guys like strong headed women who have an opinion of their own. That does not mean you will be dominating, but stand up for whatever you feels is right, your husband will respect you even more.
12. Please come out of your Dreams
Yes, women love to dream all the time. About the perfect husband, the perfect in-laws, perfect house on a beach, matching curtains, wooden furniture and what not? But reality is a tad different from your dreams, girls and probably harsh too. So wake up and embrace the beauty of the reality, whatever it has to offer. This is the primary rule of a perfect marriage. When you come to terms with reality and accept the fact that the house, your husband, your in-laws are way different from what you had imagined, that’s when you will have a perfect marriage.
Written by Bisi Adewale
179 Years old Man cries out “Death Has Forgotten Me”
A retired cobbler from northern India, Mahashta Mûrasi, claims he was
born in January 1835, making him not only the oldest man on earth, but
the oldest to have ever lived, according to the Guiness World Records.

According to indian officials, the man was born at home in the city of Bangalore on January 6th 1835, and is recorded to have lived in Vârânasî since 1903. He worked as a cobbler in the city until 1957, when he retired at the already venerable age of 122.
“I have been alive so long, that my great grand-children have been dead for years” explains Mr Mûrasi. “Somehow death forgot about me… And now there’s hardly any hope left. Look at the statistics, nobody dies past 150, even less at 170. At that point, I guess I’m immortal or something. I might as well enjoy it!”
The man’s birth certificate and identity cards all seem to confirm his version, but unfortunately no medical examination can confirm his saying for now. The last doctor Mister Mûrasi visited died in 1971, so there is little information available about his previous medical files.
culled from the internet
According to indian officials, the man was born at home in the city of Bangalore on January 6th 1835, and is recorded to have lived in Vârânasî since 1903. He worked as a cobbler in the city until 1957, when he retired at the already venerable age of 122.
“I have been alive so long, that my great grand-children have been dead for years” explains Mr Mûrasi. “Somehow death forgot about me… And now there’s hardly any hope left. Look at the statistics, nobody dies past 150, even less at 170. At that point, I guess I’m immortal or something. I might as well enjoy it!”
The man’s birth certificate and identity cards all seem to confirm his version, but unfortunately no medical examination can confirm his saying for now. The last doctor Mister Mûrasi visited died in 1971, so there is little information available about his previous medical files.
culled from the internet
David Trump misplaced arrogance and the American history
According to Donald Trump,a United States business magnate and also the republican Presidential torch bearer made a strange statements some weeks ago and which is unfortunate.he said,"African are very lazy and they are thieves. The best they can do is gallivanting around ghettoes, lamenting how they are discriminated. These are the people America doesnt need. They are the enemies of progress. Look at African countries like Kenya for instance, those people are stealing from their own government and go to invest the money in foreign countries. From the government to opposition, they only qualify to be used as a case study whenever bad examples are required. How do you trust even those who have ran away to hide here at the United States hiding behind education? I hear they abuse me in their blogs but I don't care because even the internet they are using is ours and we can decide to switch it off from this side. These are people who import everything including matchsticks. In my opinion, most of these African countries ought to be recolonized again for another 100 years because they know nothing about leadership and self governance" Explained Donald Trump.
To be sincere,I am not meant to insult anyone because of my position,but i think i have to say this.Mr Donald Trump who is a motivational speaker and an international speaker is ignorant,and when elders exhibit a high level of stupidity,it is an indication that disgrace is certain for the elder.He doesn't even know history.He writes books and yet,i never knew that he is such a racist who is meant to be an example to the younger ones like us but he has become a disgrace.he said Africans are lazy and are thieves but i am going back to history to educate him.
Who are the rightful owners of America?
Did the White Man Steal America From the Red Indians?
I am so sorry if i am going to hurt some of my readers who are Americans but let us be sincere with ourselves, but Since we are dealing with a conflict here,i know from history that,all of America was the possession of the red Indians prior to the age of discovery by the white race. However, the Indians never laid claim to all of the "territory" of America legally because they had no understanding of its size and boundaries. The red Indians only claimed the land he was inhabiting and that which he used for hunting, burial, etc. At the time of discovery (circa 1500 A.D.), the red Indian numbered about 700,000 inhabitants, sparsely scattered over what is now America. Thus the Indians never had a legal claim to much more than 3% of the land at any one time. So it can be said that the Indians did have a legal claim to America, 3% of it, which was considered their "own territory.".
History reveals that all the early hostilities and wars between the red Indians and the white settlers, were instigated or started by the whites who are now white Americans without just cause. Even though the red indian settlers had legal title to the land by way of purchase or claim of unoccupied lands, the white settlers was always the one to disrupt peaceful relations with attacks, massacres, and wars. The retaliation by the red indians were merely acts of self defense and self preservation in accordance with the law of nature. Thus it was the white settlers who was the intruder and violator of land rights and of his own law. It was the white man who, in the beginning, wronged the red indians. The white men"s treachery, barbaric and warlike manner, and sneak attacks on the red indians was negative proof of the anti-social nature of thewhite man.
The white man successfully chased and killed many red Indians and the red Indians placed a curse on them because the white man successfully took what belongs to the red indians- America.This shows that the white mans character caused much distrust of the Indian, and became the "code of conduct" which the white man continued to live by and uphold in the future up till this date.
Thus, the red indians has a rightful and legal claim and title to America by pursuant through international law, the Indian's law, the law of nature, and by a combination thereof.
So,as you read this,realise that the white man was the one that started thuggery and stealing so,let Donald Trump go back to history and be informed.
I remain yours
Dipo Olatade
Osimhen sends Eaglets to U17 World Cup final,meets Mali
The forward has now equaled Florent Pongolle and Souleymane Coulibaly’s record of most goals in a U17 World Cup tournament.

Nigeria U17 team marched to their eight Fifa U17 World Cup final after surviving the Mexicans scare in a thrilling 4-2 encounter played at the Estadio Municipal Ester Roa, Concepcion on Friday morning.
Two late goals from leading top scorer Victor Osimhen and Osinachi Ebere handed the Golden Eaglets the ticket to battle for the trophy against Mali after Kelechi Nwakali’s free kick and Orji Okonkwo had cancelled out Diego Cortes and Kevin Magana’s goals.
Nigeria face Mali in Vina Del Mar on Sunday for an all-African final against continental champions Mali while Mexico will face off against Belgium in the match for third place.
Nigeria U17 team marched to their eight Fifa U17 World Cup final after surviving the Mexicans scare in a thrilling 4-2 encounter played at the Estadio Municipal Ester Roa, Concepcion on Friday morning.
Two late goals from leading top scorer Victor Osimhen and Osinachi Ebere handed the Golden Eaglets the ticket to battle for the trophy against Mali after Kelechi Nwakali’s free kick and Orji Okonkwo had cancelled out Diego Cortes and Kevin Magana’s goals.
Nigeria face Mali in Vina Del Mar on Sunday for an all-African final against continental champions Mali while Mexico will face off against Belgium in the match for third place.
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