As the 20th century dawned,European countries
like Italy and Germany got the hang of it.For centuries on end entities within
these countries had warred,killed and pillaged each other on the basis of
ethnic,religious cum political differences.Italy,like Germany, were territories
of fractuous states and kingdoms until the spirit of Nationalism triumphed.They
came to the realization that although “providence and the accident of time had
brought them together,they have actually been together for so long it made no
sense not to be together” .In Italy;-Naples,Rome,Florence,Milan,Sicily,et al
,men who had hitherto held unto age long beliefs that they were different,their
ethnic and religious differences insurmountable decided that they were afterall
first and foremost “one people”.All other considerations inimical to that
“principle” were subjugated.
It was the same in Germany,where the likes of Prussia and
Bavaria,who had for centuries “held a knife at each others throat”,came to the
realization that they were Germans first and foremost.As mans humanity enhanced
and its civilizations matured,the 20th century saw the progression
of peoples from Europe and other parts of the world conceptualizing that -
peace,progress,prosperity and stability could only be achieved by embracing the
“Spirit of Nationalism”.
Revolutions and conquests though the sword and later the gun
began to go out of fashion.At the dawn of the 21st century the
spoils of prosperity,security, and stability have gone to those who choose
Nationalism over divisionism.
I have no political affiliations other than to the principle
of the “indivisibility of the Nigerian State”.I consider that at this point in
the life of our nation when we can all acknowledge the “ROT” we are in as a
people then “it is time”.It is time Government and the people embrace
Nationalism as the only panacea to National salvation and rejuvenation.It is
time to forge the Nigerian Tribe.I use and employ the word”Tribe”,in the
development,evolutionary and solidarity context.We must create this “New Tribe”
and subjugate all forms of divisionism which represents the “corruption”of the
promise and idea that is Nigeria.In the Presidents words-“if we don’t kill
corruption,corruption will kill Nigeria”.
The President of Nigeria is my President and the Leader of
the Nation.In my reflections about the person of the President,I am minded to believe that he is at his core- A
Nationalist.If past antecedents have led me to this hypothesis then I stand by
it.Obviously he is now a present “phenomenon”,so is creating – “new
antecedents”.There is no doubt that it will be a boost if government,led by him
{partnering with State Governor’s),is in the forefront with its reach and
resources in propagating the Spirit of Nationalism.
We have enough “Good” history already as a “Nation and as a
People” to begin a “revolution of the hearts and minds”.We have enough “Heroes”
both past and present that can be referenced in this “curriculum”.Men and women
“not tainted with corruption,divisionist politics and interests”abound.Nigerians who have
distinguished themselves in their fields of endeavour through hard work and
those who have brought fame to the nation by distinguished performance and
service are our “heroes”.A Nationalist curriculum,taught and mandatory in the
country from nursery school onwards is an emergency.This special class,held
daily and dedicated to Nigerian Nationalism is an imperative.
That education is at the heart of any great and permanent
change is beyond doubt.History has shown us that revolutions using the means of
the sword or the gun have not in themselves guaranteed “permanent change”.The
Nation suffers today because of the “vacuum” left open by not
educating.indoctrination and the use of propaganda{which are variants of
education},have been used by “forces of destruction”,to fill in that “vacuum”.When
there is an “absence of a counter point,what becomes reality to a person is the
point that has been repeated again and again and again and again”.Our solemn
duty to the Nation is to “take back the now and the future” of our dear
land.Policies of government must be geared towards taking responsibility
for,and appropriating all children of school age towards giving them an
education.Leadership in any part of the country where by “omission or commission”the
education of childen have hitherto not be pursued vigorously must certainly now
have a rethink as the alternative is terrorism,militancy,kidnappings e.t.c.
Not to take up this challenge will effectively mean that”we
have given up on our future”.The pervasive “negative”values of our children,our
youths and the general populace does not bode well.Education and re-education
of the general populace through “Nationalist Propaganda” should also be
employed. Leaders and the led,we must all partner together to begin to build a
solid foundation out of the one of quicksand we totter on.
Pari passu to the “education of the hearts and minds”,.government
actions and policies {to win the hearts and minds},must not only be seen but
also felt as people oriented.Its policies and their application must be applied
to one as to all.”Government must belong to everybody and to no-one”.Every
Nigerian, in any part of her commonwealth must come to feel a part of the
Nigerian Enterprise.It is the will of the people that gives”mandate” to government
so it is imperative that Citizens,Nationalists take up the gauntlet and drive
this change.
Whether government takes up the gauntlet or not,we must
individually take up the responsibility to awaken those around us.Whatever station
of life we find ourselves we must be pioneers in “Re-Awakening our
Nationalism”.We owe this duty to ourselves and to those who will follow us.
Let us share our thoughts and reason together.We will not
seek to be literary nor will we seek to pontificate.No big big grammar or
lessons.We will simply together,rumble on.But we will “Roar”.Yes, we will
roar;for those who seek to keep us divided,fractuous and corrupt must hear
us.The prize is for Nigeria to fullfil her prognosis at birth.The prize my
friends is “Greatness”
Written by Victor Ikhatalor
Founder of "The MyTribeNigeria Initiative"
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