You may be tempted to say out every thought that occurs to you, but sometimes it's best to keep your mouth shut.Great men and great women always keep their mouth shut because it is not time to talk.
The art of silence
Silence can be quite empowering, so by learning the art of silence you will feed your spirit and soul. It's difficult for a lot of people to embrace and experience the value of silence. There is often pressure to fill the atmosphere with words. Being comfortable with silence and your own solitude is useful – it's when we pause that we afford ourselves a space to digest what is being said and to think of a response. We get to listen to not only what is being said, but also what is not being said. Comfort in handling silence lends itself to a confident demeanour.
In relationships
It's hard to decipher between being right and being happy. There are times when pushing to be right can compromise our happiness in relationships. Choose to be quiet if the relationship is more important than just about winning the argument.
If you'll regret it, don't say it
When you have nothing to say, don't spoil your silence by saying something you will regret. As long as your body language is not communicating something different, feel free to just keep quiet and observe the situation.
Be compassionate
When someone is in despair and sharing their pain or challenges with you, shut up and listen.If you have to open your mouth,encourage them with words of strength.It is not time for you to steal the limelight just because you have been through the same experience.It doesn't have to be about you all the time, so hold your tongue and acknowledge the other person and their need to vent. By honouring their expression of pain or guilt, they will want to confide in you again in the future.
For info:+2348093503769,DIPOOLATADE@GMAIL.COM
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