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Saturday, 19 September 2015
3 Ways to Become an Achiever, Even if You Are Lazy
1.) Get a mentor
Hard working people want to create a path in a forest right from the start. They want to name it their path. Most of them give up without going far in their journey.
2.) Build a network
If you are lazy, then one of the short cuts to achieving is to be clever at building networks. Participate in a group, join the conversations and tell them what you do. The more active you are (most hard working people think this is a waste of time) the more visibility you will get and opportunities to achieve your goals.
3.) Work hard a bit.
I know you are a bit lazy (or maybe a lot), but not much can be done if you don’t work at all. So to make this worth your while, work hard on the one thing you know you are really good at.
If you are working on something you enjoy and good at, it feels like play. But others will percieve you as working hard and will happily recommend you.
Tips for healthy living
"Healthy living" to most people means both physical and mental.In many instances, physical and mental health are closely linked, so that a change (good or bad) in one directly affects the other. Consequently, some of the tips will include suggestions for emotional and mental "healthy living."
Eating (diet)
- Eat three meals a day (breakfast, lunch, and dinner); it is important to remember that dinner does not have to be the largest meal.
- The bulk of food consumption should consist of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and fat-free or low-fat milk products.
- Choose lean meats, poultry, fish, beans, eggs, and nuts (with emphasis on beans and nuts).
- Avoid sodas and sugar enhanced drinks
- Avoid eating a large meal before sleeping to decrease gastrointestinal reflux
- Avoid eating raw or under cooked meats of any type.
- Cooking foods (above 165 F) destroys most harmful bacteria and other pathogens; if you choose to eat uncooked foods like fruits or vegetables
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Setting up your financial goals
Regardless of what life stage you are in, you are likely to have some short and long term personal financial goals. Setting tangible and realistic goals, following them, and tracking your progress is the key to success in achieving all of your financial goals.
If you are married, it is absolutely essential that you and your spouse both share the same financial goals. Otherwise, achieving your personal goals is almost impossible. Develop your financial plans together, and review your progress together to make sure both of you are contributing to the same goals.
Determining what your short-term, mid-term, and long-term personal financial goals are is the first step. Some common financial goals are a dream vacation, a new home, college savings, retirement savings, and an emergency fund. Once you and your spouse have agreed on your goals, the next step is to determine a good estimate for how much money you’ll need for each of them. Figuring out an accurate amount involves discussion about the financial goals—for example, if you are saving for college for your children, what percentage do you want to pay? Also, do you want to pay for a state school or a private school? Retirement savings needs depend greatly on the lifestyle you plan to lead once you are retired, as well as when you plan to retire.
Prioritize each of your personal goals in order of importance, and then determine how long you have to save for each of them. Retirement could be many years away, but your short-term goals could be in a year or two. Next, estimate how much interest or capital gains you’ll expect to see in the accounts where you are saving your money. While capital gains are never guaranteed, you can use an estimated average for these purposes.
Finally, figure out how much you’ll need to save per month to achieve your financial goals. Don’t be discouraged if the dollar amount is overwhelming. The important thing is to have a set of tangible financial goals to work toward. On a monthly or quarterly basis, you and your spouse should review your progress, and continue to refine your plan. If you aren’t meeting your goals, revisit your financial budget to see if there are any areas where you can cut expenses in order to free up money for savings. In addition, use this plan to allocate any windfall amounts you may receive–from bonuses, inheritances, tax refunds, etc.
For enquiries: +2348094503769,
Develop Your Strategic Thinking
If you’ve not yet taken any time out this year from the busy day to day demands of your business to develop a clear marketing strategy – you need to ask yourself why. Now is the time to “Think strategy.”
“Strategic thinking is defined as a mental or thinking process applied by an individual in the context of achieving success in a game or other endeavor. As a cognitive activity, it produces thought. When applied in an organizational strategic management process, strategic thinking involves the generation and application of unique business insights and opportunities intended to create competitive advantage for a firm or organization. “
The benefits of strategic thinking are clear – competitive advantage. But where do you start? If you are unsure, you’re not alone. For most of us, our first reaction is to deal with what’s directly in front of us. Why? Perhaps because it always seems more urgent and tangible. If we can see it, we can deal with it. Unfortunately, while you concentrate on overcoming obstacles, you could miss some big opportunities, not to mention the signs that indicate the direction you are going it taking you off track.
Developing a marketing strategy is difficult. And it takes time. It also requires some strategic thinking. What makes developing a marketing strategy difficult is that most people don’t really know what it entails. How can you be strategic if you don’t know what to do or what to think about?
Strategic marketers have developed their strategic thinking – and they know how to ask very good questions. Here are a few things you’ll need to do to develop your strategic thinking:
Open your mind to possibilities
Being a strategic thinker requires you to see the bigger picture. Imagine what you would see differently if you had a fresh pair of eyes? That’s what strategic thinking requires you to do. Look at things differently and see what other people miss. Different people are interested in different aspects of the big picture. A good strategic thinker will be able to link ideas from different areas.Ask good questions and ask different kinds of questions
Ask questions that open up thinking. When working on your marketing strategy, one of the first questions to ask is “Why? Why do we exist?” To get the best answer to this question, ask your customers. Find out why they use your services or your products. If you disappeared tomorrow, what would they miss the most about what you do for them? You need a clear understanding of why someone buys from you and why they don’t.Why is only one question, but it is a great place to start.
Think critically
A critical thinker will question everything. This means getting comfortable with challenging beliefs and approaches, even your own. One of the most common phrases I hear is “we always do it this way”. I say “Why?” Following conventional wisdom is the safe bet. Or is it? It does make for a smother ride with colleagues and results in less second guessing. But if you take every safe opinion at face value, your company loses all competitive advantage.Use strategy tools
It is possible to be a strategic without using strategy tools. But it’s not possible to build a strategy without becoming a strategic thinker. Follow in the footsteps of proven strategic thinkers. Leverage the strategy tools that have been developed by others. Each tools serves a different purpose, but the reason each tool exists is the same – to help guide your thinking.I’ve covered a number of the strategy tools and what each is used for. You can find on our website.
Keep challenging yourself to learn and to develop your strategic thinking. To be effective, strategizing should not happen only once a year. It needs to become a part of your business culture.
Opeoluwa Owolabi
For enquiries:+2348093503769,

It is no longer news that the federal government of Nigeria have ordered the arrest of the senate president.The Code of Conduct Bureau has filed a 13- count corruption charge against SARAKI for failing to properly declare his asset. This is a good and bad one for our democracy as government officials who have turned Nigeria into business center in the time past have to pay back, and most face their consequences in accordance to the dictates of the law.
Sen. Bukola saraki in the time past has been known for his corrupt practices, hence diverting the 2/3 IGR of kwara state,Nigeria to his own pocket, which makes the state one of poor states we have in the whole federation.
I also see this as an act to cage the legislative arm in order not to carry out their functions as stipulated by the constitution, by so doing there won't be check and balance of the PMB administration. It is a bad one for our democracy as I sense dictatorship coming back to life, once the senate is in dis-array, the executive can't carry out there evil and corrupt act. As a matter of fact the APC are not capable of leading Nigerians to its greater height, as they have been behind the misfortune that has rock the national assembly.
For how long does the APC continue to play political games? When do we want to enjoy the deceitful change they promise? When do we want to have stability in the national assembly?
Conclusively, the senate president should face the judgement as corrupt leader won't be allowed to govern this nation, PMB should not also use this medium to cripple the National assembly has this is the voice people, and there is always a need for check and balances of his administration.
SAY No to corrupt malpractices
No to dictatorship
God bless Nigeria
Owolabi marvellous, 08156715876
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