To remind you that no matter how hard life gets, things can change for
the better in an instant, if only you can just approach life with your gifts and talents.
Talents may be artistic or technical, mental or physical, personal or
social. You can be a talented introvert or a talented extrovert. Your
talents need not be profitable, useful, or conventional, but they will
always be your own, a part of what makes you into you.
Learning to look for your talents in the right places and building those
talents into skills and abilities might take some work, but going about
it creatively will let you explore your natural abilities and find your
innate talents.
Have you thought of sharing your gifts?Everyone can’t be a world class performer or athlete, but everyone does indeed have some type of talents and skills to share.If you don’t know what your talent is, you need find out what it is or just simply create it by practicing the things you enjoy.
How do you discover your talent?
1. By doing what its easy for you.
Do you have any friends who mention to you that “I wish I could do _____
as good as you do”. Does it come so naturally, that you don’t think
it’s a big deal? Take a closer look, great things don’t need to come
through struggle, some people are truly blessed with natural gifts,
don’t take them for granted.
2. Search inside of you.
You can’t know if you’ve got a talent for guitar if you never try to
play guitar. Praying will help you Find a talent that seems cool and learn everything you can
about it. Find out what it takes and see what you've got. if you never
try, you'll never know. You’re not going to find a talent without
trying. You can only find your natural abilities, skills, and talents
when you test your mettle and actively seek new experiences. Face down
obstacles and seek out challenges to see what innate skills and
abilities you might be hiding.
3. Meditate on what you have and take action.
Learn to go inside yourself, tune into yourself, if you learn to pay
attention and know how to look, you already have all the answers to all
your questions.
4. Follow your obsessions. What are other people tired
of hearing you talk about? What do you have to drag yourself away from?
Use the things you're obsessed with to discover abilities and talents
that might be hiding under the surface.Maybe you have a talent for telling stories, or analyzing narratives.
Maybe you have a talent for appreciating camera angles. Every film
critic gets a start in the exact same way. Channel that obsession into
learning about film history and learning how movies are made.
5. Keep track of little successes.
If you're feeling talentless, maybe it's because you've been missing out
on your own successes. Try to pay close attention to successes, both
little and big, to identify things for which you might have a natural
talent. Think creatively about how these little successes might connect
to more significant talents and abilities.
6. Ignore the television. Shows like Nigerian idol talent auditions,project fame and other Nigerian or African Talent hunt have very narrow definitions of what it means to be talented. If
you’re not an attractive young person with a manufactured sob story and
a loud, showy singing voice, these shows all lead people to believe
they’re untalented. It’s not true. Being talented doesn’t mean being
famous, being attractive, or being some kind of performer. It means
dedication, creative thinking, and attention to detail. It means you
have an insatiable curiosity to develop some innate abilities into
skills. You've just got to find them.
7, Find other talented people.
As iron sharpens iron, so
one talented person sharpens another. If you've got a talent for
something, or even if you just hope to develop talent in some field,
surround yourself with other talented people and model yourself after
their behaviors, practice routines, and attitudes about their talent and you will discover what you carry.
Learn everything you can from talented people.
Written by Owolabi Adedotun
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