It is really annoying when someone,,tribe or religious groups come out and say premarital sex is a sin,it is absolute rubbish.seriously,is premarital sex a sin?
Premarital sex is a morally good thing. It's time we stopped seeing it as something wrong and started seeing it as something that, for most of us, is totally right.
Fact Is that having sex once a week is the happiness,but seriously,is that a lie or the truth?Doesn't Sex Produce Intimacy? For God sake,Sex is healthy and natural.
We’re not saying everyone should have premarital sex. Those who think they should wait until they get married should continue to wait.All we are saying is that our society needs to be a lot more accepting about it.
Nigeria is a grossly sex starved nation and Africa is grossly sex-starved continent.Nigeria is not like America who have rights to do what they like.Sex is believed to be exclusive to married people,that is sad. A lot of men see marriage as a license to have sex.People are getting married only so they can have guilt-free sex and sincerely from my heart,We’re humans and it’s a basic instinct to want to have sex. It’s healthy and perfectly normal but again,the question still rises, is premarital sex a sin?
Is love not sex?
If i really love the person,sex should be the best way to cement our love?
Is sex not blood covenant between the two people involved?
Marriage is honourable in all, and the bed undefiled: but whore mongers and adulterers God will judge. Hebrew 13:4;
This is the generation that accept lies and this lies is gaining more prominence; people, society, culture and civilization are making frantic attempt to rationalize and create excuses for premarital sex, but, it does not matter what people seem to have generally accepted, the position of the Almighty God can never change.There is nothing sinful about sex if it takes place between couples within the confinements of marriage, but according to the scriptures, God’s wrath looms over everyone who engages in sex outside of marriage unless he or she repents immediately and quit.
Another danger of sex before marriage is that it opens an avenue for distrust and suspicion in the marriage union. Apart from the loss of dignity, honour and self respect the couples would have enjoyed with themselves if they had kept their bodies pure, the chance of suspicion in their marriage will be very high. It may be difficult for those who slept with each other during courtship to trust each other when eventually married.
Your testimony as a child of God is not what you can toy with. You cannot afford to trade off your future and destiny on the altar of premarital sex. The price could be greater than you can afford to pay!
Ezekiel Olubadejo
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