Everyone has a purpose of be a man or woman. We are all destiny to fulfill one specific thing or the other. In order to fulfill it, there are helpers assigned to help us accomplish greater thing in life. At the same time, there are helpers assigned to help us get out of the problem(s) that have been battle with us, either in academics, marriage, finances, health, etc.
A man in our text is typical example of a man who needs helpers to get out of his situation. He was a paralyzed man, sick for many years that only God known. But those that have assigned for his healing carried their mission successfully.
1. They were not wearing until they fulfill there mission. As they were not nauseating, I pray that your helper with not wearing until they finish helping you.
2. They were not tired until they finished their helping assignment with him.
3. They did not see it as burden but see it as responsibility that must be done by them.
4. They make sure that they brought the man to where he should be.
5. They seen it that the man becomes what he should be.
1. The man they help got to where he should be. The man was lay down at the presence of Jesus Christ- Luke 5:19. There is a place that God wants you to be, you will be there with the help of your helpers.
2. The man was ahead of other people. Hundreds of people had been in the house where Jesus was, but the man that brought late is ahead of them. It was the story of the man that was noted majorly in the journey of Jesus Christ there. When divine helpers help you, you will surely be ahead of others that have started before you. In your office or place of work, when God raise your helpers to help you, you must superior than other people. You must be an achiever more than your colleagues.
3. He got what he should get - Solution to his problem. Forgiveness and healing is the major needs of the man, and he got it. I want you to take note of one thing: the helpers of the man have it in mind for man to be healed, but Jesus Christ makes additional need (forgiveness of sins) to it. There some things you but you don't know them, but God know them and He will surely give them to you.
4. His enemies were put to shame. Luke 5:25-26. Some of the people that were there, did not want the man to be healed or freed from his problem were later disappointed. God will disappoint your enemies in your presence.
1. Be in the presence of Jesus Christ. Until the man was in the presence of Christ, he was not set freed or healed from his sickness, so also you must be in Jesus presence. Jesus said: "Come to me, all of you who are tired of carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest" Matthew 11:28 Good News Version. In other words, surrender your life to Him. Allow Him to do it for you; stop moving around seeking for solution where there is no solution. Jesus Christ is the only that an solve your problem for you; you just need to come to Him.
2. Confess all your sins and Pray for the forgiveness.
3. Pray for helpers that have assigned to help you.
1. Thanks God for this message and what God is going to do for you.
2. Ask for the forgiveness of all your sins
3. My God my Lord, don't allow my helpers to tire or weary until they help me.
4. As from this moment, cause all my helper to help me completely.
5. My helpers where are you, it is time for you to locate me and help me.
6. Anything that hinder or stop my helpers to help me, I command them to destroy today in Jesus name.
OLU MIKE OMOASEGUN, a Nigerian. presently, is Assembly Pastor of CAC Hqrs Kakuri Kaduna, Nigeria. He is a teacher, writer, motivator.
E-Mail: mikoas2020@gmail.com
For inquiries:dipoolatade@gmail.com,+2348093503769
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