Kenya is mentioned in the bible though indirectly. A look at the bible
shows different scriptures where the country is mentioned, the land that
is south of Cush is always referred to as Kenya. Cush in this day is
the modern Ethiopia. The country that is south of Ethiopia Directly
refers to as Kenya. Kenya started been referred to as Kenya in 1895 when
the British started colonizing the country. Before then, the country
was a part of the greater 127 provinces ruled by King Xerxes.
Around 2000 BC, Cushitic-speaking people from
northern Africa settled in the part of East Africa that is now Kenya. By
the 1st Century AD, the Kenyan coast was frequented by Arab traders,
who due to Kenya's proximity to the Arabian Peninsula, established Arab
and Persian colonies there. The Nilotic and Bantu people also moved into
the region during the first millennium AD. and settled inland.
The Europeans
Evolving from a mixture of Bantu and Arabic, the Swahili language
then developed as a lingua franca for trade between the different
peoples. When the Portuguese arrived in 1498, the Arab dominance on the
coast was clipped, as the Port of Mombasa became an important resupply
stop for ships bound for the Far East. The Portuguese gave way in turn
to Islamic control under the Imam of Oman in the 1600s until another
European influence came along, this time from the United Kingdom during
the 19th century.
Colonial History
roots of the colonial history of Kenya go back to the Berlin Conference
in 1885, when East Africa was first divided into territories of
influence by the European powers. The British Government founded the
East African Protectorate in 1895 and soon after, opened the fertile
highlands to white settlers. Even before it was officially declared a
British colony in 1920, these settlers were allowed a voice in
government, while the Africans and the Asians were banned from direct
political participation until 1944. During this period thousands of
Indians were brought into Kenya to work on building the Kenya Uganda
Railway Line and subsequently settled there, whilst inviting many of
their kith and kin who were mainly traders from India to join them.
Resistance to Colonialism -- the Mau Mau
In 1942, members of the Kikuyu, Embu, Meru and Kamba tribes took
an oath of unity and secrecy to fight for freedom from British rule. The
Mau Mau Movement began with that oath and Kenya embarked on its long
hard road to National Sovereignty. In 1953, Jomo Kenyatta was charged
with directing the Mau Mau and sentenced to 7 years imprisonment.
Another freedom fighter Dedan Kimathi was arrested in 1956 for his role
in the Mau Mau uprising as one of the leaders of the struggle for
independence and was subsequently hanged by the colonialists. Kenya was
put under a state of emergency from October 1952 to December 1959, due
to the Mau Mau rebellion against British colonial rule and thousands of
Kenyans were incarcerated in detention camps. During this period,
African participation in the political process increased rapidly and in
1954 all three races (European, Asian and African) were admitted into
the Kenya Legislative Council on a representative basis.
Kenya achieves independence
In 1957, the first direct elections for Africans to the
Legislative Council took place and those elected increased the people's
agitation for Jomo Kenyatta's release from detention. In 1962 Kenyatta
was released to become Kenya's first Prime Minister, when Kenya finally
gained independence on December 12, 1963. The following year, Kenya
became a Republic with Kenyatta as its first President. In the same year
Kenya joined the British Commonwealth.
The Road to Kenyatta's one party state
In 1966, a small but significant leftist opposition party, the
Kenya People's Union (KPU), was formed by Jaramogi Oginga Odinga, a
former Vice President and Luo elder. KPU was banned shortly thereafter
and its leader arrested in 1969 and Kenya became a "de facto" single
party state. Following Kenyatta's death in August 1978, Vice President
Daniel Arap Moi succeeded him as Kenya's second President.
The Moi era
In June 1982, Kenya was officially declared a one party state by
the National Assembly and the constitution was amended accordingly.
Parliamentary elections were held in September 1983 under a single party
for the first time and the 1988 elections reinforced the one party
system. However, in December 1991, Parliament annulled the one party
section of the constitution. A diversity of new parties were formed in
early 1992 and in December of that year, multiparty democracy was
restored and elections were held with several parties participating.
Because of divisions in the opposition, Moi was reelected for another
5-year term, and his KANU party retained a majority in the legislature.
Due to parliamentary reforms in November 1997, political rights were
expanded, which led to an explosion in the number of political parties.
Again, Moi won re-election as President in the December 1997 elections,
because of a divided opposition. KANU won 113 out of 222 parliamentary
seats, but, because of defections, had to depend on the support of minor
parties to forge a working majority.
President Mwai Kibaki
In October 2002, the National Rainbow Coalition (NARC) was
formed, emerging from a unification of opposition parties together with a
faction, which broke away from KANU. Mwai Kibaki, the NARC candidate,
was elected as the country's third President in December 2002. President
Kibaki received 62 percent of the vote, and NARC garnered 130 out of
222 parliamentary seats (59 percent of seats). During Kibaki's first
time in office, democratic space was opened up even more and coalition
politics took root.
The Grand Coalition
Kenya held its Tenth General Election on the 27th of December
2007. A dispute that followed the announcement of the result by the
Electoral Commission of Kenya (ECK) unfortunately degenerated into an
unprecedented seven-week long spate of violence in some parts of the
country, leading to loss of lives, dislocation of some citizens,
destruction of property and general disruption of social and economic
The former Secretary General of the United Nations His Excellency
Mr. Koffi Annan with the assistance of eminent persons from across the
African continent including H.E. President Jakaya Kikwete, Chairman of
the African Union and President of Tanzania, H.E. Mrs. Graca Machel, His
Excellency Mr. Benjamin Mkapa and His Excellency Mr. Joachim Chisano,
helped broker a reconciliation between H.E. President Mwai Kibaki and
his main contender Hon. Raila Odinga leading to the signing of the
National Accord and Reconciliation Agreement, thus paving the way for
the restoration of peace and security in the country and a return to
normalcy in the affected regions.
The Agreement, included a fundamental change in the Government
structure to introduce the post of Prime Minister, with two Deputy
Premiers and the formation of a Grand Coalition between the President's
party of National Unity and Hon.Odinga's Orange Democratic Movement
Following the agreement, H.E. the President and the Prime
Minister Designate appointed a National Accord Implementation Committee
to prepare a program of action for the Grand Coalition Government (GCG),
synchronize the manifestos of the coalition parties and identify short,
medium and long term policies for implementation by the GCG.
The Committee established a reconciliation and building program
covering the entire country with activities cascaded down to all
districts and constituencies and involved the Private Sector, Civil
Society, Media, Community Based Organizations, Sports Personalities and
Faith Based Organizations in the National Emergency Recovery Strategy.
In parallel to this, three important Bodies were established: The
Truth Justice and Reconciliation Commission, The Commission of Enquiry
on Post Election Violence and Independent Review Committee on the 2007
Elections. Through these Bodies truth, reconciliation and healing will
be brought to Kenya and its people.
The parties also agreed on a process and roadmap for
comprehensive constitutional reform, which will strengthen the
institutions of Governance and address the long term differences that
contributed to the violence.
Life in Kenya has settled down quickly with the country coming
out stronger and more united than before as President Mwai Kibaki begins
his second and final term in office.
Compiled by Nelson Abdalla