Exodus 4:2 "And the LORD said unto him, What is that in thine hand? And he said, A rod.
Many people are unfruitful because they believe they are not qualified to do what God calls them to do! God has given men and women gifts from his great armoury so that God's generosity can flow through you but many people cannot see what they carry because they cannot see
Pharaoh was coming behind and in front of moses and the people was the red sea and moses cried to God.How did God answer? "Moses, what is in your hand?"
For Moses, it was a staff. It wasn't a crown, scepter, or sword. It was a simple stick. And it became one of the greatest supernatural weapons in human history.
So what do you already have in your possession? Speaking ability? Artistic ability? Money? Friendships? All of us have something we can use to accomplish our part in God's work here on earth as we serve one another.
God has not created anyone without something that would bring them to their promised land. He (God) doesn’t make mistakes. There is something that God has placed in your hands to make you great. Many times, we don’t attach much value to what’s in our hands. We always think what we have is not worth anything. Instead we focus our attentions on what God has placed in somebody elses’ hands! The fact that someone may be prospering as a nurse or doctor does not mean that’s the only thing to study. We are not satisfied with the very thing God has placed in our own hands!
There is something in your hands that may appear useless to you but when you believe in yourself and pray,it can bring you into limelight.People are notorious for saying things like: Who knows me? Nobody will take me serious? I only have a high school diploma!
Everything you need to succeed in life is in your hands.
Most of us have made useless what God gave to us. Friends, even if all you can do is “TALK”, that can bring you into limelight! That thing in your hands that you ignore, that seems useless to you, perhaps a dream, might be the VERY THING that would make you great. Those things (or people) you do not cherish, recognize, or honor may be the key to your breakthrough!!!!!
It was the same rod that Moses thought was USELESS that he used to provide water for the Israelites and part the red sea! Something in your hands will take you to your next level. What you have in your hands is enough to turn you into what God wants you to be.
For info: +2348093503769,dipoolatade@gmail.com
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